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2014 Thus Far

So it's been 2014 for over an hour and half now... here's what has happened thus far.

- I kissed my puppy when the ball dropped.
- I listened to a Fall Out Boy song and remembered how much I love them and that I should buy their newest cd.
- I learned Netflix is discontinuing a lot of their movies in 2014. Including my least favorite movie ever and one of my biggest regrets in life, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Don't watch it no matter how deep tumblr says it is.
-I took a bath
- I considered that I am kind of a hipster
- I instagrammed a picture of a cupcake
-I instagrammed a picture of my face
- I learned Ray William Johnson is stopping =3 sometime in 2014, which I haven't watched in a while but its sad. I look forward to watching his other content though and I didn't know Riley Rewind was out yet. I'm probably going to watch that.
-I learned Ray William Johnson is 33 which is kinda crazy. I thought he was perpetually 23. Makes sense why he's quitting =3. I wonder if anyone else will continue the show...
- I watched a video about how all country music songs were the same in 2014. I don't know country music very well, so I can't vouch for that but it is funny.
-I ate that cupcake after I instagrammed it. I even added a filter, something I don't usually do just because it takes too much time and I kind of forget it exists.
- I went downstairs to get a pair of sweatpants I got for Christmas right after I took a bath.
- I was still in my towel from the shower and while I was walking downstairs it was super cold and I thought "wow I hope there isn't some perverted killer that is going to kill me now. I then thought of the movie You're Next, which looked way to scary for me to watch, but had an amazing trailer. That scared me more.
- I got upstairs, so flippin excited to wear these sweatpants, only to find out... the censor was still on them. So hopefully I still have the receipt and they can take it off for me next time I go there, which will be soon I'm sure. It was a busy day and I bought a lot of things, I can understand how this happened.
- I wrote a blog post reminiscing about the 14 events that had happened thusfar in 2014.

I hope 2014 has been awesome for all of you as of right now and I hope the awesomeness continues. I will go to sleep right now and yes. Stay tuned for an exciting Feeling Lovely Thursday tomorrow. It is good.



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