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Weekly Wrap Up- 12/19/15

English Muffins with Raspberry Jelly- So yummy! I was sick one day this week and this was my dessert, my dinner was a baked potato... lol. So this was really good! The jelly we got is an Amish Jelly and its really yummy and just tastes really good. Its a nice sweet little topper for English Muffins... and even when I felt better I ate some too!

Ginger Ale- Can you tell I was sick? I was only feeling sick one day this week... but Ginger Ale is always pretty yummy. I like it. I went to 5 Guys recently and they had one of those fancy soda machines where you could get different flavors of Ginger Ale like Raspberry and Vanilla... it was exciting. Really yummy. If you see one of those fancy soda machines... I really liked it!

And thats about it... lol.

Monday I went to CVS and to the food store with my mom. Nothing major.

Tuesday I didn't do much... but I did get a package I was waiting for for a while... but another package I was expecting a while ago hasn't showed up and I'm freaking out a little bit...

Wednesday I got that package... so that was good. I was sick though, I had a horrible migraine which made me sick to my stomach... so that was no fun at all...I slept most of the day... didn't even put on my fitbit!

Thursday I felt better thankfully. When I woke Up I had a tiny bit of a headache, but it went away pretty quickly... so that was good.

And Friday I went to dinner... so that was fun!

What I watched 
I watched The Great American Baking Show... love it! I finally finished Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas... and I watched the Snowed in at The House of Mouse special and Winnie the Pooh and Christmas Too... which btw... the netflix version is completely different. They still show the original cartoon... but they changed it a little so that at the beginning its like they're telling Roo the story and then they have a second new years story after and it just wasn't very good. I felt like the whole thing was a little too young for me to be watching... but I still had fun with the first part!

Tuesday I watched Elf and cleaned my room mostly. I think I started watching Love Actually also... but didn't finish it or anything. I also started watching Merry Madagascar... but then stopped ultimately. Lol.

Wednesday I started watching Charlie Brown... but didn't finish it. Watched a little of Santa Clause is coming to town... but didn't finish it. And I watched some of the Wednesday Night ABC shows. They were all repeats and last years christmas episodes... so that was fun.

I didn't watch American Horror Story on Wednesday... and of corse... I saw Spoilers online, so I'm trying not to go online until AFTER I see The Force Awakens... but... I have no idea how I feel about that ending! When they showed Donavon just dancing to Hotline Bling... I was like "what?" The show had jumped the shark rightttt then... then there's a good scene between him and Lady Gaga... I thought Gaga was really good in this episode. Matt Bomer was too... and then bam... hotline bling back on and Iris and Liz Taylor come in guns a-blazin... and thats it... WHAT THE ACTUAL HELL? I thought it was kind of awesome that Liz and Iris were in charge and being awesome... but that was totally weird and random right? I didn't really want that to be the end of Gaga and Donavan.

And I don't think it will be because its American Horror Story and no one ever stays dead... but damn. That was weird.

I watched the Prep and Landing movies... those were okay. Not my favorite but they're fun and cute. Modern Family's screen episode was on after that, so I watched that too... even though I've seen it a few times. Then I watched the Barbara Walters 10 Most Fascinating people... which is really the 10 people with the best publicists... I'm actually watching this now, I'm guessing Caitlyn Jenner is #1...Called it! It was Caitlyn Jenner. Just gonna point something out... Barbara seemed to be almost blaming Amy Schumer for the shooting that happened during her movie... but there were no mentions of Bruce Jenner's car accident before the transition... Just sayin'! No disrespect to Barbara... but that wasn't cool.

Plus she talked about everyone else's shortcomings and addictions and things that they've done wrong... but no... not Caitlyn Jenner. She can do no wrong.

There was one part where they showed a clip of Kris Jenner on I am Cait and she basically said "I used to think that Bruce was just insensitive because he was a guy... but now I know that its just because he's a bad person." Lol... Pretty bad. That isn't exactly what she said... but it was pretty close.

Barbara Walters also called Bradley Cooper a regular guy... and she *basically* said "Bradley Cooper proves that a regular guy can make it... if that regular guy is ridiculously attractive." Pretty much. I'm not giving exact quotes... I'm just reading between the lines and saying what everyone knows is true... lol.

And I think that was it... pretty much... lol. I watched Elf a little bit.
In celebrity dating news...Justin Bieber is reportedly dating Kourtney Kardashian... makes sense. I think he deserves to be in that family of assholes. Doesn't she have a kid though? He shouldn't be a baby daddy... but yeah.

In more important celebrity dating news... I'm a little too excited about this... Courtney Cox is rumored to be dating... are you ready? MATTHEW PERRY! Mind blown! She's been spotted with him and it seems that they have probably hooked up at some point and that is awesome! Cox recently ended an engagement with the lead singer of Snow Patrol.

Oh and Kaley Cuoko is dating some guy I've never heard of. But seriously... MONICA AND CHANDLER ARE TOGETHER!!! YAYYYY!

Now lets just get David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson together. Or at least Mulder and Scully.

Thats about it!



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