Sooo I'm sick right now and I want to watch movie trailers... soooo... thats what is going to happen right now. 1) The Fault in Our Stars- This is based on a book that I'm not sure I wanted to read... but I watched the trailer and it looks cute. I'm not that into love stories, and this one looks super sad. I'm sure the book is great and that the movie will be great as well. It doesn't look like a sappy-overly tragic love story. It actually looks like a love story that happens to have tragedy in it. I feel like Nicholas Sparks and romance movies like Remember Me exploit tragic events in order to create feels for people that really aren't there. This doesn't look like that. I think I may want to ease my way into John Green before reading this though, he looks like he has a lot of great books that I'd like to read other than this. 2) The Maze Runner- This one I actually did read and I'm super excited about. Out of all the dystopian societies, this o...