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Anchorman 2 Review

Soooo today my mom and I had a fun movie day and we saw Anchorman 2: The Legend Continues, and it's been out for a while... but I just like writing movie reviews down for my own sake. I mean this blog I'm trying to do daily, and this just happened to be what I did today (which is Wednesday, but I'm posting this on Friday because I already had some stuff planned to post.) Anyhoo here is the review.

I had been waiting for this sequel for a loooooonnnngggg time. I had really wanted to see this at midnight right when it came out, but that week was finals week for me... so I wrote papers and stuff at midnight instead. And then life happened and I just hadn't gotten to see it. My mom, who is not a huge fan of Anchorman agreed to see it with me because she is a good mom and she didn't think I would see it otherwise (my friends aren't really huge anchorman fans either I don't think and we're all so busy and there were far fewer showtimes left... its just hard to get everyone in one place to see a movie lol.) Anyhoo I had heard it was great, I was pumped to see it and I was hoping my mom would like it as well, and believe it or not, she really did!

I liked the first Anchorman wayy better... I think it's probably just because I've seen it so many times and I quote it all the time, and on exams whenever I can't think of answers, quotes from this movie and Betty White are all I can think about... so it entertains me. My mom thought that this one was better, but my mom has never really sat down to watch all of the first Anchorman, which I'm going to try to get her to do sometime. I guess maybe this is more of a mom-type of humor than the original... idk really.

Anchorman 2 was much more about the actual news than about Ron and Veronica's relationship. It took place at the end of the 70s/1980 so that in itself made it pretty awesome in comparison to the first one. I love the 70s but the 80s are an incredibly funny decade to watch... if that makes sense lol. It also showed that there were a lot of changes from Ron's small time local news show to these big 24 hour news networks. There were new and different rivals, new bosses, new love interests, Ron's son, Baxter was the same but all in all it was really really different.

Something I really like that has become more popular in comedies is to have a normal story and then have something completely supernatural or weird or out of left field happen. Like the fight scene in the first anchorman, and this fight scene was even better and even more bizarre. There were a ton of celebrity cameos in it... I don't want to spoil too much but John C. Reiley's cameo was probably my favorite... and the fight scene in both movies escalate very quickly (lol) and they're just really bizarre and random and funny. I like that in a movie.

Another thing different about this one, they have more characters and they sort of go deeper into the backstory of them and the rest of the news team. Champ was in it a lot more and his character was crazier... Brick was even crazier and he fell in love with Kristin Wiig (are there any 2 actors that have better chemistry than Steve Carell and Kristin Wiig? Whether they are in a cartoon or playing mentally challenged people, they should always be together in movies because they are just the FUNNIEST pairing that there is.) All in all it worked really well for the movie, I think and overall its pretty awesome.

As far as comedy sequels go, I think this was a really strong one. Movies like The Hangover 2, Harold and Kumar Escape Guantanamo Bay, and other movies like that aren't as great the second time around... but this one was pretty damn funny and great.

If you haven't seen it yet, go see it or rent it on demand if you can wait that long. I think there were 2 other groups in the audience, one mother and son and a couple and I don't think either pair enjoyed it as much as my mom and I. I know the mom with her son didn't seem to like it at all... but the son was pretty young and this isn't the type of movie young kids should really see. I know thats kind of a hard thing to say since the first one really was not that inappropriate for like a 10 or 11 year old to see (from the best of my memory...) this one was just a tad raunchier and while it's not totally inappropriate... it definitely had more mature subjects than the first one... so you may need to splain some things... or you know distract your kids with cookies or something... I'm not sure if this is a way to parent really I'm 22 idk what I'm talking about.

Anyhoo yeah. Good movie and stuff. You should check it out! It's kind of a big deal. I may have another movie review... I'm probably going to see Walter Mitty or Saving Mr. Banks the day I post this... and if not there will be somethin here.



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