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Stuff that happened this week (4/7-4/13)

1) Mickey Rooney dies at 93- This is sad. I didn't know his movies or anything all that well... but he's done some cameo appearances in the past few years that have made me laugh a lot! When the original Night at the Museum movie came out there was a line in the trailer that he said to Ben Stiller "He looks like a weirdy" and it just made me laugh a ridiculous amount. There are a few moments in movies that have really made me laugh... mostly from movies I saw in high school oddly enough. It was just a funny delivery and a funny line. He was filming 2 other movies according to IMDB, Night at the Museum 3 and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.  Both movies I'll probably see.

2) Nursing Home Strippers- This is one of my favorite news stories that has ever happened. Apparently there is a lawsuit against a nursing home because they hired strippers to come in and entertain the elderly people in the nursing home. Nothing bad happened... the one woman one the news that I want to be when I grow up said "It was a fun night" in a hilarious old lady voice. I think the family is suing the nursing home just to get money and nothing else. I say go for it! As long as they don't upset anyone's heart conditions or steal anything, all nursing homes should have strippers. There could even be a charity for it or something... I just think this is a hilarious story and probably one of the best ever.

3) Stephen Colbert to replace David Letterman- This news excites me and scares me. First off, I'm a hugeee fan of Stephen Colbert and I love The Colbert Report, I think he'll be amazing on the show and I couldn't be happier for him. But at the same time I love the Colbert Report, I love his satire and I really think I'm going to miss that. I know Comedy Central can't get away with a whole lot of stuff... but there will definitely be a difference from Comedy Central to CBS. Guess we won't have any more Black History Month Cartoons...

I'm curious to see what Comedy Central will do with that spot... Idk who or what I'd even want to see. I was thinking Amy Schumer, but idk if I'd watch her every day of the week. I think that Rhetta would be a really good late night talk show host and I'd watch her in pretty much anything. I'm only thinking of women because I think there should be more women in Late Night.

4) Bryan Cranston helps a Breaking Bad fan ask a girl to the Prom- Bryan Cranston is the fucking man. Apparently this kid named Stefen saw Bryan after seeing LBJ and he asked if he would do a Walter White impression and say "Maddie, if you don't go to the prom with Stefen, you're best course of action would be to tread lightly." Best. Promposal. Ever. I would LOVE it if Bryan Cranston threatened me into going to the prom with someone. In fact, I wish I had him to threaten boys to go to the prom with me! Lol jk, I just asked via facebook chat... which is uncreative, unromantic but not a bad way to ask if you're not trying to be romantic with someone. Anyway I thought this was super cool and really funny. Bryan Cranston is amazing, and I like that he likes being recognized as Walter White.

5) Kirsten Dunst said something offensive and now the internet hates her- Kirsten Dunst recently told Harper's Bazaar UK that she thinks "A woman should be a woman and a man should be a man in relationships" or something along those lines and feminists are very upset. She also said that she feels that the feminine has become undervalued, saying that there is something to cooking and raising a family and being nurturing. I don't really like Kirsten Dunst... and I don't think what she said sounded like a smart comment to say... but I actually understand what she means. Not about men should be men and women should be women... I don't think she meant to criticize non-traditional gender roles... but I can see how she kind of did there. What I do think is that it is quite a strong feminist statement that the "traditional woman" wife and mother is actually a hard thing to do that should be appreciated and valued. If a man took on a woman's role... feminists would probably think its the best thing ever. And I consider myself to be a feminist also so I think this should be a good thing. My mom didn't work while she was raising me and my sister, until I was in high school, but I still value everything that she did and think that she's a strong and powerful woman for being a wife and mother... and there's nothing wrong with that.

Not totally defending Kirsten Dunst here... but I don't think she meant it to be offensive and I don't think that half of what she's saying is a bad thing at all. I also don't think that we should take a celebrities views on femininity or masculinity to heart at all really.

Although I guess the offensive part was that she claimed "that's how relationships work" which does sound pretty bad. Again there's nothing wrong with traditional or untraditional gender roles and we shouldn't listen to what Kirsten Dunst has to say about it. She's the girl that played Mary Jane in Spiderman, not exactly Foucalt.

6)Amanda Bynes Says She Doesn't Have a Mental Illness... she just did a lot of drugs- This is slightly upsetting... I mean still a drug problem is an illness in itself, but its sad to think about. I really like Amanda Bynes, I think that she's really funny and its always sad when young people or celebrities that you've seen have to struggle with addiction. My heart goes out to them because I mean its not an easy thing to fight and people really criticize them for it. I'm glad she seems to be getting back on track and I'd be happy to see her as her real self.

7) Tosh.0 production assistant killed by police- This is a sad story. I just recently started to kind of watch Tosh.0 and kind of like it, but this is very sad. I think the article I read said that he was 30 years old and the police believed him to be someone responsible for stabbings in the area and wrongfully shot and killed him. I believe it was a neighbor of his that was actually the one that they were looking for. It's just very sad that a mistake like that cost an innocent man with a bright future his life.

8) Snow White and Prince Charming are married IRL- Cutest story ever! Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Dallas who play Snow White and Prince Charming on ABC's Once Upon a Time are now MARRIED!!! The two got engaged late in 2013 and Ginnifer is also pregnant so they will have a baby soon too!!!!! So excite! Once is one of my favorite shows... even though I'm super behind on watching it and I wish them all of the happiness in the world. Much love to the most adorable people. They have great chemistry on the show and I am soo happy for them <3.

9) The Waffle Taco is a thing now- Yep. Waffle Tacos at Taco Bell. I think it looks disgusting... but that's mostly because its Taco Bell. I grew up hearing horror stories about Taco Bell... that could have been true or false... who knows really. But anyway yeah it is a thing that you can eat. I probably won't. I don't think its a bad concept, if McDonalds or Dunkin had it, I would go for it... but otherwise no thanks.

10) Kate Mulgrew was tricked into making a documentary that made her sound stupid- Apparently Kate Mulgrew from Star Trek and Orange Is The New Black narrated a documentary that said that the sun revolves around the earth. In case you don't know science, the Earth revolves around the sun... that and some things from Breaking Bad are pretty much all I can tell you about science. Anyhoo Red says that she knows otherwise and that the documentary was stupid. I really wonder what type of documentary this is... Did Stephanie Meyer or Tyler Perry write it or something? Seems like something that would be in one of their movies (I'm going to be posting mini movie reviews soon and there was a huge mistake in Temptation that I will be mentioning... as if that movie wasn't ridiculous and terrible enough.)

So that is it. I went a little out of order because I just kind of noted what happened during the week and then posted instead of posting the events as they happen like I normally do... in some ways thats easier and in some ways its wayy harder... but whatevs. I hope you enjoy!



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