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Scribbles About Books: Instant Mom by Nia Vardalos

If you don't know who Nia Vardalos is... You probably aren't Greek! Lol. I feel like she's kind of a household name in Greek circles... and really among my friends too. I feel like most of my friends and family know a lot about her and like her a lot just because I talk about her so often because she is one of my heroes, and I feel like we know each other now. She's very nice on twitter and on Facebook. If you go to her facebook, you can even find out how to get a personalized copy of Instant Mom, which is awesome. She told me that writers rock and thats really cool and special and sweet of her to do. All the Proceeds go to Adoption charities also.

So this isn't just a parenting book or a book preaching adoption or anything like that. It has a lot of fun stories that she tells about her being famous too. She includes the story of how she met Rita Wilson and got My Big Fat Greek Wedding written. She talks about how she met John Corbett and the Queen also and just fun stories that you kind of want to know about being famous and things like that.

She also talks a lot about her daughter, obviously and what she was like when they first adopted her. She was 3 at the time and she wouldn't talk and she threw fits and tantrums... but they knew that she loved them. She chose Nia and Ian to be her parents. They tried renaming her too, and she picked her new name also,and how it suited her perfectly. And just really funny cute kid stories that are really cute and just smart. And there are parenting tips in this, but I would say its more about a rather unusual time in Nia's life that is kind of different from what normally happens.

I'm being a little vague with the descriptions of these stories in this book... but I really want you guys to read it. (and I'm watching Workaholics... lol) Its really inspiring. Even if you don't want to have kids or adopt, its still a genuinely good read. A lot of times I think society devalues the strength of women who choose to be mothers, and thats totally not true. Moms are awesome. A lot of my favorite people are moms, including my own! She shows that it really takes a lot to be a mom and its nice to see that in today's world where it seems like women can only be valued if they have a job and are incredibly successful. I'm not saying I want to be a mom or a stay at home mom or anything like that, I'm just saying moms are strong and awesome and we should take value of that more than just on Mothers Day.

And if you are thinking of adopting, this book is really helpful. Especially if you are choosing to go through the Foster Care system. She has a little appendix in the back for a lot of helpful adoption information, she explains the three different types of adoptions that there are and some of the different state laws and just some really helpful times so that you can find out what is best for you and just some little helpful things.

Its a fun read, I highly HIGHLY recommend it. One of my favorite books ever by far. Idk if this is on an audiobook, but I think it would be really funny to hear her voice reading this also... so thats cool.



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