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Showing posts from January, 2014

Feeling Lovely Friday: January 2014 favorites

Hello Lovelies, So today is the last day of January... and it did not fly by. I feel like it went by at a normal pace. I always want someone to say that in a youtube favorites videos cause everyone is always like "IT WENT BY SO FAST" I just want someone to be super boring and be like "It went by at a normal pace" lol. I am that boring person. So anyway lets get right into it! Make Up Naked 3 Palette- I love this so much. It was mentioned in my 2014 favorites and now I've been using it wayyy more. Its got such nice, pigmented colors. They're all kind of rosy colors which is in right now I believe, and its just one of those really fun girly things. Maybeline Babyskin Primer- I love this! It's great with my covergirl outlast 3 in one foundation (just started to use it for that and I dig it) and my Olay fresh effects BB cream. It moisturizes, it reduces pores, it makes foundation stay on nicely. This is the only primer I've ever really used... s

American Horror Story: Coven Finale Review (some spoilers...okay a lot of spoilers, but I warn when to stop reading. ))

So last night was the Season Finale of Coven so I'm going to review it. There are spoilers... but the first few paragraphs are spoiler free. In case you were wondering. I was pleasantly surprised by this finale. Last year's finale was just so boring. It seems like usually AHS tries to wrap everything up in the penultimate episode and they leave something for the finale, nothing huge happens but theres usually enough to keep everything interesting. The first season's finale did that absolutely brilliantly and the second season not so much. This year I thought A LOT happened in the finale for once. For one, I like the whole concept of the Seven Wonders. They sort of kept what they were hidden throughout the season and we finally got to see what they were. There was 1)Telekinesis 2) Mind Control 3) Divination 4) Resurrection 5) going to hell and coming back 6) transmutationt? Idk it was like the girls were playing tag and they could show up out of no where 7) ... idk I'

Woman Crush Wednesday: Jennifer Lawrence!

I feel like Jennifer Lawrence is a lot of people's woman crush, and just crush all around. She is gorgeous and funny and talented. Seriously is there anything she can't do. I'm not someone to get very emotional in movies. When I watch tv and something sad happens, I'll cry or when there is a sad part in a book I'll cry... but Jennifer Lawrence really gets me to cry in movies. Catching Fire just came out and holy shit I almost lost it. I mean yes I did cry a lot in the books, but I wasn't really expecting to get so emotional in the movie because I wasn't too too emotional during the first movie. I really felt for Katniss when she visited District 11 and I just thought no other actress could really do that that well. I don't think I've actually seen any movies of hers other than The Hunger Games and Catching Fire... but I should get on that. She's probably way better in the movies she was nominated for an Oscar in is probably a better performance

Other How I Met Your Mother Theories

I forgot to blog today... so I think I'm going to just write some other theories about How I Met Your Mother... and pose some questions. I know I just posted about HIMYM yesterday... but I figured I'd post again cause I kinda changed my mind after the second watch. After lowering my expectations I actually quite enjoyed it and I kind of got more why they did it the way that they did. Anyhoo 1) I think that Penny, the daughter was named after the lucky penny that brought them together, it was really great. 2) I think Barney and Robin's hands get eaten by a bear. 3) Lilly ran away, but I don't really think she totally ran away. I think she knows that Robin needs her there, especially since her mother isn't even there. Also I don't think she's looking for sex so I don't think she'll have an affair. I wondered that 4) What do you think the mother's name is? People are saying there was a C in her apartment so it might be something with a C.

How Your Mother Met Me Review!

Alrighty so I did get to catch tonight's episode so here is a second post for today! I was really excited about the idea of us getting to see the mother and I didn't think it was a bad episode... I just thought that there were some things I would have liked to see done differently. I feel like there were far too many callbacks. I realize its showing how the mother and ted were so close to meeting each other several times and just barely missed... but it felt like we were just watching episodes we had seen before with a different character. I am usually a HUGE fan of callbacks, but I feel like they just did wayyy too many in this episode. I'm glad they showed the mother's quirky robot artwork and her singing breakfast food habit... but I don't think they needed to have the Naked Man, the St. Patrick's day thing was okay but I thought there would be more, they didn't need to show her talking to Lilly about Darren and picking up Marshall because we literall

Life Scribble: Here are just some things that happened to me today!

