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September 2015: It List

Now that I do weekly favorites, I feel like these will be less surprising... but still. Some good things.

1) Pumpkin Spice Lattes- Its the most wonderful latte of the year! Lol. All the yes. Soooo much yes. Its so creamy and pumpkiny and delicious. It was what has been missing from my life for a long time and now its back and I think they get more and more delicious every year. And I know last year people were like "pumpkin spice isn't cool anymore." Have you had any? It is delicious!!!! I'm a big fan of the PSL.

2) Arrow- I've been wanting to watch this show for a while. The guy that plays Oliver is not only hot, but he was really funny and good on a talk show I saw him on... so that made me like "ohh I need to watch this." I'm also not super into comic books or anything, but I do like Batman and DC movies at least more than anything else and I didn't really realize that there were so many tv shows in the DC universe right now. There are a few for Marvel but this and The Flash are currently on and Supergirl and another DC Universe show thats called something like that is coming soon to the CW. And that sounds good. I really like all the characters and the story just really got me hooked. It reminds me of Revenge because Oliver's dad left a list of names of the people that needed to be taken down and Oliver is trying to take them down or kill them or whatever. Its also like Batman because he's a vigilante and he's a billionaire... a lot like Bruce Wayne. And also like Robin Hood because he's taking from the rich to save the city. Really good show. Can't wait to see The Flash and see their crossover episodes and I'm interested if this will carry over to the other new DC shows... its a good show and I'm digging it.

3) Soap And Glory Smoothie Star  Deep Moisture Body Milk- This is like the best lotion I've ever used. I never tried Soap and Glory because they used to be at Sephora and I felt like they were a little bit overpriced... I think sephora charged a little more for a lot of the stuff and idk. I don't know if I ever really looked at the Soap and Glory section of my sephora... but now they have it online at Ulta and its great. I haven't seen anything full sized at my Ulta store yet... but this was online and its awesome. It smells awesome, I feel like I'm actually nice and moisturized and it just really works. And it works well. It smells amazing and it actually hydrates my skin really well. And the packaging for Soap and Glory is just adorable. I love it!

4) Funko Pops- So recently I just picked up 2 Funko Pops from Barnes and Noble and I thought "ohh this is fun. I'll just get a few at a time and maybe in a few months I'll have like 6 or something." I have 11 now... and it hasn't been that long. I'm including some reviews and stuff on them in my Weekly Wrap Up Posts and I did a collection blog on them and everything. I have $30 worth of Hot Cash that I'm probably going to use to by more... I watch pop based youtube channels... it has been taking over my life slowly and surely.

What I love about them is that you can make your own sort of crossover. Like I have a pop of Fox Mulder from The X Files and one of Stitch in an Elvis suit from Lilo and Stitch. Mulder believes in aliens but he can never quite prove it, so I have him standing next to Stitch and just not seeing him. He's also by Groot and Mulder also thinks elvis is alive... so triple crossover and double whammy for Mulder. Lol. They're just fun and they bring life to any room. Really collectable and cute. Can't wait to use my Hot Cash. Lol.

I also have the mystery Minis from Minions and those are fun to collect too! I need to find the dracula one. I love the Dracula Minion so much! Lol.

5) Supernatural- I liked Arrow so much I was like "I should watch some more CW shows" so I started watching Supernatural also and its good. Its a little like The X Files but they both know that supernatural things exist, so theres no Mulder is right Scully is wrong type of thing... which is quite relieving. It took a little while for me to warm up to this show, I liked it and I wanted to keep watching it right away, but there are a few episodes that are kind of boring and kind of meh... but some are really scary and just fun to watch. Its rainy out today and this is a fun show to watch on a dark and stormy night.

6) Bath and Body Works Pumpkin Latte and Marshmallow scent- This was called "comfort" last year and this year, they just decided to call it Pumpkin Latte and Marshmallow... it is my favorite scent from Bath and Body Works... ever. I'm almost done with my mini mist from last year, I just bought a full one this year. I still have some of the body washes from last year too. Love the smell all year long, but in the Fall it is the best. I know it isn't quite fall yet... but I love it! Lol. Cannot stop using it!

7) Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D- I started watching this even though I don't love the Marvel movies... and I liked it a lot. I thought the characters are really good. Lots of strong female characters in the Marvel world that I'm kind of starting to dig. Its a fun show to watch, I kind of wanted to start watching it cause I'm into superhero and spy stuff right now... as you can tell and this is on the same night as The Muppets, so I just kind of want to keep one channel on all night.

8) Too Faced Stardust by Vegas Nay Palette- This is a really fun eyeshadow Palette guys. I just got it a few days ago... but it survived a pretty intense and long gym workout and a pretty long day in general. I was happy with the look that I got from it... I know I'll be getting a lot of other looks with it... just a really fun selection of colors... not the most unique but so sparkly and fun to play with. It's not "play makeup" by any means... its just fun makeup that I'm just kind of playing around with. And I like it a lot! Great for a girls night out or just any day really. Its so fancy and sparkly and fun. I love it!

9) Pixar Movies- Pixar movies have always been a favorite of mine... but I've been watching a lot right now particularly because there have been a lot of marathons on ABC Family. I think I'm going to do a definitive ranking pretty soon. I like all of them except Cars 2... Not a huge fan of Cars, I didn't see all of Cars 2... but I don't think I liked it enough to watch the full movie. It was not bad... but it isn't something I think I could watch in full.

10) Oddball Comedy Festival- This was just such a fun night I can't not mention it in my It List! It was a great show for comedy. Nick Kroll was the absolute funniest. I didn't get to see all of Aziz but he was amazing, Amy Schumer was great, Todd Barry, Michael Che, Jay Pharaoh, Anthony Jesselnick, and Jim Norton were all really great. It was just such a fun comedy festival, I thought there would be someone I don't like, but everyone was really funny and good. Ohhh and Jeff Ross hosted it and did an awesome job!

That is everything! Hope everyone is having a good month so far and has a great It List of their own. What are your favorites of the month??? Let me know!!!



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