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Stuff That Happened This Week! (4/13-4/19) (with some light GOT spoilers... not really. I don't give specifics... but if you want to be totally surprised don't read this.)

1) The MTV movie awards happened- There aren't enough award shows for the 18-25 demographic I guess, so MTV has an award show too. I don't watch them, but from what I gather The Hunger Games won best movie, Channing Tatum showed up late and won something called the trailblazer award and I think on the prompter there was a picture of a dick or something. Zac Effrontery was Travolta-Ed someone pronounced his name wrong. And Conan O'brien hosted. Cool things.

2) The Purple Wedding- I'm not really going to spoil anything here... I mean it's a Game Of Thrones wedding, we should all know how those turn out by now. I haven't watched GOT in a few years I think I might read the first book and then watch the last couple seasons to get back on track with it because there is a death that will delight everyone watching. I want to see that happen.

3) Michael Phelps out of Retirement- I feel like he was jealous of Ryan Lochte and that's why he went into retirement... Now that Ryan Lochte had a failed reality tv show and he doesn't seem like the smartest greatest person, I think Phelps wants back in. Idk. I don't watch The Olympics. If they were more like The Hunger Games and the Triwizard tournament combined, I think I'd like them... But that would be too deadly for NBC I guess so I'm not going to watch them... Yeah.

4) Miley Cyrus gives away her new dog- I wrote a few weeks ago that Miley Cyrus recently gotta new dog right after her dog passed away... And I think I said that that was good for her at the time... But I was thinking that it may have been too soon. My dog Lucky passed away in June and we got Spencer in October... Which I thought might be kind of soon when we were thinking about getting a puppy,but I think it was the right amount of time. All we could do for the few months without a dog was to just talk about dogs and puppies and everything we loved about dogs and what we wee expecting from the new puppy. My mom read a lot of books that were fiction but told from the point of view of a dog... And we knew we were ready. I don't think we would have been ready any sooner and I think that Miley did the right thing and she shouldn't forget her dog, but when the time is right she can get another puppy to love and be her best friend. It's a sad story, but I completely understand why she did it, I don't think she loves either of the dogs any less and she made the right choice.

She was also hospitalized for a severe allergy problem and cancelled some of her tour dates! Lots of Miley news!

5) Google Glass is now available to everyone and is already selling out!- so I still think this is a little too far... But apparently lots of people are buying it and it sold out of the white model I guess! Wow. I personally think really? Do we need to be looking at our technology at all times? It reminds me of that episode of Rugrats All Grown Up where Dill made sunglasses with a view. I feel like it's slightly inconvenient. Idk like I like IPads and people were like "really do we need that much technology" and now they do this... I just hope my dad doesn't buy it. Dad, if you're reading this don't buy google glass. It's too weird.

Side note: did anyone else see the Kid's React to Walkman episode? It made me feel old when the one girl was like "I don't know how you guys lived like this in the 90s!" Lol! It's amazing. I never had a cassette player Walkman... Well actually I may have stolen my sisters. But I remember getting a portable CD player and thinking that was the best thing ever. It was funny because I pretty much only
 listend to it at home too lol.

6) Paul Walker's Brothers to join Fast and Furious movie- I think that they are maybe playing his character? I believe they had finished filming most of the movie before Paul Walker died, and his brothers are filling in for the plot wholes and stuff. I feel like that might be weird if they are actually playing his character, I'm not sure I would want to do that if I were in their shoes. On the other hand I feel like it's a nice tribute to their brother. He would probably be happy that they are taking part in
this series that was such a big part of his life and meant a lot to him. It probably means a lot to the
cast and crew too just to have someone else there to mourn with them. I know they were all really good friends and after doing all of these movies together you can see why. I've never seen any of the movies. I kind of wanted to watch them after listening to the How Did This Get Made episode about it... It's like a soap opera for men and I find that fascinating.

Anyway I guess this will be a nice tribute.

7) Jenny McCarthy and Donnie Wahlberg are engaged- I'm not a fan of the view, but I do love Jenny McCarthy and I'm very happy for her! I think that they are an adorable couple and I think that they will be really happy together!

8) Dominoes announces new breaded-chicken crust Pizza- I don't know guys... This is a bit weird. It seems like every American fast food place has something new and weird out every day. This may be the weirdest of recently. I don't think I'll try it. I live in Jersey and I feel really stupid going to dominoes because there are soooo many better pizza places everywhere it's not even funny. I also really hate stuffed crust pizza. I had it in like 1st grade from my school cafeteria and it was the most disappointing experience of my life. It was just yucky. I haven't tried it from any real place because... I mean no real pizza place serves it and I don't really think dominoes and Pizza Hut count as real pizza places. I'm a huge pizza snob lol. But no.

And I think dominoes pizza is pretty good, but there are sooo many better pizza places it isn't even funny!

9) Orange is the New Black Season 2 trailer released- Guys this looks amazing! Piper sounds super badass, they have a new inmate that has a history with Red and gets along well wit Crazy Eyes, There are some sexy moments between the cute prison guard and the inmate he got pregnant (which is an adorable and kind of sad story)... Maria is the inmate's name. And guys there is just sooo much that looks utterly awesome and amazing. One of the best tv trailers I think I've ever seen... just amazing. I cannot wait! Also Laura Prepon and Tom Cruise are dating... which is weird. I keep thinking she's a lesbian but she isn't. I do kind of think its a cover though and its a little convenient that this went public when the trailer for her new show was released... I just think its a bit odd.

10)Baby News- Idris Elba just welcomed a baby boy into the world and he tweeted an adorable picture of his son grasping his hand for the first time. So moving. Chelsea Clinton has also announced that she's pregnant. Leslie Knope and Ben Wyatt on Parks and Rec are (spoilers) Having TRIPLETS! There are lots of pregnant people in the world. Most of them are women. There is a baby being born right this very second. There are lots of babies in the world. You were one of them once, isn't that something!

Celebrity Birthdays- 
This week: James Franco turned 36 today, Seth Rogen turned 32 on the 15th, Victoria Beckham Turned 40 this week, Tim Curry is now 68, and Kate Hudson is 35 today. Happy Birthday Guys!

(decided to add celebrity birthdays as a little extra cause I like seeing that on the news. I may do other things like that in the future.)


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