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Weekly Wrap Up: 12/6/15

The Great American Baking Show- I feel like this is the worst title... but I'm a little obsessed with this show already. The hosts are Nia Vardalos and her husband Ian Gomez, I'm big fans of them and I think they did a great job hosting it. I also really liked the contestants. I thought no one was very dramatic, and it was just about people that were good bakers... baking. They made cookies this week and they all looked delicious. They do one round where the contestants make their own cookies, and then one where they have to follow one of Mary Berry's recipes and they made a Brandy Snap with an eggnog cream on the inside. And then they needed to do a showstopper where they made a gingerbread house. It was really fun to watch and see what everyone came up with.

Swiss Miss K Cups- These took a while for me to like because I'm so used to just making my regular 8 ounce k cups that I didn't really know what to do with Hot Chocolate. This I put on the Hot Chocolate and Other setting and then doing 10 ounces. Its pretty good. I'm a fan of Hot Chocolate and I just prefer using my Keurig. So... I'm happy with this.

Blogging about my day- I feel like Blogging about my day is a lot more enjoyable for me lately than blogging about Scream Queens or American Horror Story... which I love... but its still kind of like homework and blogging about my day is just easy, its fun its like writing a diary and sending it. I'm not saying this is something I'll do all the time because I am a private person and a boring person... but there is something to do and something to learn from every day... and I really enjoy it!

Fudge Covered Ritz- These are amazing. I didn't think they were that amazing last year... but something's different this year and they are quite good. They are chocolatey and fresh and just so so good.

And also Linzer cookies from Pepperidge Farm... my mom may have given this to me yesterday... I may be done with it now... I'm supposed to be making an effort to lose weight... but I'm not very good. Lol.

On Sunday I went to the mall... and there wasn't anything good left. The 1 thing I wanted was the holiday scents from Bath and Body Works... but those were all sold out... so that wasn't fun.

Monday I went to the fancy mall. That was fun. I did a lot of cyber damage this week... but I did some in store damage too! I'm trying to make the economy better. They need my help.

Tuesday I did a little more shopping... not much.

Wednesday was kind of one of those days. It was foggy. I wanted to return something to the mall but then I forgot what I was returning... but I was with my mom who wanted to go anyway and I had a gift card and a coupon for American Eagle... so I thought why not just go there anyway... but then I realized they left the censor on the coat I was wearing... so I left there and explained to one of the workers that the alarm went off because there was a censor left on my coat.

Thursday I went back to the mall... yes I went to the mall 4 times this week... DON'T YOU JUDGE ME! I also went to my favorite pizza place twice...

Friday I didn't go to the mall! Did go to Tj Maxx though and I got almond cream shower gel and lotion and a new multi tool that has a corkscrew and a bottle opener. It was like $5 or $6. It was good. And I went out with my friends. My friend won a happy hour from a local bar... so that was fun!

Saturday I just sort of kept to myself. Watched some Christmas movies and cleaned my room, played with my dog and ate pasta... which is always a good day. Plus I got a fun package. Lol.

I thought I would start including the News in here also because why not?

Jordan Peele and Christie Peretti got engaged this weekend! They are 2 of the funniest people, I'm really happy for them. I didn't know they were dating either, I know they have been for a while because Chelsea talks about her boyfriend a lot and she's very sweet when she does talk about him. They're both funny and hot. I'm really happy for them.

Princess Charlotte picture emerged online this week and captured our hearts. She is so adorable and look so much like he brother now! Beautiful royal babies!

Mary Kate Olson got married to Oliver Sarkosy this weekend. I know the two have been engaged for some time I think. Congrats to the couple!

Amy Schumer posted some pretty bare photos from an Annie Lebowitz photoshoot. It was just cool. Go check out her insta or Facebook or I think GQ is the magazine its going to be in... its good. Check it out.

There is another request to see the new Star Wars movie by a man that has ALS and cannot make it to the theater to see the movie. Hopefully he can see the movie as well. I know Star Wars pulled through  for another terminally ill man, who did not make it to the date of the movie, which is the 18th of this month.

Holland Taylor from Two and A Half Men and Sarah Paulson have announced that they are dating. I think I heard Holland Taylor came out of the closet recently and the two seem very happy together. I was kinda surprised because of the age difference... but age is just a number, and they seem happy and adorable together. The internet was kind of freaking out about their dating. Apparently they're adorable. Lol. Whatever gets people away from the Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton adorn-ness I guess.

Mark Zuckerberg and his wife welcomed their baby daughter into the world. The Z man friended her an got like a billion likes. Lol. JK but seriously Zuck... if you become one of those annoying Facebook Founders that keep posting pictures of their baby... I'm going back to Myspace! No but for realz, I'm happy for the couple. And I'm happy Mark Zuckerberg is donating quite a bit of money to charity. I know when the Social Network came out, he conveniently donated money to Newark Schools at that time because that would clear his name a bit... but I feel like he's humbled. Facebook has always been a good website and it continues to improve and most social media sites like it would have fizzled out by now... but this one has lasted. So I'm sure he'll make a great father if he can run a great social media site right? Lol that doesn't make sense. But it probably works and the family looks so adorable. Mark Zuckerberg and his wife look so happy and the pictures are really quite beautiful. They're a gorgeous family.

Also in baby news... Kanye Jr. was born! Yes there is another spawn of the two reality stars in the world now. Word has it they're "going in another direction" with his name... Welcome to the world South West!

What I watched 
I watched Rudolph, which was good. Always love Rudolph. Santa is a huge jerk though. And I wonder how Herbie's dental career is going. He actually took out the Abominal snowman's teeth out... crazy.

Scream Queens... wow. What a combo. Lol. That was good this week. I'm so sad the season finale is next week. I'm thinking that they're going to kill everyone off... its gonna be cool. Can't wait to find out who the Red Devil is and how they've been doing everything.

I think in this episode we saw everyone has a dark side... so... I'll save the rest for a who is the red devil post. lol.

American Horror Story... yikes. I'll talk about that more soon...

A Charlie Brown Christmas. That is always good. I watched whatever thing they have after it with the snippets of other things too... which is okay. I'll have reviews on these in upcoming Blogmas posts.

I watched The Year Without a Santa Clause and Santa Clause is Coming To Town... both were great. And I half watched the Polar Express... which isn't that good, but if you half watch it it is fantastic! Not really fantastic, but the North Pole part is animated nicely, the train is kind of cool... the music is good and Tom Hanks is good.

I watched a little bit of The Grinch, Elf and Nightmare Before Christmas. I was more than half watching Elf and Nightmare Before Christmas I believe... I was sort of half watching The Grinch. I liked them all a lot... the grinch a little less... but still. I had fun watching Christmas stuff!
Pig Of The Week 

And btw I've decided to post pictures of animals and other things... so yeah.



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