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Blogmas Day 5: Shannon Watches Older Movies- Christmas Edition.

So this seemed like fun. I'm going to re-watch some holiday classics and report right back here! Alright!

Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer 
So this one is still one of my favorites... but can we talk about what a jerk Santa is in this? He's so mean to Rudolph as a baby!!! He's like "hey your nose is different, you can't be on my team." And then to the elves he's like "hey you guys suck. That song is awful." And then when Rudolph runs away and his parents are missing he's like "hey why did you do that? I need your dad to run my sleigh and now he's off looking for you!" Maybe if you didn't make fun of Rudolph's nose he would't have run away!

But I do love the message: It's okay to be different! You don't need to be like everyone else, just be yourself! That's the best you can be.

Also Yukon Cornelius is probably my favorite character, its weird that Herbie takes out the Bumble's teeth, and I would like a sequel following Herbie's dental career.

A Charlie Brown Christmas 
This one is probably one of my favorites. Charlie Brown cartoons always tend to be some of my favorites because they're cute and even to this day they're still really funny and I think they're really good. Sally wasn't really in this a whole lot... besides Snoopy, she is my favorite so that makes me a little bit sad... either way good overall and as a grown-up... this is what I look forward to watching the most. The Charlie Brown Holiday Movies are always good, especially Christmas, Halloween and Thanksgiving. Those are the best.

The Muppet's Christmas Carol 
Another one of my favorites! I didn't actually watch the full thing yet... but I did see a lot of it and its such a great movie... I sing the songs of this like all year. I could really watch this any time of year because one of the messages in it is to make the feeling of Christmas last all year, and that sticks with me. Christmas isn't really complete if I don't watch this at least once... preferably more than once lol. I just think its funny and if there is a muppet version of a thing, the muppet version is always the best. Maybe not with It's a wonderful life... but still pretty good.

The Year Without A Santa Claus- 
I like the music in this one! For some reason I always think its almost a mean Christmas movie... but now I realize its about appreciation. Appreciate Santa and your parents and your friends and family when you can... appreciate the weather you have even. And thank them. It was so sweet when the kids were writing to Santa telling him to feel better and sending him Christmas presents. It was just a sweet movie. I feel like I got something different from it watching it this time... and I was happy about that!

Santa Claus is Coming To Town 
This one I always feel like is underrated. I would say this is just as good as Rudolph and those types of movies. Better than Frosty! Something interesting I noticed that I'm not going to comment on and I hope if you're commenting... please be respectful... I'm 90% sure that this movie mentions Santa/Chris Kringle choosing to give the presents on Christmas Eve because that is the day that Jesus was born and its the "holiest night of the year." I think they mentioned it being the holiest night of the year or the holy night or something... but no mention of Jesus. I just found that a little odd. I could be wrong... but I'm pretty sure they cut that out... and there are probably a number of reasons they did this. I'm picturing a low level executive answering phones with people from all signs complaining about that quote and them just sort of answering like Leslie Knope... but idk. I always thought that quote was meaningful and set the special aside from more commercially based specials. I don't mind either way, still 100% enjoy this cartoon... its just something I noticed.

In Charlie Brown I feel like I should mention that they did keep in Linus' speech about the true meaning of christmas, and its beautiful and fitting.

I love this movie. I watch this the most throughout the year probably. Sometimes they don't play it around Christmas and if nothing else is on I will watch it... I'm trying to limit my watching of this movie to just Christmas. This movie kind of is christmas to me. Nothing really puts me in the Christmas Spirit as much as Buddy saving christmas. My dad was even singing at the end when they were all caroling. This is my sister's favorite movie, and the musical is also great. The cartoon version from last year includes songs from the musical... but its not quite the same to me.

The Polar Express 
I really only half watched this one... which if you're going to watch it is the way to watch it. Pay attention to the songs, the part with the Hot Chocolate. Look at the animation from time to time and watch the end. I feel like I was a little old when this one came out and... the plot is a little loose. Its like watching a video game and the dialogue is kind of similar. You do feel like your on this magical train to the North Pole and the end is really nicely done. I don't love the elves in this either... but whatever. Its pretty fun if you aren't too invested in it.

How The Grinch Stole Christmas (live action) 
I like this a lot... I don't love the way it looks... but it does look nice and christmas-y and Dr. Seuss like. Some of the jokes are a little weird and some are a little dark. This didn't completely hold my attention... but I had just watched everything from The Year Without A Santa Claus and on all at once... so I had been a little over it at this point.

The Nightmare Before Christmas
This is a Halloween movie. This was settled earlier in the year, but I like watching it at Christmas just because its a nice break from all the Christmas movies. I'm really digging the music in it right now and I'm singing along... and I'm pretty invested in it. I've seen this lots of times before... but I always love it. I love the animation, I love the music, I love the characters. Sally may be one of my favorite characters ever. I just think she's so smart and so cool... so I'm going to end it there and continue watching because I'm pretty into it!


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