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2015 In a Nutshell.

So here are some things that happened in 2015:

First and foremost: A rat decided he was hungry in the subway one day and decided to steal an entire slice of pizza. And it went viral... and that was pretty awesome but also disgusting. I liked it. I admire the rat. And thought it was cute, as long as it isn't near me. I was a fan.

There was a dress. In real life, its Black and Blue. In a badly lit photograph, it kind of looked White and Gold to some people... and then the internet went INSANE as no one could agree on the color of the dress. This all happened while the first season finale of How To Get Away With Murder was on and I wasn't paying attention to it at all. But I did tweet Viola Davis and said "Why is everyone freaking out about the dress when the How To Get Away With Murder Season Finale is so insane!" And she favorited my tweet... so we're bests now and that was the highlight of 2015.

My sister got engaged and I graduated college too... but I think Viola Davis favoriting my tweet was probably the highlight.

There were a lot of celebrity break ups. Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck. Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale. Lots of others but most notably... Kermit and Miss Piggy. And it was sad! I think that they will get back together... I mean it seems like they still have feelings for each other and judging by the last episode of the muppets it seems like it could happen... but right now they are not together and it is sad.

There were also a lot of celebrity weddings. Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux... Justin Theroux and Jennifer Aniston... probably other people.

And babies happened this year to. Saint Wentz, Saint West, Princess Charlotte... I think there were others.

People ran for president.Thats a thing.

We lost some great people this year. Harris Wittels, writer and producer of Parks and Rec and a pretty great comedian on his own. Leonard Nimoy, Maureen O'hara, BB King, Wes Craven, Ben Woolf from American Horror Story. More comically, on the SNL 40th special they featured Jon Lovitz on their In Memoriam even though he's still very much alive and was in the crowd.

Adele and Justin Bieber both made comebacks, which was cool. I guess... idk I'm not big fans of either of them... but yeah.

Parks and Rec ended, Glee ended, Kroll Show, Key and Peele, Mad Men... Community got cancelled again. Some other bad shows got cancelled or almost got cancelled or are getting cancelled. Idk.

People said things like Bae and On Fleek, people obsessed over Kylie Jenner's Lips and contouring... there were a lot of things happening.

Caitlyn Jenner too. She was there in 2015.

Jon Snow died... spoilers. I mean I think he's coming back... but he's pretty dead still. McDreamy died. More spoilers.

There was a Star Wars movie and a Jurassic Park movie. Inside Out came out and that was good.

Man Buns, also a thing in 2015. Hopefully those will stop in 2016... no offense if you have a man bun.

Lady Gaga made an acting comeback. There was a minions movie... A lot happened! Lots happened.

Lenny Kravitz had a wardrobe malfunction... not at the Superbowl like Janet Jackson... but at the Super Bowl Katy Perry danced with Left Shark... who I hope continues to be a thing in 2016. Its pretty funny still.

There was a 50 Shades of Grey Movie.

People Whipped, People Nay Nayed... and yeah.

2016 I think maybe there won't be a left shark, maybe a left turtle or something... idk. I think Man Buns won't be a thing... I'm thinking maybe braids. I can see braids being a thing. I also think Kendall Jenner will be the new Kylie... Idk. I like Kendall.

So yeah. That was 2015. And maybe what will happen soon.


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