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Weekly Wrap Up- 3.16.16

Wicked Soundtrack- I've clearly been especially into musicals lately... and I decided I wanted to listen to the Wicked Soundtrack... and I love it. It makes me kind of weirdly emotional. I want to read the book soon, even though I know the book is different. I kind of want to see the play again too... lol. Maybe eventually. Idk I saw it when I was a teenager and I kind of want to see it as a grown up. Its got such good music and from what I remember its the best set and the best effects for a play ever. So yeah. Not the most fun musical I've ever seen... but its good.

I'm a little disappointed that the soundtrack is so short though. It only has 12 songs... what the heck? Hamilton has so many! Lol.

Something Rotten Soundtrack- This I started listening to after I got bored with Hamilton too... lol. I loveee this play. The cast is the best I've ever seen... so the soundtrack is perfect! My favorite song this week has been Right Hand Man. I sang Make an Omlette this week too... lol. Great musical!

Periscope- I've talked about this before, but I just dig periscope! I might start scoping myself because everyone makes it look so fun!

Dancing with the Stars host Tom Bergeron lost his mother this week and shared some pictures of them together on his social media.Thoughts are with him and his family this week.

Also former first lady, Nancy Reagan passed away this week. She is predeceased by her husband Ronald Reagan of corse... she is remembered for her "Just Say No" campaign against drugs. On the news today they reported on a note that Ronald Reagan once wrote to her that just said the words "I love you" over and over again. So sweet. She was 94 years old.

Lena Dunham went into surgery this week for a  ruptured Ovarian Cyst. Very scary, thoughts are with her as well.

More lighthearted news, Johnny Depp appeared on The Walking Dead this weekend. Apparently... he didn't survive the zombie apocalypse. A replica of his head... but severed was seen on the show.

Peyton Manning announced his retirement. Many speculated this after his Super Bowl win. He is the oldest quarterback to ever win a Super Bowl, or to be in a Super Bowl... so it made sense for him to retire on a high note. There has also been some controversy over sexual harassment and beliefs that he may have been taking steroids... which it seems no one was reporting about, but they did on the CBS This Morning morning show... so that makes sense.

Maria Sharapova admits to failing a drug test and she says Gob Bluth's line "I've made a huge mistake." and things like "I didn't know that was illegal" and I think she's going to get away with it by smiling and being pretty...

World Events 
There was a democratic debate this week between Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders in Flint Michigan, which of corse is in a crisis recently because of water that has been contaminated with led. On Snapchat they showed residents were able to get water bottles from the red cross... there were several water distribution centers in the area. Someone said that it was like "putting a bandaid on an amputee." Which is a good metaphor for it.

There were lots of other debates and Caucuses too. Its scary and exciting to see.

I think it was the last few days of the  Paris fashion show.
I went to the mall on Tuesday and Wednesday... and today. Fun stuff. I went to target a lot this week too... lots of shopping.

Noteworthy Snacks 
I had Perogies from this place called Bahrs. I've had them before, they're on their Oktoberfest menu... but they're still on the menu now. I think they'll be gone soon... but I love them.

I had bread pudding this week, which was interesting and delicious.

I feel like thats all the noteworthy snacks... lol.

TV Highlights 
Quantico came back! I'm already confused and excited! Lol. For those of you that don't know... I love Quantico and its probably my favorite drama this year... but I have almost no idea whats going on in it... lol.

Most everything else was a repeat.

I feel like I really tried this week and I did good. Lol. I wrote a lot, I started a new beauty review based instagram and I feel like I've been trying a lot and loving things a lot. And I've been proud of myself. I wrote a lot of blogs that will be going up in May because I've decided not to blog in May... and I've just felt very creative... So I would recommend trying this week. Lol.



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