So I kind of wanted to post a review of HIMYM's 200th episode tonight... but idk if I'm going to see it tonight and I'd honestly like to see it twice before posting a review of it... so I"ll probably post that tomorrow. Maybe I'll post a how to-sday... but idk I've got quite a bit to do.  So today I'm in a really good mood, and it hasn't necessarily been a fantastic day but I'm in a good mood so yeah. I couldn't get to sleep last night, so I slept in late because my class today wasn't until 2:30 and I just had to print a few things before which would not be a problem...  Apparently it was a problem. Evidently my school closed all of the computer labs that I usually used for printing... which was inconvenient. Apparently they moved some computers to the downstairs library... it was just bad.  Then my teacher read my paper out loud, which was actually kind of a good thing. It was a creative writing type of thing, something I would l

10 Things That Make Me Happy :)

So I saw some people do this on youtube and I thought it was cool and different so I'm going to do my own personal list. I'm kind of odd... so my things may be very different than most peoples... 1) Dogs- I love all animals, but dogs make me happiest of all. Mainly my malteses, Lucky dog who is not longer with us sadly but I still have so many fond memories of, and of corse my baby Spencer. I also look up a lot of dog and cat videos whenever I'm feeling really sad and it will instantly make me soo sooo happy. 2) Despicable Me/Minions- This is one of the easiest ways to make me happy. Whenever I need a good laugh I will watch Despicable Me or the minion mini movies and I can't help but laugh. I have so many toy minions all over my room... it kind of looks like a kids room and I'm a 22 year old adult... but that just makes me super happy. 3) Penne Vodka- Food in general is really good but my favorite food of all foods is Penne Pasta with Vodka sauce. Never thoug

It List: January 2014

1) How Did This Get Made Podcast- I've been obsessed with this podcast. It's just Paul Scheer, June Diane Rapheal and Jason Matzoukas discussing horrible movies. I love all of those people... I love bad movies so this is kind of a HUGE win for me. I love it. I've been listening to it like all day the past few days. I'm listening to it right now and it's incredible. They also have great guest stars like Rhetta, Nick Krull, Adam Scott, Dan friggin Harmon... just amazing. Check it out. I listen to it on Stitcher which is an app to listen to podcasts on and it's pretty cool. I dig it. 2) Aerie Hoodies- These are the softest friggin hoodies in the entire world. I got one last tuesday... and I bought another on wednesday and then again on thursday. They are so soft and warm, and they're on sale for $15 right now! Ahhh-mazing! 3) Sun Golden Magnolia from BBW- I mentioned this lotion in my ginormous bath and body works haul. I got another one since then for free

Feeling Lovely Friday- Did I like it?

Sooo on Sunday or Monday I posted a kind of "haul" of things that I picked up from target and one thing from my grocery store and now I'm just going to give my little reviews. It's sort of a first impression since I haven't been using them all that much, but I've used them more than once. So it's like a fourth impression really. Lol. This might be kind of boring because I actually liked all of them. I would recommend them all, but I'll tell you why for different reasons. L'Oreal sikissme eyeliner- This I thought was my favorite at first... idk if it still is. I really like it though. I got it in the rose gold color, it lasts pretty long most days and it seems not so long other days... idk. I like wearing it without any eyeshadow or anything. It makes you look more awake. It's kind of eye-catching too. I like it. Maybeline Babyskin Primer- I was probably most excited about this. I've needed a real primer because of the pore-problem I&#

The Worst Movies Ever

This is pretty self explanatory... I've been listening to a podcast about bad movies called "how did this get made" so I thought I would talk about the worst of the worst. The creme de la crap of movies and television. Note: there are a lot of bad movies I really like, and a lot of critically acclaimed movies I hate... but believe me when I say some of these movies are bad... they are TERRIBLE! 1) The X Files: I want to believe- This is the WORST movie I have ever seen in my entire life. Ohhh my god, this is a shitty SHITTY movie. I was so excited when this movie came out because I was a HUGE fan of the show and it was YEARS since they did the show and were talking about this movie and it was just super SUPER bad. I would have gone out opening weekend to see it because I was so excited... but I was in Europe at the time, so I waited till I got home. This was the first movie I saw when I got back and I feel TERRIBLE because I made all of my friends and my sister see it

