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The Worst Movies Ever

This is pretty self explanatory... I've been listening to a podcast about bad movies called "how did this get made" so I thought I would talk about the worst of the worst. The creme de la crap of movies and television. Note: there are a lot of bad movies I really like, and a lot of critically acclaimed movies I hate... but believe me when I say some of these movies are bad... they are TERRIBLE!

1) The X Files: I want to believe- This is the WORST movie I have ever seen in my entire life. Ohhh my god, this is a shitty SHITTY movie. I was so excited when this movie came out because I was a HUGE fan of the show and it was YEARS since they did the show and were talking about this movie and it was just super SUPER bad. I would have gone out opening weekend to see it because I was so excited... but I was in Europe at the time, so I waited till I got home. This was the first movie I saw when I got back and I feel TERRIBLE because I made all of my friends and my sister see it with me because it was the first time we were hanging out since I got back. Frankly, I have no idea why they are still friends with me. This movie was so awful for so many reasons. 1) THERE WERE NO ALIENS! Seriously? No friggin aliens! The whole show is about FBI AGENTS WHO INVESTIGATE ALIENS and there were absolutely NO ALIENS IN THE WHOLE GODDAMN MOVIE! I think there may have been ghosts? But not really... there was a pedophile... but nothing in this movie made any friggin sense. It is not a movie I would wish for ANYONE to see. There are lots of people I don't like... but I wouldn't even want them to see this movie because it is that goddamn awful. 

2) Adventureland- This movie was pretty terrible because of the way that it was marketed... The commercials made it look like a comedy and I was really excited about it, but it wasn't even a comedy. It was almost a dark comedy, but really it wasn't even that. I'm a fan of dark comedies like Young Adult... but this one was just super dark. And also Kristen Stewart cannot act AT ALL! She is just the worst! This may not have been that bad of a movie, but I was in such a bad mood when I saw this and I needed a good comedy to lift me up... and this movie was just such a bummer. It was just bad.

3) Twilight- New Moon was pretty bad too... but at least it was slightly better than Twilight. Kristin Stewart is the worst first of all as I just mentioned. Rob Pattinson is slightly better... but not in this movie. I mean to be fair: yes they had chemistry, I can see how they dated... but it was just so terrible. So cheesy and bad. The director was also really REALLY bad.

4) Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind- I don't care how good you say this movie is... it was a freaking waste of my time. People say "ohhh my gosh that movies so deep..." but like... how? It was just pretty damn terrible.

 5)Battleship- When I started writing this list and I said the X Files was the worst movie ever made... I was lying. This movie is the ABSOLUTE WORST. I wanted to see it because Alexander Skarsgard is super hot... if he were totally naked this whole movie, it STILL would NOT be worth seeing. That is how bad this movie is. It's also just really offensive to everyone. It was just really REALLY bad. I saw this movie because my friend and I had a bad movie contest and this was my pic... and again I wonder how she's still friends with me. Tori if you read this, I apologize for making you see this movie and the X files (which she had actually seen, knew how bad it was and saw it a second time for me.) We had even seen Ghost Rider 2 and Clash of the Titans and we actually loved those movies... but this was just awful. The Creme de la Crap. Worst movie ever. If you've seen this movie... you deserve a gold metal or something because it was just that bad. 


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