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Room Progress: Getting stuff done!

Okay if you read my last "personal" sort of blog Let's Just Take Everything I Own and Put it Over There, then you'll know I was a little bit stressed out because I was literally taking everything I own and putting it in my sister's room... which I was also sleeping with.

I'm pleased to announce... I'm almost finished! Once I sort of figured everything out and got over that slump... things got a lot easier. I'm picking everything up... I'm getting rid of things, I'm donating things... I am picking things up and moving them... I'm trying not to be sentimental... but I also kind of know I have some autographs of different bands so I want to be careful of not throwing too much out... but yeah. I'm kind of being as merciless as I can be.

And... I'm not very merciless to be honest. I just kind of got rid of a bunch of cd cover art... a lot of cards and the packaging of the Nintendo DS games... ohhhh boy. Lol. I think I still have my Nintendo DS somewhere... I'm keeping it because you never really know what's going to come back when. I think mine is pretty much broken, the original Nintendo DS's weren't really made all that well... it was at the beginning of touch screens so I feel like there were tons of issues with it. And I have all the games... but the frickin cases for the games were ridiculous. The games themselves are tiny little chips. A lot smaller than the game boy and game boy advanced games... but the packaging was incredibly bulky and terrible and it drives me insane... so I'm getting rid of those. I don't think mine will ever be worth any money... nothing ever really is... and Konmari method... the games might bring me joy some time... you never know... but the boxes are never going to bring me joy... so those are going.

If I stumble across the system or the games... I might let you know... but idk. We'll see.

And like I said, I do have a lot of autographs that I don't want to get rid of any of those... I found Clinton Kelly's autograph. I have an autograph from Will Ferrel's brother who was in the play You're Welcome America... which was awesome. I found my playbill from Avenue Q... which is great. I haven't found my playbill for In The Heights yet... which is bothering me because I'm not sure if I saw Lin Manuel Miranda in it or not. I'm pretty sure it was him- he looked and sounded like Lin... but I'm not sure the timing makes sense... so I want to find my playbill to make sure... haven't found it yet though.

I have an autograph from the band Family Force 5... I'm sure of it... I have no idea where it is! I found my Family Force 5 Cd art... it wasn't in there. I don't remember what they autographed... but pretty much the first time I'd ever heard of Family Force 5 was at Bamboozle and I went to meet them right after because they were so much fun. And they were fun in their meet and greet too! I'm not sure if they are still a band anymore or not... but they were great. And if you listen to their first cd... I think its called Cadillac Phunque or something like that... Love Addict is a famous song from it. Earthquake, Country Gentleman is a personal favorite... Great album. Really fun band. I hope I find whatever they autographed... it might have been the CD themselves.

And that's something else I'm pretty excited for: Finding things that I lost. So far, I found my favorite mascara that I couldn't find for the longest time (funny thing is... I have no idea where I found it either. It just kind of showed up with some other stuff in my sister's room... no clue where it was hiding!) I found my house keys... I have another pair... but this is an older pair I thought I lost. I found a couple of Postcards from Lucerne Switzerland... which is one of the most beautiful places in the world and definitely one of my favorites. There's a really pretty and kind of famous bridge with a lion statue/ rock sculpture type of thing nearby... the bridge is beautiful and the lion is super impressive in person. Very cool European sort of thing.

What I'm really looking for is a pocket knife that I used to carry when I was a freshman in College. It was a Leatherman. It had a good pair of scissors, it had a pair of tweezers even... and it was just a really nice multi tool. If I can't find it I think I'm buying another one. I have a multi tool... but the Leatherman was really the best. I really love it and recommend it. I like the one I have now because it has a bottle opener and a Corkscrew in it... and that's what broke my second Leatherman... but the first one is one I definitely want to find and keep with me. I'm a fan of multi tools.

Ohhh and also while I said I was getting rid of old cards... I never get rid of cards really, I like to keep them forever... but it does kind of take up a lot of space... so I'm not getting rid of every card... but I'm getting rid of quite a few. I'm trying to keep the one from every person that is important in my life... just because you never really know things that happen in life... and I like having a little sample of something someone took the time to write out, and to handwrite especially. My parents are amazing and give me cards for a lot of different holidays... and I'm really thankful for that, so I'm keeping a few different ones. My grandfather has very nice handwriting and I want to keep that. I especially like seeing different people's handwriting. It's interesting to me and I think it's kind of important to keep that. So I have at least 1 from everyone. I might get a shadowbox to keep them in or something like that... just so it doesn't take up a lot of space... but I can still see them and go through them. It's a nice thing to keep.

I think that is everything that I can think of in the "getting stuff done" type of thing... by the time of my next update it will definitely all be cleared and it might even have some progress as to the floor, paint and furniture... so that is really exciting!



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