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Scribbles about Movies: 50 Shades of Grey (Spoilers for movie and book series... which I didn't read so they may not be super accurate)

Yesterday I saw a little known movie called 50 Shades of Grey. Apparently it was based off a book? Lol jk, its a very anticipated movie because its a very popular book, that I didn't read and I don't think I'd like.

I pretty much thought that I would think this movie is sexist, abusive and I wouldn't like it it would bother me too much... and yeah. It kind of is. It sort of did bother me, but at the same time... I kind of liked it. I thought it was interesting. I know this book wasn't written as something thats supposed to be a deep psychological movie... but it sort of is. My friend Tori that I saw this with said that there are many articles where abused women quote Christian Grey and say "that's the same thing my abuser said." Which is bad. Its not funny and there are definitely problems with that... and idk if I want to go into the movie too much or give away any major plot twists... and I'm guessing there aren't many people that haven't read the book, so idk if I'm spoiling this a whole whole lot anyway... so you know what? I'm just going to say it. Christian was abused as a child, which is why his behavior is the way it is. And they never specifically say in the movie that he specifically wants to do this to Anastasia because she looks like his abusive mother... but its kind of obvious. I did ask Tori, who did read the books, "So he only likes her because she looks like his mom right?" And she said yes. Idk if there is much more than that... but yes.

I've been told by pretty much everyone that Anastasia is a very blah character. I was assuming she was like Bella Swan from Twilight, who I couldn't stand and never finished reading the series. Lol. I actually thought Anastasia was a little more interesting and feisty than people give her credit for. I think if another actress had played her, I would have liked her a little more. Dakota Johnson is very beautiful and its not that she was bad in the movie at all... but she's very blah. I think if someone just a tad more interesting had played Ana in the movie, I would have liked her a little better. Like I said, she wasn't bad, but... she was very boring. Sandy Kenyon who is the entertainment reporter for ABC for the tri-state area said the opposite of what I thought. He thought Dakota Johnson was very good and that the Huntsman (I know his name is Jamie Dornan or Jamie Dorman or something... but since I don't know what, I will refer to him as Christian Grey or The Huntsmen because I'm a fan of Once. Lol.) I might be biased because I think The Huntsmen is hot... he might be biased because Dakota Johnson showed some full frontal and full back-al nudity. Who knows.

But yeah, I thought that Christian Grey was really good in this movie. He was good at taking his shirt off with one hand... which first off, it was hot, but it isn't that impressive. Mostly because it wasn't really like it was with one hand. Second, a lot of times Ana was blindfolded when he did that... so really who is he doing it for than. Lol. And third if a guy is that hot, I really don't care how he gets his shirt off, just get it off. Even if he isn't as hot as Christian Grey, I don't think I need a guy to take off his shirt in a fancy way. Lol. Not that I don't have high standards, I don't think I would date anyone that I don't think has potential to be a millionaire one day. Lol.

And I thought they had pretty good chemistry. Thats another thing Sandy Kenyon said no they didn't. I mean they just started seeing each other, I think thats kind of like what the chemistry between two strangers that are just starting to have weird sex together would be like. (Sorry if you're into this type of sex and I've offended you... but it isn't really the norm. And you have to admit, its a little weird to have this type of sex with someone you just met.) I remember on Trueblood I really wanted Sookie and Eric to get together, but Anna Paquin and Alexander Skarsgard just did not have chemistry together. The chemistry in this movie was definitely better in comparison to that.

But yes, as I mentioned I thought the climax of the movie... did not really happen. Lol. I went to the bathroom like 10 seconds before the movie ended, so I missed the very end of the movie... and I was a little bummed, but my friend re-enacted it and it was stupid and my friends version was probably better. Lol. So the part of the movie you think is most interesting but there is no sex so its probably safe to go to the bathroom... is the end of the movie... so be careful if you're like me and need a ginormous Raspberry soda.

Also I knew this was based off of a twilight fan fiction... but it is actually Twilight. Like I'm surprised this is legal because there are wayyyy too many similarities for this to not be twilight. It even takes place in Washington! Its crazy.

Ohhh and what I think is a huge HUGE problem in our society is the importance of a woman's virginity and this movie made all the points I think are gross come to life. Before she had sex with Christian, she was more "plain" and "ugly" even though Dakota Johnson herself is very beautiful. And after everyone was like "wow you look so different" and "you're pretty now" type of thing... just because she had sex. In the book my friend says that Christian actually buys her an entire new wardrobe too... which just shows girls aren't pretty until they have sex with men... which is stupid. Jane The Virgin is such a perfect show because it doesn't do that. Lol.

A few funny things that happened in the movie: Ana makes a tuna sandwich and uses too much tuna... which is funny because of Kroll Show.

Christian says "A lot of people say I don't have a heart" Ana says "Why is that?" Shannon says "because Regina took it and crushed it in her bare hands."

During the first really hot, steamy bondage-y scene Beyonce's Crazy In Love remix plays and I was like "ohhh this makes sense." I feel like if you're going to have bondage sex, Beyonce should be playing.

Spoilers: I was walking out to the bathroom it was the part where Ana tells Christian she loves him and I just sort of made a stink face like ewww.

Overall... I really liked the movie, even though I said all this bad stuff about it. Lol. It was interesting and it held my attention better than Black or White for example... lol. Idk why its interesting, I just went out the movie and was like "ohhh I liked it" even though there are lots of problematic messages. But like with anything, if you look at it as just a book, just a movie and not how this situation would hopefully happen in real life... its okay. Black or white I found deeply unsettling, but this I didn't think was. Probably not the right answer, I should probably find it more offensive and sexist... but I say pretty much everything is sexist... and this isn't the worst thing I've seen.

I'd give it 3 out of 5 stars. Its something I'd probably watch again, (mostly cause idk how it ends really) but it wasn't the best movie ever made.

So yeah. Did you guys see it? Like it? Hate it? Read the book? Let me know! Its a fun Galentine's day movie, even though its past Galentine's day. Lol.



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