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Blogmas Day 3: Book Gift Ideas

I'm a big fan of books and I like books as gifts a lot... so I'm just going to mention some books I think are great, or some books that I've asked for... just books that make good gifts.

For your Mom 

Instant Mom by Nia Vardalos- This is a book about Nia Vardalos's journey and struggle becoming a mom and how it all worked out in the end because she is now the mom to the daughter she was supposed to have. Nia adopted her daughter, and this just has a bunch of fun stories that any mom can relate to. Nia is so funny, and even though a lot of the book is sad and she writes about some of the saddest times in her life, she does it in such a sweet, honest and heart-filled way that its really moving and its something that can speak to anyone. Any age, any type of mom... I think would like this. And the way she talks about her daughter is just so sweet. She doesn't only talk about being a mom, she does talk about her career, how My Big Fat Greek Wedding got made and when she met the Queen and fun stories like that too. It also has great advice like "I eat chocolate every day because if I get into a car accident, at least I won't be thinking 'should have eaten that chocolate.'" (Idk if this is the exact quote.) That's a quote I definitely advise you live by... if you can eat chocolate. If you can't then that's different, but if you can eat chocolate, a little everyday is a good idea.

Cook Books- There are lots of great cook books that you can get for your mom... and it might depend on her personal taste, where she's from, if she likes any celebrities or celebrity chefs. One that would make a great gift is called the Heritage cookbook. It has lots of American recipes, its big and comes in a nice box, and it would just make a very nice looking gift. I think it gives some backgrounds to how the recipes came to be too. Its really nice and just a very presentable gift.

The cookbooks from The Chew are also easy to follow and they have a lot for every occasion. Carla Hall has a good cookbooks. A lot of restaurants have cookbooks also, so it'd be nice to get a cookbook from that restaurant and then maybe you could put a gift card for that restaurant inside. It would make a really nice gift and I'm sure anyone would be grateful for them and think of you whenever they make a recipe from that cookbook. This isn't just for moms... but a lot of times thats what my mom asks for.

For your Dad 
I would say cookbooks would be good here too. Grilling books are maybe more for dad, italian cookbooks are always good ones.

I also know that my dad likes historical biographies and things like that... idk any good ones. Stephen Colbert and John Stewart's books might be good gifts. Nick Offerman has a book called Paddle Your Own Canoe that I'm sure would be great for dads.

For Pre-teens 
I know that Meg Cabot has a new series out about Mia Thermopolis's little sister Olivia. It takes place in Genovia and is called "From the Notebook of a Middle School Princess" and is also illustrated by Meg Cabot herself!

Olivia is a fun character! I didn't read this book yet, but she was in another book that will be on this list... and she's very cool and different than Mia. Her mom passed away, she used to live with her aunt and uncle in New Jersey (represent) but they weren't the best people... and now she lives with her father and Mia's mother and half brother in Genovia! She wants to draw animals for Zoos, which is cool... and I think she has a dog also. Very cool.

For Babies 
So if you want to get something fun for babies, there are these sets that have a bunch of little books in them, and those are really easy for little ones to grab and play with. Sesame Street has them, Sophia The First has them, there are a lot of different ones to choose from. My mom recently got some for my sister's flower girl and she seemed to enjoy them. This is also good if you don't like having your baby watch TV, but you still see toys with tv characters on them or something... I guess it doesn't really matter if they know who the character is or not... but they'll be excited to see these characters in toys and clothes and things like that. Its good.

For teens 
If they don't already have the John Green Box Set, I highly recommend that. I've read them all and I love every one of them and I'm happy to have them in a set. If they've read some of them already, I would say just get An Abundance of Catherines. This was the funniest book of all of his, and probably the most underrated. I hear a lot about the rest of them... surprisingly little about An Abundance of Catherines, which was great.

I've also noticed the Maze Runner Series is one of the more popular ones on Barnes and Noble... I like the Maze Runner Books but I think the movie The Scorch Trials was unnecessarily violent and don't support it for that reason. Basically... I'd just see whats hot on Barnes and Noble and find out if they have these books already or not.

For girls 
There was a new Princess Diaries book out this year called Royal Wedding and it was amazing. Really funny and I think you could enjoy it even if you're unfamiliar with the original series. That series kind of explains everything that you might have missed in the other books. So that's pretty good.

Gillian Flynn is also an amazing author and I know she has a new Novella type of thing out and she has 3 books that are in a box set. I've read Gone Girl and Sharp Objects... and they'll keep someone up at night! Its scary. Lol. I think anyone would enjoy them... but if you know someone that likes a good mystery, this is a good gift for them.

And this might be like an older thing, but I've seen so many advertisements for the new Hallmark Movie Murder She Baked that I found out about those books and I think that series would be good for a gift. They're lighter mystery books that are kind of funny and contain recipes for different things in them. The mystery comes together like the recipes come together... I just think that's really cute and a good idea for a gift.

For Guys 
I think I've mentioned this before but I think the book Horns by Joe Hill would be a book guys would like. Its kind of a weird horror book and the movie didn't really do it justice... but this is a good one and its funny.

Aziz Ansari also just wrote a book and I think people would like that a lot. I got it for my birthday and I'm excited to read it. Its called Modern Romance and I guess its about that literally. I think he interviews people that have been in love and just talks about love and how its changed. This would be a good book to give a single guy, or whoever you love. I love Aziz and I just think this will be a fun pick.

And if you're guy is into movies or is kind of a nerd, one book thats on my list is Patton Oswalt's Silver Screen Fiend. It's about how his love of films led him to his current career. I think it sounds really good and I like Patton Oswalt and this one is on my list... so I'd say its a good pick.

Photography Books 
I want the Wes Anderson book. I'm a big fan of Wes Anderson, and I don't really think you have to be a fan of his movies to be a fan of the Art in his movies. They're all really beautiful and it would be nice to see them all in one book.

I also recommend the Gaga book. Its a huge book with pictures of Lady Gaga. I think its on sale at Barnes and Noble now. Really cool Coffee table book. I like looking at all the pictures for inspiration. It is MASSIVE though, so make sure whoever you're getting it for is a MASSIVE fan of Lady Gaga.

Other Celebrity Biographies 
I typically ask for these as gifts because I like having them in Hard Cover and thats something I'd rather get as a gift than give to myself. Lol.

Bossypants By Tina Fey

Yes, Please By Amy Poehler

I don't know where you know me from by Judy Greer

Everyone is hanging out Without Me- Mindy Kaling

Why Not Me- Mindy Kaling

The Year of Yes- Shonda Rhimes

Wildflower- Drew Barrymore

I think Rachel Dratch has a book... lots of people from SNL have books... there are a ton.

For TV Lovers/ Fangirls/Fanboys 

If you didn't know, Game Of Thrones is actually based off of a series of Books by George RR Martin. They have lots of sets of these and they would make a pretty awesome gift I think.

There are also the And Philosophy books. I found out about this series when Arrested Development and Philosophy came out... but basically they have everything. Game of Thrones, Dr. Who, I think Breaking Bad. Just whatever you can be a fan of, they have! Good books, interesting way to break down your tv shows!

Hope this was helpful!



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