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Scribbles About TV: New Show Hits and Misses

So since I just did all the fall schedules and I mentioned shows that I think might get canceled, I thought I'd do a post about the hits, the misses and the maybes... So I actually have 7 hits, 7 misses and 8 maybes... so lets get on with the hits.


Quantico, ABC- I think this one sounds exciting. It sounds different than most of whats on, I like that theres a spy and it just looks pretty awesome. I'm excited to see it, so I think it'll be a big hit.

The Muppets, ABC- With all the buzz about Kermit and Piggy's recent breakup, I think this will be a huge hit! I think its already the most buzzed about new comedy and rightfully so. All the promos are hilarious. Its like 30 Rock but with Muppets! What could be better than that? I'm most excited about this show. I think its going to be really great.

Minority Report, Fox- I don't know why, but I think this is going to be really popular. Its on Monday Nights after Gotham which seems like a great time for it. I don't think I'll watch this... but I think it'll do really well.

Scream Queens, Fox- This is another show I'm most excited for... I think the world really needs more horror comedies and TV is a great place for them. I like the horror tv shows a lot and I think this little addition to the bunch will be quite nice.

Limitless CBS- I think its a bad idea to take an unsuccessful movie and turn it into a tv show... and CBS does that a lot. Usually tv shows based off of movies don't work. Famously... My Big Fat Greek Life, About A Boy, Bad Teacher... and honestly I really liked Bad Teacher. I think this one will be good though. I think the story works well for an hour long television show each week. I think it'll be really awesome and I'm going to watch it. I think people will like it. This is one I think might not last more than a season or two... I think it will, but it might end up like Forever... which was a good show but wasn't really there and didn't really have an audience... so it got cancelled.

Blindspot NBC- I think each of the networks has 2 hits, 2 misses. I have a maybe that I think will hopefully be a hit for CBS... so yeah. This one looks like it'll be really action packed and I think its a lead in to The Blacklist... or Maybe Blacklist is on after... either way I think it looked like NBC had a pretty solid Thursday Lineup. Wait no this was Monday I think... they should move it to the same night The Blacklist is on... lol. I'm sure it will be a huge hit and they eventually will do that... but I think this one looks good. I think people will really like it.

Chicago Med, NBC - I like the Chicago shows on NBC... I don't really watch them, but they're pretty good they do well and I think this one is going to be a great edition to that. I kind of feel like Chicago Fire is the only really unique show of the bunch... there are lots of cop shows and lots of medical shows... but I think this will be good.


Blood and Oil, ABC- I don't know why... but I don't think shows like this usually do well. I feel like there have been similar concepts to this and they haven't worked... its like every few years they do a drama about lottery winners, then they do ones about other rich people and it just doesn't work. It isn't really relatable and it just never works. I think this might last a season and it might be good... but I don't think it is going to be anything spectacular. I feel like Chase Crawford should be a bigger star than he is... I don't think he's going to get it from this. It doesn't look bad, I just don't think it'll last.

Dr. Ken ABC- I still think this will probably be the first one cancelled. It looks bad. I love Ken Jeoung... I love that he was a doctor before he decided to be a comedy actor and he still plays a doctor in a lot of movies... I just don't think this is going to be his thing. Doesn't look amazing.

Grandfathered, Fox- I'm just not really seeing the appeal of this one. John Stamos is a grandfather, Josh Peck is a father... thats it right? I think they're both old enough for these things to actually happen... and I don't see how its realistic that Josh Peck is John Stamos' son... maybe thats not what the show is about... idk it doesn't look great though. I feel like Josh Peck will be a big star one day... this isn't how its going to happen.

The Grinder, Fox- I think people will just be sad that this isn't the dating app. What a weird title, you would think they would say "hey might not be the best title... also the name of a gay relationship dating app." but no. I have no idea what its about... and I love Rob Lowe in Comedies but I think this is just going to confuse people.

Angel From Hell, CBS- This is another type of show that they do all the time and no one really likes these. They keep making them and just getting them wrong. It looks better than most shows like this... it looks funny... but I don't think it's going to last more than one season. Its also not CBS's usual programming and while it may be good... I don't think audiences will really like the change. This one I think probably looked the best out of everything on this list... I still don't think its going to work.

