Sunday 7.23.17
Sunday was a really good day… it was kind of a lazy day for me… but my dad pretty much finished most of the painting in my room… he ran out of paint before he could totally finish it up… so he’ll finish that up soon… my mom is going to the paint store tomorrow… so hopefully he can finish it up then.
He also made some really fantastic barbecue pork… it was going to be pulled pork… but the pulling process didn’t really work… I kind of prefer the texture of it sliced instead of pulled…. idk. I like pulled pork… but this sliced pork was really delicious and flavorful and good.
We went for Starbucks and Ice Cream too… which was fun. Starbucks sends a lot of bonus stars offers after 2… so even though we go in the morning- we have to go after 2 because then we’ll get bonus stars, which my dad uses in New York because it’s a little more expensive there.
And then the ice cream… nutella ice cream with crushed oreos and marshmallow…it was delicious…but I needed to lay down afterword… so yeah.
That’s pretty much it… doesn’t take much to make me happy… just some starbucks and some ice cream. Lol.
Monday 7.24.17
Today was kind of good and kind of hard… I’m probably going to be vague of anything bad that’s going on because… that’s not really something I like talking about… so we’re going to kind of gloss over it for a bit… I can’t really say “everything is fine” things are different now…so that’s all I can really say I guess?
In other good news, my niece started CRACKING UP at my mom when she was doing a Donald Duck voice… it was really cute. At first she thought it was the dog- but then when she found out it was her grandma it was really cute.
So… that’s about it I think. I ate a bagel and some chicken… I don’t think anything else was really memorable about it… idk. I watched some youtube videos.
Tuesday 7.25.17
Tuesday was a tougher day. I mentioned in my post yesterday that there was a loss in my family. That’s all I really have to say… it was a sad day with some moments of comfort from my family and friends. And honestly… that’s kind of how Wednesday, Thursday and friday were also… I don’t really have much more to say for the rest of the week… so I think I’ll just kind of leave the blog here…
For the most part I just write these blogs the day after they happen… or I’ll catch up a few days later… but really the days kind of all just blurred together this week… so it kind of feels hard for me to go back and think about what else has happened. Just know that if you’re in mourning- it’s okay to have some bad days and some sad days. And it’s okay to have some moments of comfort and happiness.
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