Fond Memories: The 101 Dalmatians Happy Meal Toys at McDonalds

Sooo... I had nothing to blog about today. I'm saving my WCW for next week and I just kind of ran out of ideas so I thought I'd share the most exciting thing about my childhood: The 101 Dalmatians toys from McDonalds. As a child, I was mildly completely obsessed with the McDonalds 101 Dalmatians toys. I was really excited about the movie coming out and... there were 101 toys???? I needed them all! These toys were also really cool because the movie came out around Christmas time and a lot of them had Christmas themes or London themes. There was one covered in tinsel, one with a wreath on his bum, one on an ornament, just all really cute little Christmas things. My parents would take me to every McDonalds and buy several toys at once just so that I could get all 101. Which was really special and they are great parents because of that. And then 102 Dalmatians came out and we had to do the same thing! I still have all of these toys and I'm probably going to use them as Ch

How To-sday: How To Compliment someone

This kind of goes hand in hand with being nice to people. I feel like compliments are always a super helpful thing, and this may just be my personal views on it... but I have gotten a lot of bad compliments and they've been hurtful. So here are my little tips for complimenting someone. 1) DO NOT COMPARE A GIRL TO ANOTHER GIRL YOU KNOW- I've once gotten the compliment "ohhh Shannon you look so skinny I thought you were your sister." I know the person that said this was just being nice and she thought that she was giving me a really great compliment... and I guess it was nice, but it kind of made me feel like shit too. Girls don't like getting compared to other girls because then we'll just think we aren't as pretty as other girl. 2) Be careful when saying someone looks like a celebrity- This can be very tricky. Know what celebrity you are talking about. Think "ohhh would I like to be compared to said celebrity" if so yes. It is acceptable for

Man Crush Monday: Nick Kroll

I don't even know what I have to say about this guy that can't be said. Basically he got his start in the sitcom "Caveman" which was based off of the geico cavemen... and somehow proved himself to be one of the funniest people in the world.  Just anything that he's in makes me laugh incredibly. Even the small role he had in Get Him To The Greek was really funny. On the league he's really funny, Kroll Show is amazing. Basically if you want me to laugh just a little bit more than I would already: Bring in Nick Kroll. The guy is amazing.  Even when he's just a guest star on a show. He was so funny on New Girl when he was on that. On Parks and Rec he is amazing as "the Douche", probably my second favorite guest star after Jean-Ralphio... who isn't much of a guest anymore.  My favorite Kroll Show sketches are the PubLizity sketches because their voices are just so amazing and on point. If you turned it on without knowing it was a sketch

Mini Target Hall

Okay I was going to do a Man Crush monday on a certain comedian that has a show on comedy central... but I don't really feel like writing that much. I've been packing for going back to school all night... and tomorrow I'm not sure if I will feel like writing this thing. I'm gonna try once I get back but honestly... you'll get it eventually I'm just lazy right now... which is reasonable. But I did spend the remainder of my target gift card and then some so... let's do a teeny tiny haul because I'm broke and these won't happen for a while. L'oreal Silkissime by Infallible Eyeliner- I got the shade highlighter. It's a rose gold color. Em cosmetics has a similar one but I don't want to pay a lot of money for something I may or may not like... so I was happy L'oreal came out with one. L'oreal owns em cosmetics so it's probably not all that different and I have loved everything I've tried from L'oreal so I'm excit

See it or Skip?- Mini Reviews

Since Netflix/ Amazon/ On demand websites have a lot of movies that maybe you didn't see in theaters or anything I'm going to write about those. They're basically movies I missed, but maybe you want to watch or something. I don't want to go into great detail or anything, but I'll go into some detail just cause I've seen these movies now and I would like people to know whether or not you should see them or not. Conception - This is on Netflix, I watched it a few months ago. It was an ensemble comedy with all different plotlines about how babies were conceived. It was clever and a lot of it was funny... but it was just weird. There was a lot of sex and it was just kind of weird. It was basically about people having sex and how/why and what happened after. I don't love ensemble comedies and this one was just a bit weird. I'd say SKIP IT!  The Puffy Chair - I like Mark Duplass. This was an early film of his that he made with his brother and his (now)

2014 Goals

Sooo since we are about halfway through the first month of the year... I thought I would share a few of my goals for the year. Now since I'm graduating in May, 2014 will be my first actual year as an adult... so I'd like to be slightly more of an adult this year. That being said, I'm also just 22... so I still want to enjoy my youth and have fun. I want to be responsible and act older than my age... but I still want to remind myself that I am only 22 and it's okay to do things that 22 year olds would do. Not doing anything stupid... just trying to live life. Idk where I'm going with this. Let me just list some specifics. 1) Post on this blog daily- I may not write daily... but that's okay. The more writing I do the better I feel. I feel way more relaxed and just all around pretty good about myself when I post something. It doesn't matter if it gets 1 view or hundreds of views... I just want to post something that I'm proud of and that I can look back

