If you've noticed a theme, I'm changing some names of thing. A lot happened this week. One: I wrote a few of these stories and I saved it as a draft... I thought. But it didn't... so I'm writing it now.
1) Chris Pratt and Chris Evans both Win The Superbowl!- So you all know the Pratt-Evans children hospital bet... well this week Pratt visited the children's hospital of Evan's choice, dressed as Star Lord. I believe Evans was also with him... and soon they will also be visiting the hospital of Pratt's choice in Seattle. Way to go guys!
2) Boy suspended for protecting The One Ring- Apparently somewhere in the south I believe... I forget where, and I posted this in the other post and now I don't know any details... but a boy was suspended in his school for playing LOTR with a ring basically. As far as I know, he wasn't doing any harm to anyone. He was just playing around. And I did stuff like that all the time as a kid... so yeah. He shouldn't have gotten suspended. But he was.
3) Harper Lee to write a Sequel for To Kill A Mocking Bird- I believe To Kill A Mocking Bird was actually a prequel to the book that she's publishing in the near future. Apparently she wrote this book earlier, but it takes place after the events of TKAMB. So thats pretty cool. I read To Kill A Mocking Bird in High School and I completely forget what its about... so I'll be rereading it before the new one comes out for sure. Its already super popular on Barnes and Noble's website.
4) Couple has sex on stage at music festival- Someone shared this article on facebook and I clicked on the pictures thinking it was fake... surely enough it was not. The two were in a band, which I forget the name... but they seemed pretty comfortable doin it on stage. And people seemed to be okay watching... Ew.
5) Dionne Warwick slips and falls in shower- Singer, psychic, and cousin (i think) of Whitney Houston is now in the hospital after falling in the shower. This news is less than a week after Bobbi Kristina was hospitalized and put in a medically induced coma for being found unresponsive in hospital. There was also a fight within the Houston family because of this. Idk. I don't trust Bobbi Kristina's husband, I think he tried to kill her. And I hope she recovers. And I'm sure Dionne Warwick will also recover.
6) Brian Williams takes leaves NBC, at least temporarily after he "misremembers" the truth- Misremembering the truth is another way of saying he told a Big Fat Lie. And got away with it until recently. He went on Letterman and told the story of a real soldier that he claimed saved his life while reporting in Afghanistan, or somewhere we're having a war. And that turned out to not be true... and now its suspicious if everything he's been saying including that he saw bodies floating in the French Quarter after Hurricane Katrina, when in fact that area was not as badly affected during the storm. He is also being questioned as to whether or not him reporting that his daughter Allison did an amazing performance in Peter Pan and he really enjoyed it, was true or false... lol. Sorry! I didn't see it, Allison Williams is Beautiful and I'm sure she was fine... but I couldn't not joke about that!
7) Bruce Jenner involved in fatal car accident- Although Jenner was not injured, the athlete and Kardashian member was running away from Paparazzi, probably chasing him after learning about his new interview with Diane Sawyer and his docu-series on E! about his transition. I think the Kardashians are too... much. Theres too much fascination with them, too much publicity with them, and only because one of them made a sex tape with Brandy's brother. I would see a docu-series on someone transitioning, sure... but not a Kardashian. Also I'm not sure he should really be driving. He might be on a lot of hormone medications at this point, and while that may not be dangerous to the everyday person, its probably dangerous for someone with a high-profile lifestyle such as Bruce Jenner's. So its sad that this happened, its sad that some innocent person died because of it. I don't think Diane Sawyer should give him the interview and I don't think they should make a series because of this.
There was a lot more I wanted to talk about... but because I lost the original version of this list... I cannot remember a lot of the events and I don't want to exaggerate or lie about anything, because I want to be slightly more credible than Brian Williams.
-Shannon Kahermanes
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