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2015 It List: Yearly Favorites

So I think I'll do a top 15 things of the year... idk if I have 15 things though... we'll see.

1) Keurig 2.0- So my first favorite is something I've used almost everyday since we've gotten it... which was around February or March... and I love it! I know its not like real professionally made coffee... but if you're like me and you like flavored coffee and you like sweet things... I guess you can choose the sweetness... but still I think this is something that you might like if you like your coffee sweet and flavorful.

2) Fitbit Charge HR -This I've also used this pretty much every day since I've gotten it, which was back in October on my birthday. One day the battery was totally dead and one day I was sick and didn't wear it... but I've worn it most days and its really fun. I like doing the challenges with other people... I usually lose but its still fun. I like that it monitors my heartbeat (I have the Charge HR) and I like that its purple. Lol. I just think its a really fun fitness tracker and I like it a lot. If you're looking for a present for someone, this is good! My sister and her fiancé got it for me and they got it for my mom and we love it!

3)Scream Queens- I feel like this might be one of the big favorites of 2015. I love this show so much, it was definitely my favorite show of 2015... and it was a good year for new TV shows! Emma Roberts is perfect, everyone was really funny and absolutely perfect on the show... and it just turned out great. It was my kind of show. I love Horror Comedies... I just thought it was awesome. I am a huge fan of this show. I hope it comes back for season 2... I kind of hope it follows the same characters too just because I love them so much and I think the college setting is so funny... Idk. I thought it was great and you should definitely check it out.

4)Comedy Bang Bang- This is probably my favorite podcast. It was really funny this year too. They have so many funny guests. I started listening to it last year, but this year I actually listened to pretty much all of the episodes every week. I still have to catch up on some of the newer episodes... but this was really good. I like it a lot. I've been listening to the best of episodes even though I've already listened to them all... and I still crack up. Its a good show. I highly recommend if you like comedy. Its good!

5) Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt- This is my 2nd favorite show of the year. And I've watched the entire series several times. It filled the hole in my heart that Parks and Rec and 30 Rock left when they weren't on any more... I just think they did a really great job with it. And that is legitimately what New York is like any time I go there. Its not the amazing beautiful city you would think it is... its disgusting and dirty and hilarious and I love it. Lol. Its beautiful in its own right... but it is actually a terrible place which is part of what makes it so beautiful. I love Titus Andromedon, I love Kimmy and all of her friends. And I love Tina Fey and she just did a great job with this show.

6) Philosophy Purity Face Wash- This is the one thing that sort of changed the game for me. I feel like my skin has been a lot better since I've started using it. My face is more balanced and it just works really well. It removes all my makeup really well and it just feels really nice on my face and I just really like it.

7) Minions- I love minions! I thought the movie was really fun and I loved it! I think they came up with a really clever backstory and it was just super fun and cute! I love that they worked for Dracula and they killed all of these bad guys... it was just a great story. And I loved the 3 main minions getting personalities also. I thought that was really fun. They're just so cute. I love minions!

8)John Green Books- So over the summer I was really into John Green's books. I ended up reading all of them. I didn't read the ones he co-authored, but Looking For Alaska, Paper Towns, The Fault in Our Stars and An Abundance of Katherines were all amazing. If I had to choose favorites... idk. I loved The Fault in Our Stars... but I think I liked Paper Towns and An Abundance of Katherines were really funny and I loved them. I liked the movie of The Fault In Our Stars better than the movie of Paper Towns... but I still thought they're both really fun and great. These are easy books, ones you can re-read and still enjoy... and they are heavy but they aren't really too heavy. They are sad and will make you cry... but they still aren't too heavy that they aren't enjoyable. I recommend them no matter what age you are.

9)Funko Pops- Idk why,I just kind of decided to start collecting Funko Pops this year and I just think they're so cute and fun to collect. I have all of the Minions and that kind of made me want to get more. I really like them. I think they're cool and fun for grown ups to have a collectable toy to get too. Its just fun.

10) Supernatural-I was really into Supernatural in the summer... I haven't watched it in quite a while, but I really do enjoy the show and it was one of my favorites this year. I totally love Dean Winchester... he is probably one of my favorite male tv characters. Definitely one of my biggest fictional character crushes... its a great show. I need to watch more of it because it is just really fun to watch and I've heard this current season is the absolute best yet.

11) Coach Bag-
So I got this coach bag back in the summer and I've been using it and loving it a lot ever since! Its really cute, it has a lot of pockets and theres surprisingly a lot of room to carry things in it. I love the rose gold color of it and I get complimented on it a lot! Its a really useful and well made bag. I love coach and this is my favorite bag from them so far! 

12) The X Files Files- Another podcast. So with the new X Files starting very soon, I started watching the tv show The X Files again and I listened to the podcast The X Files Files to go with it! And its amazing! There's a lot I forgot about since I've first watched it. For the most part I remember Mulder's one liners and moments where he kind of hits on Scully. There are episodes I didn't like back then that I like now... there are a lot of boring episodes... but its still really fun and just good to watch. And The X Files Files is fun to listen to in conjunction with that because sometimes when characters are acting weird its nice to be like "That's not what would happen." It is really good.

13) Inside Out- Another one of my favorite movies of 2015. I loved this cartoon, I thought it was really fun and sad and emotional. One of my favorite Pixar Movies... possibly tied with Monster's Inc... I still like Monster's Inc just a tiny bit more than this... but this is still one of my favorite movies and its just cute and it makes sense to me. If that is how the emotions operate... I wouldn't be surprised at all! Lol. This was great and I love it!

14) Frappuccinos-This was a big year for limited edition frappuccino flavors and they were all fun to try this year. Whether I loved them or hated them... I loved trying them out and I just thought they were tons of fun. The S'mores and Birthday Cake were probably my favorites... I didn't love the ones they released and you voted for your favorite... but I think the Caramel Coco Cluster, which won, was the best overall... I think I liked one more than that one... but I still liked the CCC and think it deserved to win.

15) Something Rotten- And probably my favorite thing I did this year was seeing Something Rotten for my 24th birthday present. It was the best cast in any play I had ever seen. Its one of my favorite plays I've ever seen. Its tied with Elf the musical... I loved the music in this. Shakespeare was my favorite... I'm a fan of The Bard and I just thought it was funny to see him like this. And Nick and Nigel Bottom were good. Thomas Nostradomus was really funny... it was all very good and I highly recommend you guys check it out while the original cast is still doing it... idk who will be replacing them, It will be amazing either way... but it was definitely the best cast ever. I can really see that these people are up and coming broadway stars. It was amazing.

And that is It! That was what was It in 2015! I hope you guys enjoyed it and I will keep doing these in 2016. These are my favorite posts and I love seeing what I've been loving and when.



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