Review Time! Community Season 5 So Far

Community is one of the best shows on television. After season 4... aka "gas leak year" when Dan Harmon left... it was not one of the best shows on television so much... but Dan Harmon has returned and that made me all that more excited for season 5. Now I didn't think season 4 was actually that awful... but you could tell it wasn't really "Community." I thought the writers did an okay job, I thought the Kevin Chang thing was pretty funny and it was kind of funny when they tied up the professor... but it wasn't really the best of all the seasons. I thought that if the season 4 finale was the series finale, it would have been a good finale, but I was very happy for season 5 because it didn't feel the same. That being said, season 5 has not disappointed... at all. A lot of times with Community I'll like the episode after watching it one time, but the second time I don't like it so much... this year I feel like I could watch these episodes o

Feeling Lovely Thursday- Collective Haul

This is a super random haul of odds and ends that I've picked up from different places over the past few weeks. I've had most of the stuff for a while, some things for just a weekish... but I thought now that I've put it to the test, I can share it. Ohhh my gosh... I go to Bath and Body works far too often... thats all I'm gonna say. Sephora!  UD Naked 3 Palette- So I had always been interested in the Naked Palettes. I almost got the Naked 2, but I saw the Stila In The Light Palette, which was a little cheaper and I liked it a little better so I got that instead. I liked the rosy neutrals in this palette, so I thought I'd give it a whirl... I still cannot get over how beautiful it is. I've worn pretty much all of the colors so far and have created so many different looks it's amazing. Really cannot get enough of this. It is a pricey palette, but well worth the money... could not be happier! Sephora Liquid eyeliner- I've never really tried liquid ey

Woman Crush Wednesday- Elizabeth Banks

Okay... so I really want to make this post today since I'm trying to post daily... but it is 11:26 pm now so this may technically be on Thursday... I'm going to try real hard here! Out of thinking of my first woman crush it has to be Elizabeth Banks. I just always thought that she was so pretty and she's really funny in movie and seems like the type of ballsy chick to play really goofy silly roles, but she's still a good enough actress to play in serious roles too. I think she's better suited for comedies than dramas, but she is certainly a good enough actress for either and I'm gonna say it: She could possibly win an oscar some day... or she'd be really good on television too. I'm not sure. I first noticed her in the movie Role Models I think. I just thought she did a really good job of being funny but she was also the "girlfriend that wants her boyfriend to grow up" role. Her character mentioned that she had a pretty face in the movie and

How To To-sday- How to Be Nice To People

Hello everyone. My name is Shannon. There are some things I know how to do and I'm going to teach you how to do those things on Tuesdays because How To Tuesday sounds good. Or Maybe I'll call it How To-sday. That makes sense right? Yeah you guys are smart enough to get that I'll change the title. Recently I've actually had a lot of nice customers... which is great for me! I just feel like not everyone in the world is a nice person and maybe- just maybe they need a little lesson in being nice. This blog will teach some do's and don'ts of being nice to people... mainly people that work in stores.  1) Do not snap at someone for doing their job- At work, part of my job is to ask for customers emails to send them coupons and whatnot. Pretty much every store does this. I can understand how it gets annoying to people, especially with all of the target-scam stuff thats been going on... but that doesn't mean that you should snap at a person when they ask. You

Golden Globe Awards Recap!

Okay so I'm writing this as the Golden Globes is still on... but Everyone I care about won already and I only really wanted to see Amy and Tina host... so yeah thats about it. First the Red Carpet stuff was far too long and boring. They had it on for like 2 hours on NBC... which is far too long. They didn't even really show that much, I didn't see many of the dresses until I looked at a red carpet thing that entertainment weekly had. So here are some people I thought looked really good.  As far as men go, the guys from Parks and Rec are always the most handsome. They're like my guys and aside from Rob Lowe's odd hair... they all looked really good. Particularly Pratt with his new Marvel Body and Adam Scott with facial hair... ohhh my gosh he's just swoon worthy I love him. And Aziz looked amazing and Nick Offerman... and even with Rob Lowe's hair he was just great!  Idris Elba, Andy Samberg, Seth Meyers also looked quite nice. I love that they ke