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Scribbles About TV: Parks and Rec Finale Review (Spoilers.)

Wow. Just wow. I absolutely love this show and I've been saying its the greatest show on television since Arrested Development for forever. I'd also like to add that the writers, producers, directors, actors and everyone that had a hand in making this show are absolutely some of the smartest and funniest people ever. Pawnee is the best fictional town ever... and yeah. Anyone with a hand in this series is an incredible human being and I love you. I sound like Craig, lol.

Okay so I already knew this wouldn't disappoint as I've never been disappointed by anything on this show ever. I would have been upset if Rashida Jones and Rob Lowe weren't on, but I knew they would be. I would have been a little upset if they had referenced the documentary the way the office did. Idk... I just think its weird that after 9 years on the office they were just like "ohhh by the way this is a documentary we've been working on for 9 years." Did anyone else think that was weird? 

Also if you're going to kill someone off in the last episode on a comedy, do it like that! Don't do it like HIMYM! I think Always Sunny should kill Frank off in the last episode or at sometime during the final season, but thats different... lol. I like that Gary lived a good life, was elected mayor of Pawnee for the whole rest of his life. And he lived to be 100 and he died with all the people he loved. 

Okay, I got a really bad headache after I wrote all of that, which was like right after the finale... so I'm watching it a second time and I'm going to post more about it! Cool? Cool.

Okay so second watch, I took some notes... but... I probably won't follow them.

I love how everyone of the characters changed, but still stayed true to themselves. Donna stopped being all about "treat yo self" and started a nonprofit organization for her husband. Garry became Mayor of Pawnee and won every year for the rest of his life! And they still spelled his name wrong on his tombstone... and Gayle still looked amazing. Tom never admitted his failures, but ultimately admitting his failures was how he succeeded. Ron Swanson knew he needed Leslie and turned to her for help. April became a mom! Leslie was going to leave something up to chance and stopped freaking out over Joe Biden's house. Ben certainly became more than the "Ice Town Clown."

Now lets talk about the secret service at Jerry's funeral. They didn't show why exactly they were there because they didn't need to. Of corse they were the secret service. Of corse Ben or Leslie or both would become president. They could have showed Ben and Leslie in the white house for a cheap laugh... but there was NEVER a cheap laugh on Parks and Rec, lets be real here. Even the Doppleganger's episode, which could have been a cheap laugh was very intricate and complicated. And I loved that. So yeah, its nice they left something to the imagination. They gave us so many details about what happened to every single other character, they needed to leave something to the imagination. My theory? Leslie and Ben both serve as president. And then their kids grow up and also become presidents. Lol. Ohhh and it was in Leslie's kindergarden dream journal that she would be the first woman president right? Kindergarden Leslie knows what dreams come true.

Ohhhh something a little more, the kids. Ann mentioned her son's name is Oliver and her daughter is named Leslie. I bet Leslie's daughter is named Ann and one son is named after her dad and the other is Joe after Joe Biden or something like that. Just a thought. And can you imagine having 3 miniature Leslies and Bens combined? Crazy. Lol.

Some of the funniest moments...

The country ran out of beef.

The 21 stamp salute.

Every Cones of Dunshire joke.

Don't be a Garry.

Vaughn Swanson.

Jack has a nice handshake.

Andy naming their son.

April in Halloween make up delivering birth.

Jon Daily just saying "okay thanks" and leaving.

Brandi Maxxx cameo.

Leslie and Ann disapproving of their kids getting together.

Tom's book quiz.

The Library

... sooooo many good jokes. I laughed loudly several times. Ohhh and Jerry in the coffee pot outfit. Lol.

Also on Seth Meyers afterword, Chris Pratt mentioned what if the finale ended like the 6 feet under finale and they showed all of the characters deaths. He said that April would die of heartbreak and then they would show Andy died because he locked himself in a hot car without the windows down. That's a funny joke.

All in all, this episode was amazing. It was wonderfully written and edited and it really is one of the most well done episodes of TV. I love that they brought back the "laugh with me buddy" joke for Ron and that park is absolutely beautiful, I'm happy Ron is working there, especially because of the irony of him wanting to work there for Gryzzl.

As a whole, the finale reminded me a little of Ben's Bachelor party. Nice people doing nice things and becoming successful and living happy lives because of those things.

So is this the best finale ever? Yes. Is this the most perfect show ever? Possibly.

Definitely the perfect way of ending the show.



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