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WERE THEY GOOD???? Listening to bands that suck now to find out if they were ever good: Train

I've been thinking this for quite a while... Train is a band I really liked as a kid. I thought they were really a great band and I would get excited to hear them on the radio. Recently... they've had some less than great songs... so I thought I would listen to some of their older songs and figure out if they were ever good. Also I'll let you know the album name, the year it came out in and whether or not it is available on Apple Music... that's how I listen to music- it just works the best for me and it's easy.

Song #1: Drops of Jupiter from the album Drops of Jupiter: 2001 (available on Apple Music) 
Backround- I remember hearing this as a kid... I think my friend called it "the fried chicken song" and she said it was really good. And I loved it when I first heard it... I thought it was the most beautiful song ever... I think a few of my friends had even wanted it as a wedding song. It was nice hearing it at a fair or something as a kid because you could see all the stars and everything. It's just such a nice song that I feel like will bring some nostalgia... so I'll listen to it now and report back...

After Listening... I feel like I was a little quick to judge by calling them a "band that sucks now." I probably won't feel that way after I hear Play That Song... which I absolutely hate... but nonetheless I have a feeling they aren't bad. This song kind of didn't make sense looking at the lyrics... but you get the gist of it. He's with this girl who then goes away and comes back to this small town all sophisticated... it's like the movie Sweet Home Alabama pretty much. And it was cute how he would talk about space and then shift to like a small town vibe of soy lattes and fried chicken. That's something Train does in their songs currently as well I believe and it's something pretty cool to have in songs. You could tell it was heartfelt and meaningful... and I like that.

I also remember them saying people came up to them and said "Ohhh I liked your song when I first heard it... but now I hear it all the time on the radio." So... that could explain a change in the way they sound.

Song #2: Meet Virginia from the album Train 1998 available on Apple Music 

Backround: Not as much nostalgia with this song as the other... although it is an older song... the first time I remember hearing it was on an XM radio that we used to have in my moms car... it sounded familiar to me then... so I'm sure I had heard it before... I just didn't remember it or didn't know it was train. I really liked it then... we could record the songs that played on the radio and play them whenever we wanted... it was basically like Tivo but with a radio... it was cool. And I didn't hear it a whole lot on the radio- so I was excited that I recorded it to hear whenever I wanted to. I believe I recorded it around the same time as the song "Again" by Lenny Kravitz... and I had the same experience with that song... but that was a little funnier because the song was about if he'd ever see someone again... and I wondered if I'd ever hear the song again... I know. I'm a jerk... let's get into the song.

After Listening... Kind of a cute song... but I feel like it isn't a good song. I don't really love his singing... the band is like half country, half rock... doesn't quite work... idk. This one just isn't working as well for me... now onto some newer songs...

Song #3 Hey Soul Sister from 2009's Save Me, San Francisco (available on apple music) 
I just went right into listening to this... interestingly enough, the first 2 songs were listed as "rock" this one is listed as Pop... and honestly... I love this song. It was popular when I was in High School... and everyone knew Train was going downhill by that time... but to me this song kind of makes everything from all their songs tied together. It has a story to it... you can tell it's very meaningful, it's kind of sexy but romantic.

Right now I'm actually listening to Shape of You by Ed Sheeran because it reminded me of that... it isn't nearly as sexy as Ed Sheeran's song... now I'll compare it to Nick Jonas because Nick Jonas is sexier still... and that would just be fun.... yeah no. No comparison between either of these and Close by Nick Jonas... but it's kind of funny to listen to the three songs in a row.... fun fact: on a facebook group someone posted a "use gifs to show your celebrity crush... but keep it PG..." There were no good PG rated gifs of Nick Jonas... lol. I mean there were but he looks a lil young in them.

Maybe I'm not as against the new Jumanji as I thought... okay back to Train.

Mary Me- same album as Hey Soul Sister 

Just jumped right in with this one too... again... it's sweet. I feel like there's a little bit less of a story here... but it's so sweet and these songs seem very personal and real. This is a little bit repetive though... I'm not going to listen to this full song but it's another good one. I'm definitely leaning towards Train is good... but now we're getting to the bad songs... so we shall see.

