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Review Time! Saving Mr. Banks

Sooo I saw Saving Mr. Banks today with my mom and my Nana, and I thought I would share it with everyone.

From what I got from the trailers of this movie was that it was about how the movie Mary Poppins got made and that the author of the books, Emma Thompson's character Pamela Travers, was not the easiest person to work with. That was true, but it was more than that story all together...

To me, it was like 3 different stories telling what Mary Poppins meant to them I guess. We get to see the story of a young girl who loved her father very much, Pamela's struggle to keep this movie the way that she wants, and Walt Disney's struggle to Disney-fy the film and Pamela herself. Pamela Travers was a very distant woman who was sort of grumpy and incredibly hard to work with. She changed every plan that the writers and the lyricists made up, she thought that Dick Van Dyke was completely wrong for Burt, she didn't want the movie to be a musical and didn't want to go to Disneland or anything. Emma Thompson seems like a very nice lovely person and I think it's kind of funny that she was playing someone so grouchy. Also that the woman that wrote Mary Poppins was so grouchy! It was just great.

Now the story does go a little deeper than that. The Mr. Banks character in Mary Poppins was really the most important character to Pamela and the story of her as a little girl goes into that very nicely. It was very sad and very lovely and the type of heart-filled story that will make you tear up. I don't want to go into great detail about that, but the movie is called Saving Mr. Banks... so clearly that character is of great importance.

The casting of this movie was absolutely phenomenal! Tom Hanks and Emma Roberts are two of the best actors today, so naturally a movie with them would be fantastic. BJ Novak and Jason Shwartzman were an amazing pair to play the composers, the Sherman brothers. Colin Firth was in it as well and he was surprisingly great in it, I think the only other movie I'd ever seen him in was Horrible Bosses because all of his movies just looked pretty bad! His acting in this was absolutely amazing and I would definitely watch another movie with him in it just based on this. And another of my favorite actors who is probably the most underrated actor in Hollywood, Paul Giamatti was in it as well and he was amazing. Definitely the most fantastic cast.

And it is a sad story. I thought "well how sad could it be. Mary Poppins got made and was fantastic and jolly" but it is a bit of a tearjerker. I don't think I actually cried, but there were at least 3 times in the movie where I was about too and it was really really emotional. Overall it was uplifting though and its something that will make you feel really good once you walk out of the movie theater.

So yes, that is it. I'm trying to see more movies because going to the movies is just so fun and I really love doing it. I've also been watching some movies that have been out in theaters already and are on amazon/netflix or on demand now... I haven't been reviewing those because they're a bit older and if you really wanted to see it you probably have by now, but if I watch enough I may review them all together just to have something a little different.

Also if there are any really good trailers I may do some quick trailer reviews because I like watching those and I feel like I should be watching more trailers.

Anyhoo hope you found this useful. This is a really delightful movie and a good one to actually see in theaters I think. Probably the best movie I've seen this year so far (but I've only seen like 3 new movies it is only January lol.)



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