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Scribbles About Movies: Disney Animated Shorts Review

So I was going to post the Great AHS Rewatch... but I gotta say... idk if I'm going to keep up with that. Its just a lot. I don't mind doing it... but it takes up so much time and idk... its fun to do and all... but now I'm feeling less attached to AHS and I want to watch something other than every season of that all over again... I did already start with 7&8... maybe I'll just post all the ones sometime after the series finale or closer to that time... but right now its just a lot and I don't feel like doing it.

What I did feel like doing, however, was watching the Netflix Disney Animated Shorts movie collection... so I thought why not just do mini reviews on each mini movie and maybe rank? Ranking might be a lot... we'll see.

John Henry (2000)
Great music. This was animated really nice and simply also. It had a sketched look to it that I really liked. Its going to be fun to see how the animation develops. This would probably be a thing you would watch in class, there's a lot about slavery and about what it was like after slavery in this short move. Its based off a tale too.

What I liked best about it was that John Henry was this legendary figure, but they pointed out he was just a man. there were rumors that he was larger than life and pulled down the moon, but he was just an incredible person that wanted to keep his freedom. That was nice to see. You don't have to be some sort of mythical superhero to do things, you just need a strong work ethic and a powerful motivation to not give up. His wife was a great reminder of that also, I loved the scene where she beats him at arm wrestling. Its a really beautiful movie.

Side Note: With the holidays, I've been a little more emotional and moved by animated movies, I can always relate to them and I just really like them... so I'm sure that will be a theme here...

Lorenzo 2004 
This is a story of a cat that has a cursed tail and its told through a Tango. These have the director (I suppose) telling a little backstory on the film before they show the film itself. I'm glad about that, this one I'm not sure if I would have gotten that the tail was cursed without that explanation. I think its done really well though, and sort of shows that you can tell a story in a lot of different ways with Animation especially. This reminded me a lot of Fantasia or something like that where all the stories are told through the music and the animation.

And again, this was animated quite nicely. I'll look up the years these were all in after this, but its looking like these are chronological. John Henry was made after Mulan, I don't think this one was ever released... wouldn't be surprised if this was cut from Fantasia 2000 or something like that. It was interesting.

Fun Fact: Just looked it up... it was originally made for a third Fantasia film! Makes sense!

The Little Matchgirl 2006 
This one was quite heartbreaking. The end is also pretty ambiguous and I kind of think the little girl dies... Idk I don't want to completely go over it because I feel like I'll spoil the whole thing. Basically this poor little girl is trying to sell matches and she keeps lighting up the matches and having daydreams about having a home, having food and seeing a Christmas Tree... she doesn't even want much, she just wants basic things like food and a home and someone to take care of her and she doesn't have those things. Its really something good to watch this time of year because while I have a new iPhone 6s on my Wish List... there are families that don't even have simple things like towels or food. Its just really heartbreaking and if you see one of those giving tree types of things, or if you own a business and can do an "adopt a family" type of thing, definitely take part in it. At schools and some businesses they have like a paper that has one item that someone in a family asked for and you can take them down and then buy that for that person. Its a nice thing to do and you could really make someone's christmas by picking them up some of the things. I don't even think the items were there for a week before everyone took them. It's really a great way to get in the holiday spirit and to help someone.

This movie reminded me of that. And its heartbreaking, and this took place in the past... but it is still going on today and we need to remember that and help, especially at this time of year. Its very relevant today still. And the animation looked a little more high-tech on this one too.

Fun Fact: Also made for a third Fantasia film and released in The Little Mermaid's Platinum Edition Release!

How To Hook Up Your Home Theater 2007 
And from that very serious short, we have a sort of classic goofy short! Amazing how many things you can do with animated shorts!

These are great satires. This one was a very satirical look on modern technology... for some reason I feel like I've seen this before... it might have been in an episode of House of Mouse or something... not sure. It was really funny though, and a great parody... and a good homage to classic disney cartoons as well. There is a picture of Walt Disney, there is footage from older goofy cartoons. Its just a really well thought out and funny cartoon.

Fun Fact: Released before National Treasure 2. On Wiki it says to test Toon Boom Harmony... whatever that is! So I never did see it before!

Tick Tock Tale 2010 
This was released at an animated film festival.