Mermaid from California 37 year 2012 (yep apple music!) 
I knew before listening to this one... this was when I would start to turn a little bit... this is a super catchy song... but it doesn't have as much of a personal story as the others... it seems like this was written for Maroon 5 and then Train just got it instead. They mention Johnny Depp by name... which surprisingly isn't super dated yet... but it's not great for the song... it's just too silly. Doesn't fit with the other songs mentioned on here.

50 Ways to Say Goodbye (same album... apple music) 
I actually liked this one because I like the mariachi type of song... and I like that. It's really funny all in all too... it just makes me giggle. It's a little too silly like the Mermaid... I guess this kind of has a theme to this album.

I thought this said "ways to say goodbye" in the chorus... not that he's just coming up with ways his girlfriend died so he doesn't have to say she left him... what a loser lol. It reminds me of the song "Carol Brown" from Flight of The Conchords... so this is just a weird one.

Also something I noticed... I don't think it's just Train that's writing these later songs. Pat Monahan and some other names were all in the first few songs as "written by" and I just figured okay that's Train... some different names are in the newer songs... so that might be why they're bad.

They have an album from 2014... I don't even know the songs... I am going to listen to Drive By before I listen to my least favorite song of all which is on their new album. Drive By is on the 2012 album with the other 2 songs... but for whatever reason... not available on Apple Music... so hopefully I can find it on youtube and suffer through a little for you guys... lol. I really don't like drive by... but I'll get into that story... now.

Drive By (same album... not on Apple Music) 

Backround: This song was on a car commercial that aired quite often around when I was eating dinner after work. It was also on the soundtrack at the store I worked at... plus they would play it on the radio while I was going home from work... so this was just overplayed and under-good... so this one is probably my second least favorite song...

Here  is the video... I liked it- kind of helped me like the song a little better... it's weird though. It's about a one night stand from the sounds of it... but it sounds like a Car Commercial song and not a sexy song... so yeah.

Play That Song from  A Girl A Bottle A Boat (2017 Apple Music) 
The name of this album is bad... It reminds me of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and why I'd wait to know a guy before going on a boat... lol.

Backround: Why do I hate this song so much... they use the same music as "Heart and Soul" from the Quaker Oatmeal Commercial for this song... Heart and Soul is in the public domain... so they didn't have to be original or pay for this music... and that's kind of cheating... This isn't the first time it's been done... just the one I've heard most on the radio.

After listening- This seems so impersonal also... whereas in the first couple songs I mentioned all had cute personal details that you can tell are really meaningful and sweet... this is just a catchy song about hooking up at a club to the tune of an Oatmeal Commercial... and it just isn't sexy... it doesn't really fit with Train's whole thing... it just sucks... it is by far one of the worst songs ever and goes against a lot of why I say they are a good band.

Drink Up... same album also on Apple Music 
This one I heard recently on the radio and I actually didn't hate it. If I hear the Play That song... I'll change the station... of corse they just changed one of  the stations I'd change it too so that kind of isn't an option anymore... but still. Not something I'd listen to

This one also doesn't feel like Train... but it doesn't totally stand out as far as the other songs go. If you were to tell me back when I first heard Drops of Jupiter that the same band years later would have this song out... I'd think you were crazy... but it isn't bad.

It sounds like a trendy song from a computer commercial. I kind of like it. If it wasn't Train I would say it's I'm still going to say it's good.

And that brings me to the real question here...

WERE THEY GOOD? ARE THEY STILL GOOD? Yes, I think they were genuinely good. The early songs are very well written and are cute, romantic and quirky... and that even stayed true till Hey Soul Sister in 2009... so that is impressive. Although I think they've kind of lost their mojo in trying to appeal to new audiences... I don't necessarily think they are even bad now. There's no excuse for Play That Song... there are no redeemable qualities for that... it's just a terrible, horrible song.... but even the crappier songs of these are not bad.

And clearly people are still happy with Train because they play ALL of these songs on my local radio station enough to show that they're still relevant... Drops of Jupiter I still hear all the time... and it's not going anywhere. To be fair... sometimes the radio also plays the song Breakfast at Tiffany's... but I'm still going to say Train is okay.

At the same time though... I feel like fans have probably been let down by them. I can't imagine someone that loved Hey Virginia when that came out or saw them live at their peek would still want to see them live today... but they aren't bad.

I'm kind of happy about this... I'll try to do some more of these... The Killers is a band I want to examine... I kind of want to watch some movies I loved that I know are bad movies or some good movies that I don't like... Expect more of these in the near future!



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