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Shannon Reviews: HIMYM Finale! SPOILERS!

Alrighty I was not happy with this finale. It was too predictable, at first I felt like the writers just chose an ending that would gain more buzz and probably make more fans happy. It's not what I would have done, it's not the best ending in the world, but there were things I liked about it, probably more that I liked than that I didn't like... But overall I thought it was very disappointing.

How I wanted the show to end- Ted& the mother, Lilly & Marshall, and Robin & Barney all sitting together as they've grown older playing Bridge on the front porch of a nursing home.

How it REALLY ended- Ted tells his kids that he's telling them how they met their mother because he loved her every second, even when she was sick and now that she had died. The kids respond that it isn't really the story of how he met the mother at all, but the story of how he fell in love with Aunt Robin. They say that they're totally flirty when she visits, they love her and that he should ask her out. Instead of asking her out, he shows up at her door with the blue French horn.

Also Barney and Robin got divorced after 3 years, and Barney had a "perfect month" and got a girl pregnant and became a great dad that told girls to go home and put some clothes on instead of doing shots in the middle of the day.

I didn't want Ted and Robin to end up together, I thought Robin and Barney made wayyyy more sense as a couple and I totally shipped them together. I said that if the show had ended with the mother (Tracey) dying and Ted and Robin ending up together I would be really mad and I'd totally hate the show for the rest of my life. And while I didn't love the ending, I would have preferred Ted and Tracey together and I thought she was kind of tossed aside... I didn't totally hate the end.

I thought that that was the safest and most predictable ending and it was probably a lazy choice of the writers to do that... But ending comedies is hard guys. Yesterday I watched the finale of Breaking Bad
 and I thought it was absolutely perfect... But because it was such a tragic ending, I don't think it was
quite as hard to write. Everything that had to happen happened, all the bad guys got what they deserved, all loose ends were tied up and Badger and Skinny Pete made an appearance. There was nothing that tricky to deal with. With a comedy that's been on for 9 years it's probably much harder. There are sooo many absolutely great finales for dramas, but there aren't many for comedies and that's probably because their harder to end. (This list is what made me think of that point. And that I just watched the finale of Breaking Bad yesterday and it's hard not to compare, even though they aren't really anything to be compared.)

Soooo I guess the show could have ended a lot worse. It would have been bad if Robin had just ended up alone, or if Barney was still just chasing girls around. Everyone had a good happy ending. Lilly and Marshall ended up together with their kids, Barney ended up with the love of his life, his daughter Ellie and Ted and the mother ended up being very happily married and they did become an old married couple, although they weren't married that long in their life, and Robin ended up with Ted who she had always said she should end up with. If the show had Robin all alone with her dogs and
no one else, I would have been sad.

And if you think back to the "How your mother met me" episode, the episode has much more meaning to it. Tracey's boyfriend that she loved died on her 21st birthday. That eventually led her to Ted, which as an audience, we were okay with. We are happy that she had such a beautiful love with Ted and that didn't dampen her original love. Teds love for Robin after the mother is gone shouldn't lessen his love for Tracey. The story isn't about having just one love, it's about love in general being a beautiful thing.

And I love that Penny says that the story isn't about how he met their mother isn't really what the story is about. She knew that Ted was telling his love story with Aunt Robin... Sounds like Penny is also a little bit of a detective if you ask me. Lol.

And it's just kind of funny that Ted fell in love with two totally different women. Robin was almost
the exact opposite of him and Tracey was exactly like him. That has some real meaning to it! I don't know I just kind of like that part.

I like that there was no real separation between the group. It was sad that Robin didn't hang out with everyone else, but she seemed to have a big house and a bunch of dogs and she did wind up with love. She still had her friends and her love, and she did get to travel the world. I don't know it was ultimately a happy end for everyone.

When it comes down to it though, this isn't a finale people will be talking about for years to come. This isn't strong enough to withstand the test of time. Right now people are all abuzz and angry about it, but when if I stumble across it in syndication in about 10 years I'll just be like "ohhh yeah this is how that show ended." It's not like Ross and Rachel ending up together, it isn't anything to bad, but it also won't be super memorable or anything.

So it wasn't the worst finale ever, and I didn't totally hate how it ended, but meh. I don't think they needed to kill the mom.

Yeah what did you guys think? Like, dislike, indifferent? Let me know!



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