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Blogmas Day 12:Holiday Memories

So I have some holiday stories... some memorable some not quite as memorable.

The Time Lucky Ate Cheesecake
So this was actually Thanksgiving, but I thought it was cute enough to tell here anyway. My first dog was named Lucky and we got him in November, he was a maltese, my dog now is a maltese... I recommend getting a Maltese. I love them.

Anyway, he was just a baby and we bought some plain cheesecake and we had it on a chair that was lower, within his reach, and I look over one day and he's got his head in the cheesecake box and he's licking the cheesecake! That little devil! Lol. This is when we began keeping everything out of doggy's reach... a practice we still need to do today.

The Time My Sister and I went to New York for Christmas 
My sister and I wanted to see Elf the musical the first year it came out and we got tickets... on Christmas Day. So we got to see the city on Christmas itself... and it was crazy! Crazy because it was absolutely EMPTY in Times Square! It was really cool. The theater I think was packed, but the streets were pretty empty. It was pretty cool to see. It was nice! Plus that was the year New Jersey had a terrible terrible blizzard and we couldn't leave the house for like a week or so. They never plowed us out and Govenor Christie was in Disneyworld and when he came back he said he didn't regret going there... even though his state kind of needed him... good job!

But yeah we were happy to get out then cause we went a little stir crazy after.

The Time I punched My Sister In The Face 
So... one christmas when I was... 10? Maybe I was a teenager, idk I had allergies and I took a "non drowsy" medication that made me very grimpy. This was a time when my sister and I used to always fight over who got the first shower... so keep that in mind. Not much was important to me back then... but I wanted to get my shower first. And Stacey just said "I call first shower" and she ALWAYS got first shower, even when I called it and I was sick and it wasn't fair... so I punched her in the face. Probably not very hard... but yeah. It wasn't the happiest of memories I have... and it was my fault entirely... so there's that.

The Time My Sister's Boyfriend made Cinnamon Buns 
My sister's fiancé makes really good cinnamon buns and I think he made them for us a couple Christmas's and they're awesome. He's a good cook.

My family isn't big on Greek food... but we are Greek... so the one long-standing tradition that we have is going to my Nana's house for Pastitsio on Christmas Eve... and it is delicious. I don't care if you're the best Greek Chef in the entire world... My Nana makes better Pastitsio. Lol. Basically its like a greek Macaroni and Cheese with ground beef or turkey... and its really flavorful and creamy and delicious. There is one Greek Restaurant in Needham Massachussets... I'm 80 percent sure its called My Big Fat Greek Restaurant... I could be wrong... but I think that's why we went there... They made it close. I've tried a few places in NJ... nothing as good. There is a place in The Village that has Pastitsio that smelled like Nana's according to my sister... but nothing is as good as Nana's Christmas Eve Pastitsio right? Just for fun... let me know what you eat on Christmas Eve. It says a lot about cultures and even though we aren't that into Greek Food... this is the most Greek thing we do probably.

We also have lots of cookies and Baklava.

Working Christmas Eve 
I think I've worked 2 Christmas Eves ... maybe only one not sure... and its not the worst day ever... but it isn't fun. People are usually really nice. The biggest problems are usually a lot of returns... which isn't bad... and shoplifters, which are annoying and just not fun to deal with. I noticed Old Navy had a security guard in their store, and hopefully more stores will be doing this too because... especially around the holidays there are a lot and it really hurts the stores.

But yeah, for the most part customers are always friendly around the holidays. All of the terrible customers I've had were around the holidays too... but there are wayyy more friendly people and if you're kind and you're patient, everyone is pretty nice.

Its only less fun because then I got to my Nana's house late, and there was still pastetsio and baklava... but I didn't get to stay that long and obviously I'd rather spend time with family than be at work. This is retail work btw and working closing on Christmas Eve. I think one year I worked during the day maybe... not sure. I think one year I was out to get to Nana's house on time and that was nicer.

Anyway yeah, Not the best but not my least favorite time to work. Plus it was like I was spending Christmas Eve with friends because I liked all of my co-workers. So thats always good.

Favorite Gifts 

One year I got a Crayola Crayon maker... and I never used it but I was really excited for that because at the time I wanted to be a cartoon artist for Pixar and I thought that would help me.

One year I got a camera and a Nintendo DS... which was a really cool year. I also got a massaging chair thingy too that same year and that was fun. The Nintendo was a total surprise.

DVD Player has been a useful one.

The first 2 seasons of Arrested Development on DVD... didn't know at the time... but the present totally changed my life. It made me want to write for tv... which I still don't currently do... but probably should get on that... lol. But yeah.

The 2nd Hunger Games book I got for Christmas one year and I was done before New Year's I think. I love reading on Christmas, its just really fun.

This year I got the new Rose Gold iPhone... and so far I loveee it. Its just beautiful and a lot better than the iPhone 5... which I also hadn't updated in like a year... I got that yesterday instead of Christmas because if I didn't do that, my phone wouldn't work until I got it... and its the 2015... I need a phone. Lol.

So yeah... There is probably more I could talk about... but I'm gonna leave it at that. Christmases are best spent with family and food and pets and presents... and books and movies and toys and games. Lol. Hope you enjoy yours and let me know what you're doing!



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