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Pet peeves

I realized recently I have a lot of pet peeves and I don't think I've ever blogged about them... So here are a few of them.

When a parent gives a kid a first name and a middle name, but they only call them by the middle name... Why the hell does that happen? Middle names exist for the sole purpose of not being your name. It's like naming your kid after someone but you didn't really want to name them that, so you give them a middle name. Don't give them a first name just so you can call them by their middle names. If a kid chooses to be called by their middle name that's fine but I totally don't see the point of it.

Too much ketchup bugs me too. I don't think I could possibly be pickier with my ketchup. I like ketchup but I like it in small amounts on my burgers and on the side of my fries, but not all over the fries. If you want me not to steal your fries pour ketchup all over them. It's freaking disgusting and really messy and gross.

I also recently haven't been liking when celebrities get divorced and then talk about their divorces. They usually end up sounding really stupid. Gweneth Paltrow sounded ridiculous when she said she was "consciously uncoupling" from her husband and everyone made fun of her because it's stupid. Idina Menzel aka Adele Dazeem was on the show Sunday Morning yesterday talking about her divorce from Taye Diggs and she said "yeah, you know we had been together for 18 years." Really? That's why you got divorced? You can only be with someone for 18 years? My dad asked my mom out on their first date 41 years ago TODAY! 18 years is no excuse to get a divorce.

Although I also think it's a little unfair to ask. It's not something you really want to discuss with everyone and I do like Adele Dazeem and Taye Diggs, I just don't think that's a good answer.

It offends me a lot personally when someone says something bad about Lady Gaga. I don't know why I take it so personally, but I do. I understand. the "Leave Brittney alone " things now that Lady Gaga is in my life. I've never heard anyone say anything bad about Tina Fey in real life, but judging how I reacted to Taylor Swift dissing her... I would not be happy at all!

This isn't really a pet peeve, but I feel like this is a good time to mention that I don't like Brittney. Spears.

Backhanded Compliments. If I ever hear someone giving me a backhanded compliment again... That will be the last thing I hear from them. Meaning I won't talk to them ever again, I won't kill them or anything. It's super rude, there is a right and a wrong way to compliment someone and if you do it the wrong way I feel like I'm strong enough to let a person know. Although more importantly- and slightly off topic- I should appreciate when someone gives me a good compliment from now on. I never really know how to act to good compliments, ironically.

Bad grammar to some extent. I understand not giving a shit about the grammar in your Facebook status, but if you're making a status about how sad you are or if you are trying to raise awareness about a cause of some sort... You should care enough to double check.

I hate when people on YouTube point out that I made a grammar mistake though. Sometimes I want
to comment on a Joey Graceffa video and not have to think about which you're I'm using. I don't like when a bunch of 12 year olds say "ohhh my god your so stupid it's you're not your." First off... Notice the mistake in that quote. I don't think I've ever had that happen to me, but I bet it's happened. Secondly, I'm a senior in college majoring in English. I could analyze every single play Shakespeare has ever written right here in the comment section and do it perfectly. I can quote from Chaucer in the original Middle English language right here and tell you exactly what it means. Until you can do that, don't correct my grammar. I know I'm smarter than you I don't need to prove it in the comments section,thanks.

I'm also super weird on the phone. Even with people I feel 100 percent comfortable with in real life and people that I talk to all the time in real life. I'm just super awkward on the phone! My ear gets all sweaty and I feel like I can't do anything else in my life so I just have to sit there and try to think of words. My ear gets sweaty and I just get really nervous. It's bad.

People who complain about everything all the time... What the hell! Just enjoy life for like a second! Not everything is terrible and sometimes it's just too much! I really don't like hanging out with people who complain about every damn thing. Just live! Lol.

I realize I'm complaining here so it's a little contradictory... But I don't complain all the time about everything.

And my recent biggest pet peeve is probably watered down soap... Ugh it's just so icky! Soap isn't that expensive and they sell it like everywhere! It's just sooo soo nasty when you pump it and then it's just so gross and it can't be sanitary and it doesn't make more soap it just makes the remaining bit of soap watery. Not gonna lie my suite mates do this and it's like "why? We have a gigantic refill container of soap! There is plenty we don't need to water it down! Ick!

So that is it... Let me know what bothers you!



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