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American Horror Story: Coven Finale Review (some spoilers...okay a lot of spoilers, but I warn when to stop reading. ))

So last night was the Season Finale of Coven so I'm going to review it. There are spoilers... but the first few paragraphs are spoiler free. In case you were wondering.

I was pleasantly surprised by this finale. Last year's finale was just so boring. It seems like usually AHS tries to wrap everything up in the penultimate episode and they leave something for the finale, nothing huge happens but theres usually enough to keep everything interesting. The first season's finale did that absolutely brilliantly and the second season not so much. This year I thought A LOT happened in the finale for once.

For one, I like the whole concept of the Seven Wonders. They sort of kept what they were hidden throughout the season and we finally got to see what they were. There was 1)Telekinesis 2) Mind Control 3) Divination 4) Resurrection 5) going to hell and coming back 6) transmutationt? Idk it was like the girls were playing tag and they could show up out of no where 7) ... idk I'm only counting 6? I guess going to Hell and Coming back count as 2 separate wonders.

The thing I thought was the coolest and most horrifying was their concept of Hell. It was a really different concept than anything else. Basically picture the worst moment you can possibly imagine in your life or the worst thing that's ever happened to you... and live that same moment over and over again for reality. And Now here come some spoilers.

When they send Misty Day, who was known for her skills with bringing the dead back to life and was believed to be the next supreme went to hell, she imagined a grade school Biology class. She was dissecting a frog and she brought the frog back to life. The kid told the teacher and the teacher yelled at her and made her kill the living frog. Misty Day is kind of a hippie... so she of corse did not want to kill the frog. It was just such a sad thing to watch and even MORE tragic because Misty did not return. Misty of all people did not deserve to go to hell and live this moment over and over again and it was really really hard to watch her go through that. RIP Misty.

The other girls versions of hell were more humorous. Queenie was working at a KFC type of place and she had a long line of customers. She got out of Hell so quickly it was great. Madison's was that she was on NBC's Sound Of Music as Liesel (saw that coming lol). And Zooey's was that she kept breaking up with Kyle... which I mean I guess I thought it would be something more deep and meaningful or something... idk. It seems like Hell was the worst part of your life so far. The hell part was my favorite scene.

And then some other stuff happens, Zooey dies, Madison refuses to bring her back but she brings back a fly so they're pretty sure she's the supreme. Cordelia doesn't want Madison to be supreme, she starts doing the test. She passes all 7 wonders, brings Zooey back and becomes the new supreme. Fiona dies, Kyle kills Madison, Cordelia talks to the news reporters about the coven and a bunch of girls join them... all that good stuff.

I have to say: AHS ALWAYS leaves me on the edge of my seat at the last few moments of the season. There's usually some sort of hug and then someone kills the other person but you aren't sure who will kill who... and its just UGH SUSPENSE and of corse I always have to pee and I nearly pee my pants. Thats when Fiona died and her version of hell... it was even a little sad for her to be in hell. I mean yes she deserves to be there but... it's still a sad thing to see. I didn't really feel sad when Kathy Bates and Angela Basset went to hell... but this one made me a little bit sad.

So yeah all in all I think Coven is tied for the my favorite season with Murder House (I don't think that there was a technical subtitle for the first season, but I think that's what people are calling it). I think they said they tried to sneak in a hint about next season... idk what it'll be. Crazy Butler murderers? Frankensteins? Plants vs Zombies? What do you guys think?



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