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Scribbles About TV: CBS Fall Schedule 2017- Before and After Football Season

CBS is a bit more of a pain compared to the other networks as far as their Fall Schedule is concerned because they have football on Thursday... so a lot of shows don't debut till November... including my favorite- Life in yeah. Let's get into it! I'll show both... I'll only mention a show the first time it's on the schedule though... so yeah.


Before Football: 

8pm- The Big Bang Theory- I used to like this show... and I'll still watch it in reruns and laugh occasionally... not my favorite show... I don't usually watch this on purpose... so yeah. Not my thing... it's the most popular show though... so it is still a lot of people's things... just not mine.

8:30pm- 9JKL This might be the first show cancelled just because the name is almost impossible to remember. The previews they've been showing on tv are just kind of "was I supposed to laugh at that?" I feel like they're just kidding with this whole show. I'll probably give it a chance because nothing good is on on Mondays... but maybe I'll watch something I missed from the previous week or something... idk. Not loving this lineup.

9:00pm- Kevin Can Wait- My grandmother likes this show... and I don't hate it... I am sort of a fan of Kevin James... I liked The King of Queens... and he's been in a lot of crappy movies... but I feel like he should be more of a star than Adam Sandler... I think he's a little funnier. I did not like his character in Pixels which I think is the only real movie I've seen with him and Sandler in it together... but idk. I feel like he can carry a movie and tv show better than people give him credit for. And I'm a fan of the woman that plays his wife... she was the editor of Boosh on Parks and Rec (I think it was called Boosh... Tom and Donna loved her and she wanted to mass produce Ron Swanson's tables... it was funny.)

9:30 pm- Me, Myself and I- I wish this show was on Thursday because I want to watch this one... I like the cast but because I don't really plan on watching the other shows on Monday I'll probably never watch it.

10pm- Scorpion - Idk if I can find this on Netflix or Amazon... or if it's just on the CBS app... but I almost want to watch this show. I always catch little bits and it's so good... but I can't really tell you what the show is about or what they're trying to do in any episode.

After Football 

8pm Kevin Can Wait 

8:30 9JKL

9:00pm- Me, Myself and I 

9:30pm- Superior Donuts- This show isn't even a little funny... I think the cast is better than the show kind of is... but I have no idea how this got a second season... or why it got picked up as a series... it's bad!

10:00pm- Scorpion 


8pm-NCIS- This show has been on for forever... and for good reason- it's an exciting show to watch... everyone seems to love it a lot. The characters are better than pretty much any other crime show if you ask me. It's just good.

9pm- Bull - This got kind of mixed reviews... I've seen some of it and I like the character Bull. I think the actor is good... didn't move night or time from last year- so that is good.

10pm- NCIS New Orleans- Again... NCIS in New Orleans is almost more exciting. I don't often see this particular show... I usually watch the Sunday NCIS because I have nothing else to watch on Sundays and I like the blonde guy on that show... he was in that movie Fired Up... which I liked a lot. I feel like I want to do a "Was it good" on that show... because it probably wasn't very good... but I liked it. But yeah. This is an NCIS show also.


8pm- Survivor- I've watched a few seasons of this show... I watched the season where Jason Siska was on... I think it was fans versus favorites... Jason Siska is the brother of Adam Siska from The Academy Is... so that's cool. I need to do a Throwback Thursday of The Academy Is soon... cause I still like them! But yeah... not a fan of reality shows... but this one is pretty good.

9pm- Seal Team- Can we talk about how hot David Boreanaz is???? I never really saw it before... but in this... damn. I don't think I'll watch this because I watch the comedies on ABC on Wednesday... but this is going to be good I think. If you're into it... this will be great!

10pm- Criminal Minds- I'm surprised this is still on... after all the casting changes last season... I didn't think it would last much longer... luckily it did because it ias a pretty good show... and I don't watch it all the time... but if I see commercials for it that catch my eye I'll try watching. It's scary though!


Thursday Night Football- My dad's favorite show. Lol.

After Football  

8pm-The Big Bang Theory

8:30pm- Young Sheldon- This show actually looks really good! And I would probably watch this night's whole lineup if NBC's lineup weren't more exciting to me.... I'll definitely DVR this and probably the other shows too... because Life in Pieces is my favorite but I like This is Us a little more and I would prefer to watch This is Us live... ugh so hard. But yeah- I'm excited for this one! It looks really cute and funny... I think it'll be really great!

9:00pm- Mom- I like this show a lot too... I'm excited that I think this is it's 5th season... once it reaches 100 episodes I'm sure they'll put it on in syndication... and I missed a lot of episodes so that's exciting to me. Didn't love this show in the beginning- but I've really grown to love it. It does a great job of balancing serious with funny. I love it!

9:30pm- Life in Pieces- This is probably my favorite show right now... and if you go back I gave this SUCH a negative review when it first came out... and now it's definitely a favorite of mine. I would definitely recommend watching it! It's so underrated and just hilarious. I'll never get tired of it.

10pm- S.W.A.T- Seems like CBS has this action show theme going for it this year... makes sense but idk. I don't think this will compete with How To Get Away With Murder.


8pm- MacGyver- I should start watching this show... mostly because I think the guy that plays MacGyver is really hot... I don't think the show interests me at all... but maybe I'll give it a chance this year!

9pm-Hawaii Five O- I see this show in re-runs from time to time... and I really like it... but there has been some behind the scenes drama with a lot of the actors being treated misfairly and not getting paid as much as they should. Specifically the Asian cast members felt discriminated against... I don't know how accurate this info is... but I do believe several characters are leaving... so that can't be good for the show. Nothing happened to Criminal Minds from that... but this show is already a Friday show... Friday shows are just more likely to get canned.

10pm- Blue Bloods- I've seen this show too... I think I like the earlier episodes more than the newer ones. It's just meh.


8pm Crimetime Saturday- I think this just means they're re-airing episodes of their other crime shows.

9pm Crimetime Saturday 

10pm 48 hours- This is an addictive show... it's definitely my favorite of this sort of genre too... idk it's just really exciting and they talk about very interesting cases.


7pm 60 minutes- I usually watch America's Funniest Home Videos... lol. But this is probably more educational and probably better... just not my thing.

8pm Wisdom of The Crowd- This show looks awful... and I'm not much of a Jeremy Piven fan... so I'm passing. I think this will be one of the early shows cancelled.

9pm NCIS LA- Again... this is my favorite of the NCIS series... I just like the blonde guy and the woman that I think Edna Mode was based off of... it's a good show.

10pm Madam Secretary- I'm not a fan of this show... just whenever I see it the most pressing issue is "who ate the last donut." So... not my thing. I love Bebe Neworth though... I wish she was the secretary... but whatever. Not a terrible show... but mostly if you like Breakfast food.



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