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Blogmas Day 1: Favorite Christmas Songs and why

So... I decided to do this on this blog too... just because I feel like I can do this. So every other day, every odd numbered day of the month I will post something personal and Christmas related. Or holiday related. I'm going to just make these funny stories, if you don't celebrate Christmas, this will still be enjoyable.

And even though this isn't like a holiday memory or anything... I figured I'd mention my favorite Christmas songs because why not!

You're a Mean One, Mr. Grinch- This might be my favorite. Its the one song that whenever I hear it brings a smile to my face. Its really funny, I love both the Cartoon and the Jim Carey versions of the Grinch and I think both have great scenes where this song is played... that's like my one thing. If the Jim Carey movie had ruined this sequence, I would have hated it... but it didn't and it is one of my favorites. I just heard this today, I was thinking it was too early for Christmas songs, but this one will always get me! This is the best!

We're Marley and Marley- Gotta give a quick shout-out to the best Christmas Carol movie and the best song in that movie... We're Marley and Marley. This is why Statler and Waldorf are my favorite muppets. I didn't even know that they had names until recently, but they always make me laugh... and really I feel like I relate to them the most as a person. Lol. Ironic as they are Hecklers and I want to be a comedian. Anyway... This song is perfect. The whole soundtrack to this is amazing. I used to listen to it all the time when I was a kid... and I still sing this a lot whether its Christmas or not! Lol. This is definitely the best of it though.

Santa Baby- Only the Eartha Kitt version really. Not a fan of Madonna's version. This is just a funny song... and its so me. I want all those things. Who doesn't want those things? Also I love the Community parody of this. Teach me how to understand Christmas... That is one of my favorite tv moments and I'm about to watch that now. And then watch the Community Christmas episode... lol. All the songs are so funny. Baby Boomer Santa is just... the best.

Silver and Gold- This is a great song. This always makes me feel like decorating a Christmas tree... I'm really into decorating my tree... I'll get into that soon enough. But yeah. Silver and Gold, great song Burl Ives is the best!

Baby its cold outside- There are lots of versions of this I don't like... but idk. I always find it interesting to see a different take of it. I like the Elf version a lot, the one on the soundtrack. And Zooey Deschanel sings on that one and on the She and Him Chrismas Cd, but on that she sings the part usually sung by a man. I really like the Lady Gaga Tony Bennet version on the Barnes and Noble commercials. I just like the song, and even if the version of it isn't good... I feel like you have to be really talented to pull that song off and its always interesting to see different people's takes.

Last Christmas- I love George Michael... I think he's a really talented singer and this song is one of my favorites. I like other versions of it too because it can be really good or really bad... but everyone has a bit of a different spin on it. Taylor Swift's version is pretty good. There are lots of good female versions of it. I'm a fan.

This Christmas- I always get these two songs confused (the previous song) because its kind of Last Christmas's counterpart right? I heard a version of this that is THE WORST version in the world... but when its done soul-fully its such a great song.

The Christmas Song- Again... everyone has a great version of this song. I first heard it from Jessica Simpson. My favorite versions are probably from Vanessa Williams and Nat King Cole. I really love any song by Vanessa Williams... I really love Vanessa Williams.

I feel like I'm going to give honorable mention to a couple songs... just cause I know these songs are bad, but I've grown attached to them. The song from The Waitress is pretty good. I'm a little tired of it  now... but its pretty good. And I've grown very attached to Bruce Springsteen's Christmas song. I was never a Bruce Springsteen fan or anything like that but... living in the Jersey Shore my whole life... you get to hear his songs a lot. And I've grown to like his songs a lot. And the Christmas song from him just makes me feel christmasy and I like it!

So... yeah. Those are some of my picks. Hope this gets you feeling Christmasy or something. I'll probably tell some stories, do some more favorites and things like that... and this will be every other day. Every odd numbered day. So... look for those if you'd like and... I'll let you know some of my Christmas stories.


P.S- Oddly I wrote a lot of this while listening to the Original Cast Recording of Hamilton. I didn't want to make it too Christmas-y just yet... but Musicals are my favorite things to watch/listen to around Christmas.


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