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March favorites

March is over now. It is sooo sad, but that means it's time for some favorites! I feel like March was a super good month for favorites. There's been some good stuff that happened and all in all pretty cool. Here are my obsessions.

And just a few notes I am posting this blog now, but I will edit it to include some pictures and stuff. I'm wrote this on my iPad because I did t have internet access and now I don't have my laptop on me... So yeah. All the pics of the fashion related stuff can be seen on my haul, so check there!!!


L'oreal Magic Nude Liquid powder- I've been digging this foundation for a while now. I haven't been wearing make up all that consistently, but I've been liking this when I do wear it... So yeah! 

Stila in the Light palette- I saw some old pictures of myself and I thought I looked cute, and I knew I mostly used that palette when those pics were taken, so that's what I've been using and I love it! 

Milani Lip Intense Liquid color- this is a love/ hate thing... Ugh long story. I did a true test Thursday on Fiery Coral, I tried it and loved it, so I got the other 3 colors. There was something wrong with the formula of the other 3 so I took them back and I'm not going to repurchase them anytime soon cause I mean 3 of four tasted rotten and didn't apply right, sooo that's kind of a bad sign. I also think I lost the Fiery Coral one I had which makes me really REALLY sad because that was my favorite. This is a kind of favorite but kind of an unfavorite. Idk guys lol. 

Miliani Brilliant Shine Lipgloss- these are great too, but again the second one I got didn't smell right completely. I still kept that one and I like these a lot and I'm happy I actually have these. 

Nyx Mood Lip Gloss- I had lost this for the longest time and just found it recently to my complete delight! I don't know that they still sell this even, but I really love it, it's the cheapest, nicest color and it's just kind of cool that it changes color too.


Long Cardigans (Windsor) I've mentioned these a bunch but these are probably my favorite find of the month. I got a couple of longer cardigans from the store Windsor for 14.90 that have adorable prints on them and they're warm and they're just great. I'm gonna be rocking mine all spring and 
summer, probably all year round they're just sooo great! I love them. Too cute and comfy. 

Cotton on Sweatshirt- speaking of cute and comfy, this is adorable and super comfy. I like this 

because it's purple,it says New York and it has my birth year on it. Plus it's the COMFIEST and amazing! 

This scarf- I've been looking for a super colorful scarf because I think that can go with everything because it has a bit of every color in it. I've been wearing this a lot and it's just amazing. 

Statement Necklaces- this one in particular from Forever 21 I've been loving. It's just colorful and bright and again can go with a lot because it's different colors. Loves it! 

Hazed and Confused- ohhhhhh my god. This is fantastic. It's one of the new Ben and Jerry's core Ice Creams. If you know the flavor Karmal Sutra, it's like that. It's a vanilla and chocolate with chocolate chips and in the core of the pint there is hazelnut.... Ohhh my god. If you think Nutella is good frozen Nutella with ice cream will give you a full on foodgasm, it's amazing! 

Hazed and Confused- ohhhhhh my god. This is fantastic. It's one of the new Ben and Jerry's core Ice Creams. If you know the flavor Karmal Sutra, it's like that. It's a vanilla and chocolate with chocolate chips and in the core of the pint there is hazelnut.... Ohhh my god. If you think Nutella is good frozen Nutella with ice cream will give you a full on foodgasm, it's amazing! 

Firebirds- this is a restaurant that just opened up in my mall and it is one of my new favorites. It has yummy tortilla soup, which is their everyday soup and really good ribs... It's just sooo amazing. The drink I had was good too, a bit strong though. I can't remember what it was called lol. All of the waiters there were also super attractive. It was an awesome experience. 

Sour patch kids gum- this is good too. I love sour patch kids and the gum is a little weird but I still totally love it. My favorite is the red berry but the green one is good too. I also love popping my gum 
and blowing bubbles. It's fun. 

Heisenberg's recipe rock candy- my dad picked this up for me because we both love breaking bad and we've been watching it nonstop for a month pretty much. It's basically blue rock candy shaped to look like blue meth. Really funny, but it also tastes really great! And this is a good transition to my next set of favorites... 


Breaking Bad- There aren't that many dramas I like that much on tv, I'm pretty much only into comedy but this show is AMAZING! Ohhh my gosh I'm really obsessed with it, as you can probably 
tell by all of my posts about it. It's just the best drama on television. I have to say I like it as much as 
Arrested Development, but for drama.YES I SAID IT! In reality if I were given a choice between the two shows, I'd choose AD, but Breaking Bad is definitely my other favorite show. 

@Midnight- this is a really funny game show where comedians compete on funny games based on Internet memes mostly and it's just really funny to watch. Great concept. I loved the show Bunk that was on IFC a few years ago, this is a lot like that, but more interactive. It's really good. I love it. 


I saw a lot of movies In March, and I recommend them all. I'd say definitely see Grand Budapest. It's really pretty and just a good movie overall, although it had a disappointing end. If you want a fun girls night, Single Moms club. Date night might be good for Need For Speed, although I saw 
Budapest with my dude. 


642 Things to write about- I've been having fun with this. Got it over spring break. It just gives a tiny boost of creativity that I think I needed. Really fun. 

Orange is the New Black- 


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