After watching the Fall Preview... this doesn't look bad at all really. I don't think people will respond to it that well, and the stars are big, so its not going to be cheap. I'm standing by my it could get cancelled... but maybe I'll watch the pilot.

The Player, NBC- I couldn't tell what this was after watching the trailer. I think its trying to be a superhero show set in Vegas... but I think the "Vegas" part is the only twist so I don't think it'll really be anything.

People Are Talking/ Truth Be Told, NBC- The fact that this has 2 titles is a major tip off that it will be cancelled. I believe they're going with Truth Be Told, which makes more sense. Its really not about anything... all the stars are known for TV shows that have been cancelled and the trailer just looks awful. Unfunny jokes and concepts that just don't make sense... its bad. Out of everything, this by far looked the worst.


Wicked City, ABC- So this doesn't look bad... but I don't think its going to catch on... and I don't like that its on the same night as The Muppets, Fresh Off the Boat and Agents of Shield... which are more family friendly shows. This is about a murderer and in the trailer is pretty sexual and looks pretty explicit. It would go over a kids head, sure... but still not exactly something you would want them to see by mistake. I also think the name isn't amazing. Names kind of tell a lot about tv shows... so thats kind of something harsh that I judge on... so yeah. I don't know about this one.

Rosewood, Fox- Again, vague name so I'm not sure about this. I think I've heard positive reviews on it and its on the same night as empire... I don't really know what its about, but I think it will last an entire season at least.

World's Funniest, Fox- This will probably be fine... but I don't think variety show's are the next big thing or anything... idk. I love Terry Crews who is hosting, and I'm sure people will like it, but I don't think its going to be on the air in 30 years the way America's Funniest Home Videos is or anything. Also not sure what its the world's funniest of and there are a lot of shows kind of like that... so idk.

Supergirl, CBS- This will probably be a hit and I'm sure it will last a season, probably several seasons... I just don't know if its going to be the Supergirl that everyone wants. I'm happy CBS picked this show up because it is hard to have a female driven show on tv nowadays... I really think that it is... but hopefully this will appeal to everyone and be a great show and not too cheesy. Yeah it does have  the same producers as Arrow... thats pretty cool. I think it'll do well.

Code Black, CBS- I really like Marcia Gay Harden... but I don't know that this will be that different from any other show. It seems like a typical medical show... and I'm sure Marcia Gay Harden will bring her all to it and it will be wonderful... but maybe it won't.

Also I really liked her in Trophy Wife and I'd love to see her in more comedies. She's really an actress that can do it all, and I feel like a Medical Drama isn't going to utilize her to her fullest ability. Not sure.

Life in Pieces, CBS- Pretty Different for CBS... props to them for that. They sort of have their own formulas for comedies and this doesn't really fit the mold...although last year they stuck to their formula and had a multi cam family comedy and it didn't last... and I think they had more than one of those actually... I don't know. It looks like it could be really funny or really terrible. I think this is kind of their answer to Modern Family, so it might work out and it might be great... but if it isn't great, Ensemble Casts are expensive... so this is going to be judged more harshly than most I think and if its not a total hit, no matter how good it is, it might not get to season 2. Like Trophy Wife, it just might not work.

Just watched the CBS Fall Preview show and I actually don't like the format of this show. Act 1 follows one story, Act 2 follows one story, Act 3 follows one story and then the family is all together in Act 4... that is a really weak storytelling device in my opinion... I hate when tv shows do that, I don't like watching 3 mini shows that connect at the end... its just not a great device. I'm good with an A Story, B Story and C story... but not Act one is A Story, thats resolved and so on... They've done that on Modern Family and I don't like it. They did it on Bojack Horseman this year and I didn't love it, They did it on How I Met Your Mother and it wasn't great... its just not my favorite story telling device. Some people might love it, it is pretty different... but I think a lot of people don't love it.

Best Time Ever with Neil Patrick Harris, NBC- This I have no real desire to watch.I like Neil Patrick Harris, and I do think this is going to be just a limited run show, so I don't think it needs a second season and if it is kind of a hit, I'm sure it'll return like Hollywood Game Night... which I also don't love... but yeah. Its probably going to be okay.

Heroes Reborn, NBC- This will either be a huge hit and all the original fans will be really excited... or it will be like True Detective Season 2 and everyone will hate it... Not sure. I didn't like the original Heroes so I really can't say. Lol.



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