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Thanksgiving Thoughts

So I didn't really know what to post today... so I'm just going to do a whole Thanksgiving thoughts things.

1) Stovetop Stuffing is The Best 
My mom used to make real stuffing and actually stuff it... but my sister and I always prefer Stovetop. That's just what we're used to and we really like it! I think something about it being stuffed inside of the Turkey just grossed me out when I was a kid... and that's when I was like "Yeah I'll just have stovetop."

2) Why the heck do they make Election Day and Thanksgiving in the same month? 
That's just bad planning.

3) I've grown to really appreciate the Thanksgiving Day Parade
I don't know  why... I just really like watching the parade. I'm not a big parade person, but I really like the Thanksgiving Day Parade! It's fun to see the musicals and all the stars and singers too. I don't think Fall Out Boy or Panic At The Disco are on this year though! That makes me a little sad.

4)People get farty when they shop on Thanksgiving. 
Working retail on thanksgiving stinks... literally! I don't know who's idea it was to start opening up malls right after a huge meal... but that person must not have a good sense of smell. People fart. Employees and customers... plus my stomach just feels bloated and yucky.

And I think on Christmas Eve people showed up drunk too... so that's a pretty bad thing too. People drinking at Thanksgiving because its right after election day... and then driving to Target and Wall Mart... it just seems very dangerous to me. Be careful!

And those are just my thoughts on the holiday. Of corse I love the Family, Friends, TV... I don't love football, but I like that there's the option of going to football games if you want.



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