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One Hit Wonders

So a few days ago I decided to watch the video for the movie All Star by Smash Mouth... and you know what the weird thing about the video is? It has clips from the movie Mystery Men in it!

I totally forgot that this song was in that movie! Mostly, because the movie is good... but kind of forgettable. I remember the cast in it... Hank Azaria I think was in it, Ben Stillar and Janine Garafollo were definitely in it... but the movie isn't nearly as iconic as the song.

And then I remembered that on Nickelodeon they would always show clips from their shows and movies during songs from the Baja Men... and I think that Who Let The Dogs Out was originally written for the Rugrats in Paris soundtrack... and thats weird when you know that again, the song is quite iconic... the movie isn't that iconic compared to the song!

Does anyone else notice this weird phenomenon on kind of forgettable movies having iconic songs that are One Hit Wonders... I guess there are some forgettable movies that have Iconic songs that are not One Hit Wonders also. I'm pretty sure it was the movie Con Air was the one that had the song "How would I live without you" which is iconic and kind of weird because it was sung by 2 different singers. LeAnn Rhimes sang it originally, but she was only 14 at the time and the song seemed to mature for a 14 year old, so Trisha Yearwood sang it and was on the soundtrack. Also odd: It was nominated for both an Oscar and a Razzie for best and worst original song. Weird!

Baja Men were also on so many soundtracks that there was an actual CD that included all the songs that they had on soundtracks... and I thought that was kind of funny so I asked for it for Christmas a few times... but I think my parents knew I wasn't really that into Baja Men (although we had seen them in concert and they were really good.) and I just thought it was funny that they were on so many soundtracks that they had to have a cd for them. Funny, right?

So that is it. All the fun facts about iconic songs!



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