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Stuff that Happened this Week (4/20-4/26)

1) Tila Tequila is a Baby Mama- Former Famous Person Tila Tequila from the MTV bisexual reality show "A Shot At Love With Tila Tequila" announced that she is pregnant and started a new mommy twitter account. She hasn't been in the news a lot recently because she was laying low from a lot of things... I think she was engaged to some girl that died, she said something really offensive about sympathizing with Hitler (also why are we listening to someone named Tila Tequila about history?) and she went to rehab as well (why do we let people named Tila Tequila into rehab? Why do we let Tila Tequila exist?) Anyway, I'm sure once the baby is born we'll all go "ohhh yeah that's that girl from that show" and then go back on with our lives until the next time she is briefly mentioned in news...

I know she's been through a lot and I probably shouldn't make fun of her... but its hard to take someone named Tila Tequila seriously. Also her last name is Tequila... what the hell is she going to name the baby? Jose Cuerpo?

2) Clippers Owner Donald Sterling's racist rant- This is a weird story, and unfortunately because the news likes to talk more about George Clooney's engagement than this, there isn't a whole lot of info about it. Apparently it was a rant against Magic Johnson because his girlfriend took pictures with him and posted it to instagram. He didn't want her to be seen with "black people" he said or something racist like that. He wasn't exactly being Mel Gibson, but the fact that he's an owner of a Basketball Team just makes it more disturbing. It's also just kind of weird that this should happen as his wife is suing his girlfriend for reason that the news kind of skipped over.

Yes, he should be fired or resign, this should clearly be looked into further rather than just George Clooney's news.And I'm guessing he won't win that lifetime acheivement award now. Too bad! So so sad.

3) George Clooney is engaged to girlfriend Amal Alamuddin- As if you had a chance anyway???? Lol. Seriously I hate that the news is like "George Clooney is now taken off the market" like he was really going to slum it and date some average girl anyway. Amal is a lawyer and humanitarian and the news was like "what a perfect match! she's a lawyer and humanitarian, he's an actor and humanitarian!" Really? You just need one thing in common for a perfect match. Perfect! James Franco is an Actor and an English Major, I'm a (former) Cashier and and English Major... same thing right?I'm already tired of hearing about this story NEXT!

4) ET Atari games found- These were mythical, but they were uncovered and now they are believed to be real. I'm not a huge ET fan.

5) Stephen Speilberg to direct Rahld Dahl's BFG- This is exciting. I like Rahld Dahl. I loved Matilda. Not sure if I want Speilberg to direct this thing (see above) but I don't dislike Speilberg. I think I remember reading BFG and I liked it, but I don't remember it all that well. I liked Fantastic Mr. Fox... which I never saw because I was a bit old when it came out and I love Wes Anderson, but the animation creeped me out a bit.

More stuff happened this week too, like a Gem and the Holograms movie that sounds exciting... but I'm super super tired. I'm feeling sick... so this is an abbreviated version of stuff that happened this week. Tomorrow I think I'll have a longer post... not quite sure. I wanted to wait a bit to post what  I think I'm posting tomorrow... but maybe I'll just do it tomorrow and get it over with.



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