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Shannon Reviews movie trailers

Sooo I was going to post something else today.... But there have been a lot of trailers I've wanted to see... So I will see them now!

Let's do this!

1) Let's Be Cops- Excited for this one. I love Jake Johnson and Damon Wayans Jr, so this should be good. I'm watching the red band trailer.

Okay this isn't what I thought at all. I thought they were actually cops but apparently they were just going to a party that they thought was a costume party so they went as cops. Then people started thinking that they were cops and they started impersonating cops... It doesn't seem like a great concept for a movie. It'll probably be super funny but there is stuff that just isn't there.

Idk if I really want to see this or not. I think it could be funny but it didn't look all that funny. It comes out in August which seems like a red flag... I'll definitely watch this on demand unless it gets really terrible reviews, but I might pass.

2) Sex Tape- This didn't look bad either, but it's hard to tell. I saw the trailer on how I met your mother... But it really wasn't a trailer at all. The movie is called sex tape... Idk why they were previewing it on an 8 o'clock show... Especially a series finale of a show. So it was like a trailer telling you to watch the red band trailer. Idk I'm watching the red band trailer now so let's see.

I actually want to see this. It's about a married couple that makes a sex tape and accidentally uploads it to all of their friends that they gave iPads too. I think it's slightly unbelievable that that would actually happen that way and that these people gave away iPads like fruit cakes... But it still looks pretty good. They don't have to tackle the whole world, they just have to try to get the iPads back. It looks funny.

3) Lucy- This is the Scarlett Johansen movie everyone is buzzing about. I'm guessing you either see boobs or bad-assery in this... Let's see. Idk what it's about at all.

Okay so I still don't know what this movie is really about. I guess some people put drugs inside of this girl that turn her into a badass. She's able to think with all of her brain, but is losing touch with what it's like to be human because she can see things no one else can.

I'm not a big sci if fan. I think it looks cool but I'm probably not going to see it in theaters. I may try to watch it at home, but I don't think it's for me.

4) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles- This is just a tester trailer... But I know I'm not going to see this. The only thing redeemable about it is that I believe Will Arnett is in it somewhere. Maybe if how did this get made does an episode on this I'll see it... But it looks pretty damn horrible. It's too serious. Sure the comic started out very dark, but people like it because it's silly. It's going to ruin my childhood memories of the original... So I won't see it.

5) Girl Meets World- I wasn't excited about this but now I kind of am. The trailer was just released and I haven't seen it, but I already feel some nostalgia. I think it'll be super cute and I'm happy the original cast is doing it too!
Lol I'm watching a joke trailer right now. It's not super funny. Let's find the real one...

It looks like they're robots trying to teach this girl how to live... Ummm not loving it. I'm sure the show itself would be good but the trailer is horrible. They look like they're speaking off of cue cards, nothing that they are saying makes any sense and the delivery isn't good at all. Yeah I'll probably pass on this one after all. Damn I was all excited for a minute too. This is disappointing.

So on that note, I'm going to end this... Nothing hugely amazing. A lot of stupid movies get made... A whole lot! Yeah...



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