This one was quite beautiful. Another great example of music telling a story and it has Disney personifying objects in the best way. This one made me really happy. The little clock is just so cute and the fact that it wins at the end and gets repaired, even though its this annoying little clock that no one wants. Its just really sweet and I liked it a lot.

Prep and Landing- Operation: Secret Santa 2010 
This was not released in Theaters, but was a TV Special. This is the most recent in the Prep and Landing trilogy.

Or maybe this was on the DVD or something. Idk, it is shorter than the other movies and it said it was a Prep and Landing "stocking Stuffer" which is adorable. I had never seen any of these movies before, but I thought it was really cute. It makes me want to watch the other ones. They just seem like something I'm missing out on now.

The Ballad of Nessie 2011 
This was released with Winnie The Pooh, the newer animated movie.

This was really well done! I thought it was cute, it was sad, but it was cute! I loved that she was friends with a rubber ducky. I thought it was good how they told it as a traditional Scottish story. I think they did a really good job with it and it was nice. This was also well animated. I love that they didn't use CGI for this. It was before a non CGI cartoon and it made sense to have it classically animated. This was done by the same people as Prep and Landing also. There were a few of the same people doing these things and that's cool because they are all so different.

Tangled Ever After 2012 
This is actually the first one I've actually seen before. And one of the only ones I think... this was released before Beauty and The Beast 3D.

I love this one. They said that they wanted to make it feel like we were at Flynn and Rapunzel's wedding and it really felt like we were there. And I love Paschal and wanted him to get a little more screen time. When I saw Beauty and The Beast 3D, I was really just seeing it because I wanted to see this short before. I thought the 3d re-releases were a little gimmicky. This was great though. Loved it.

Paperman 2012 
This is another one I saw in theaters because it was released with Wreck it Ralph!

This was really good. I want to meet my future husband that way. I just thought it was a really nice, sweet and simple love story. The characters were really fun... and this one just works really well. This may be one of my favorites of the bunch!

Get a Horse! 2013 
This was released before Frozen, so I saw this one too!
I love this! It was fun to watch the classic Disney Cartoon, and then to see it had a twist! This must have taken a lot of work and it came out really fun and different. I thought they did such a great job with it. I remember I was actually surprised and excited while I was watching this in theaters. It was good! I hope they do more twists on classic cartoons like this!

Feast 2014 
This was released before Big Hero 6, which I did not actually see in theaters, so this is a first for me!

I actually started bawling at this one. Not even going to lie, it was so adorable. It reminded me of my dog Spencer and it was just a cute way to tell a love story. They basically told a story about a man falling in love based on what his dog was eating. It was cute, and it was heartbreaking and heartwarming and it had a really happy ending for everyone and that made me smile.

Frozen Fever 2015 

This one was released before Cinderella, the live action movie.

I was not a huge fan of the original Frozen... but I thought this was really cute! I loved Elsa's snow boogers, I like the way that they did the strings to follow in the different rooms... again idk if I would have gotten that if they didn't explain it at the beginning. I liked that they incorporated Let it Go and they had Elsa and Cristoff's relationship together. It was really nice and cute. I think they did a good job. I also like that Olaf wasn't in it that much... lol.

They were all great... but I have some clear favorites and a few I didn't think were as good.. so I'll do that now.

12) Lorenzo- This was cute and fun... but I wouldn't have been able to get the fact that it was a Tango about a cat with a cursed tail if they didn't explain it to me at the beginning.

11) The Little Matchgirl- This was just very sad... it was a nice message, but I don't think kids will get it... idk if I got it. It was adorable but heartbreaking.

10)Prep and Landing- I feel like this could have been higher on my list because I am watching this around Christmas... but any other time of year this would place here. This was fun though and makes me want to see the other movies because we got a lot from the characters just by this.

9)John Henry- This had my favorite movie of the bunch. Good story and it was well done.

8) Frozen Fever- Cute and well done!

7)The Ballad of Nessie- Loved the message in this. MacFroogal made me laugh too . And MacQuack.

6) How to Hook Up Your Home Theater- Really funny. Love Goofy.

5) Tangled Ever After- I hope there is a Tangled Sequel... this was good though!

4) Tick Tock Tale- Loved that little clock!

3)Get a Horse- A lot of fun and really different.

2) Paperman- Animated well and had a great story. Loved it!

1) Feast- I just love dogs. This made me feel the most.



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