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Alrighty... so here is a little sort of half rant... but mostly just factual 100% accurate information on why spoilers really really suck.

I don't like seeing movies on opening night. Especially big movies like Star Wars. That doesn't mean I'm not into the hype... I'm just not into seeing movies at midnight in a tiny theater where people probably fart a lot. My movie theater doesn't have many seats, so the only option to really get a seat is to use fandango... which I don't mind... but still. Its just another thing.

And I know there are a lot of people like me out there. Maybe you liked the movies when you were a kid, maybe you haven't seen them since you were a kid and maybe you want to re-watch them before a new one comes out. Maybe you never saw the movies but want to know what the fuss is about... maybe you have other things to do and just can't get to the movies right away... thats fine...

So don't spoil it! I feel like this is becoming a #1 pet peeve of mine... and its not just because it annoys me personally. Most endings are pretty predictable... For example... Inside Out... they made Bing Bong a big secret, didn't show him in any trailers or anything... but they did include him in with the merchandise... and when I saw him in a toy set... I kind of knew what was going to happen. "Ohh. That looks like a weird animal. This movie takes place inside of the head of a teenage girl... she must have had an imaginary friend. She's a teenager now... so that imaginary friend must disappear." And that seemed more and more accurate when I read articles like "This fan theory might make the end of Inside Out Less Tragic." With a picture of Bing Bong on it. Plus whenever there was any mention of Inside Out anywhere it said (Sobs... Bing Bong.)

And yeah I saw Inside Out eventually and Bing Bong does die... But that was nothing compared to the Hunger Games Spoilers I've read... (*note* I don't think Bing Bong actually dies. You know in the end of The Lord of The Rings{SPOILERS} where Frodo and Gandolf don't technically die but they go to the west or whatever... which is where you go when you're a hero and you die... thats what probably happened to Bing Bong.So he's just hanging out with Gandolf and Frodo and they're flying their song powered rocket to the moon.)

So when I started reading The Hunger Games, it was a kind of big thing... but the movies weren't out yet... so it wasn't like a HUGE thing... but I was looking up on Tumblr things about it... and before I had read that Rue had even died (SPOILERS) I saw a post saying "I'M SO HAPPY PRIM IS IN HEAVEN WITH RUE"... like really? They didn't even tag it as spoilers, they just tagged it under Hunger games... Not even Mockingjay? You could tag different endings for that!!! You don't know! But yeah... I mean its kind of obvious Katniss wasn't going to die... and if they show someone innocent, adorable and they focus a lot of detail on them being a good person... that person will likely die.

And generally... People that Spoil TV Shows or movies are just genuinely bad people. If your Facebook status is "NOOOO I CAN'T BELIEVE NED STARK JUST DIED" or "NOOOO I CAN'T BELIEVE ROB STARK AND CAT STARK JUST DIED" or "NOOOO I CAN'T BELIEVE JON SNOW JUST DIED" or "YAYYYYY! I'M SO HAPPY KING JOFFREY DIED" You're probably a worse person than people that just watched Game of Thrones quietly and commented "OMG" on Social Media.

It's like when Snape killed Dumbledoore and like right away Entertainment Weekly was like "Yeah. Snape killed Dumbledoore. Does that make him a good guy or a bad guy?" Ummm do we need to talk about this? Obviously if he killed Dumbledoore, he was a pretty bad guy. *spoilers* He's actually a good guy.

And don't even get me started on the Breaking Bad spoilers... they practically gave away that Walt was going to blow Gustavo Fring's face off when they showed the pink teddy bear with half a face and then named the episode Face Off. And the whole subtitle for the last season was Remember My Name... so duhhh obviously Walter White dies! How else are we gonna remember his name! Also usually when a man is dying of lung cancer and he's also a crystal meth cook with some dangerous enemies and the cops hot on his trail... they usually die. So that made sense.

The only movie I think that I wasn't spoiled by was Black Swan. Where Natalie Portman is a dancer and she has schizophrenia (assumed) and she sees things like Mila Kunis naked and stuff like that... and she ends up thinking that she kills Mila Kunis at the end, but she actually performs the role perfectly and ended up stabbing herself in the stomach and bleeds to death on stage. So yeah... that was the only spoiler free movie I think I've seen any time soon.

So... don't be that guy. That guy that says "Glen's not dead, he's just not around" or "Liz Taylor and Iris just killed Donovan and The Countess" Or "Vader was Luke's father the whole time" or "The mother dies and Ted ends up with Robin." That is just RUDE!

Hope you liked this little rant and now and wonder if I was serious about this or not...

*Spoilers* It did actually start out as a genuinely serious complaint... until I realized I was giving away spoilers for Inside Out... then I decided to keep it going... so yeah,



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