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Stuff That Happened This Week: (1/31/15)

Long time... no post! But here it is today: Stuff that happened THIS VERY WEEK! Its a lot and a lot of funny crazyness, so this is going to be a fun little news thingy.

1) Skymall declares bankruptcy- Sad day for all. Skymall, the most ridiculous thing that has ever existed is now no more. If you're reading this in the future and don't know what Skymall is, I'm going to explain it because it is actually the weirdest thing... In planes there's this catalog that has crazy things that you don't need... for you to buy on a plane. So if you're on a plane and think "Ohhh wow, I need a robot that can clean my car and make me green smoothies in the morning" You can find that in skymall. I'm upset about this just because people aren't going to believe that this existed. We need to make sure to preserve this thing exists. Its sad... but Idk who really bought any of this stuff. I know its not like a rational person in a good stable state of mind... I'm sure its mostly kind of crazy people... possibly on anti anxiety medicine, like in bridesmaids when she freaked out... she probably could have ordered from Skymall. Lol.

2) James Caan files for divorce from his wife... for the third time... in 10 years (and some other celebrity divorces) - So this is a weird thing that has happened 3 times apparently. James Caan is divorcing his 3rd wife for the 3rd time... James Caan seems like an okay guy to me. He was handsome when he was younger and he's still quite good looking today. He's a good actor... and yet this is a little weird. I guess I can't judge... but really? After the first marriage didn't work I can almost see getting married again to the same person. Thinking "yeah we've changed we can do this now." But if it doesn't work twice, its not going to work a third time... idk.

I feel like there should be a limit to how many times you can marry the same person. 2 seems a little unreasonable but not unheard of... but 3 seems too excessive.

Also joining the divorce club are Mandy Moore and Ryan Adams and Patrick Dempsey and his wife Jillian Fink. But you know, maybe it'll work out for them in the future... lol.

Does James Caan not have any friends that say "hey maybe this isn't such a good idea." I think he needs one of those.

3) Cast announced for Ghostbusters reboot- Also it is awesome. I'm on board with this movie no matter what pretty much because Paul Feig, director of Bridesmaids is directing it and Katie Dippold who wrote The Heat and is from Freehold, NJ (represent) is writing it. Melissa McCarthy, Kristin Wiig, and 2 people from SNL who I don't know... Leslie Jones and Katie Mckinnon (I know who she is I think) are also in the cast... this is exciting I think. A lot of people are confused because women are doing the same thing that men do and women are inferior because our tits just get in the way of daily activities, let alone the way that menstruation effects ghost busting... its stupid. If you aren't on board with this because you think women aren't funny, you're stupid.

So yeah I'm excited for that.

4) Tess Holliday changes beauty standards with the #effyourselfbeautystandards- Again, if you aren't for girls that are heavier than the typical model trying to change the world... you're probably pretty stupid. I kind of hate the beauty standard set by models and celebrities because it isn't something everyday people can achieve. I just saw in a magazine said "Mila Kunis's weight loss secret" revealing how she lost her baby weight... which I didn't read, but it probably says something making it seem like its something everyone can do and can afford... but I doubt that. Mila Kunis is a famous person that is currently starring in a huge action movie. I'm sure the studios hire hard core personal trainers and diet specialists and the best juice cleanse thingies anyone can possibly do. Plus she probably has the time to do all of these things... its not something that the average person will have the time and the money to be able to afford to do.

 I'm not saying anything bad about Mila Kunis or saying that she has it easier than other people or anything... I'm sure its hard to be a big celebrity in a relationship with another big celebrity and a new baby in the house... but her lifestyle is very different from the lifestyle is not like the average person reading this magazine. We shouldn't lie to people and say. "This is the beauty standard. You need to change yourself. This is how you need to change."

And with that, I think its important that we have Plus sized models or models with real curves of all different shapes and sizes. I'm curvy. I'm curvier than most average-sized models and I think slightly smaller than plus sized models... so I really don't fit into any beauty standards do I? That doesn't mean I have to change, it means the idea of beauty has to change. No one can define it... so why do we try to? It just kind of sucks and I'm happy we're trying to open some eyes.

5) Netflix releases teaser and additional cast members for Wet Hot American Summer- You know I love Wet Hot American Summer. It is one of my favorite movies and I'm super excited for the series. It's been announced that they are adding Jon Hamm, Kristin Wiig, Chris Pine and Jason Schwartzman! This.... THIS! THIS! Ohhhhhhhhh my gosh. I love the original WHAS... but I love that they are adding hot guys and Kristin Wiig. I feel like this is going to be the comedy event of our lifetime. Its like if Arrested Development had a baby with everyone from UCB and they all performed a muppet movie at a summer camp... its just awesome.

So yeah... I'm excited about that. Its frickin exciting!

6) A drone fell on the White House- This week's episode of Parks and Recreation was right on time wasn't it? Apparently a drone that was being operated by a drunk man landed at the White House this week... as we know by now the White house has some top notch security... Nothing bad happened because of this, but its kind of not the first thing you would want at the white house? Idk. It was odd to me and yeah... this happened.

7) Measles outbreak happens in DisneyLand- A lot of people from California apparently don't like to get vaccines because Jenny McCarthy says its voodoo... also a lot of people in California go to Disneyland. Put em together and what do you got? Bippity boppity flu! But seriously... there are people in third world countries lining up to get vaccines against things like Measles vaccines and we have pretty much eliminated the problem... but we refuse to vaccinate ourselves because of what a celebrity who got her medical degree on google says...

I'm also not a doctor... so maybe me saying vaccines are good is also bullshit... but I kind of think that they are and I've been to school other than google... so...

8) 2 Chain is running for mayor- Yeah a rapper is running for mayor... so yeah. That is a thing. Clay Aiken didn't win so he probably won't either.

9)Whitney Houston's daughter is hospitalized after being unresponsive in bathtub- This is sad because its so familiar. Whitney Houston died a few years ago, also in the bathtub... now her daughter is being hospitalized also in the bathtub... its just very sad. I hope everything is okay with her and that she makes it. I don't know very much about her at the time... but that does not sound good to me.

10) Bonnebell is out of business?- The makers of Lip Smackers, Bonnebell have sold their company... I believe to the manufacturers of Wet N Wild Beauty products and are closing their company in Westlake, Ohio. If you're a girl, you have probably had a lip smacker or two in your life and know that they are fantastic. I'm happy they aren't completely stopping Lip Smackers all together. I like Wet N Wild cosmetics, so I'm happy that they bought the company... but it feels so weird that it won't be the same lip smackers I grew up with.

11) Bruce Jenner confirms transition and is going to have an E docuseries about this- I think its brave for anyone to transition and I'm happy that it is an option for people to become who they really are. It isn't typically "the norm" I suppose... but hey how can you put a define normal anyway? I think it would be incredibly hard to document the journey. I mean right now I'm going from kind of being a kid to being an adult and hopefully an adult with a job in the near future... I document that on this blog which gets like 5 views maybe and I think that's really scary. I can't imagine documenting a real change for millions of people. I applaud Jenner for doing that and wish her luck.

12) Jessica Biel and JT confirm baby rumors- Yes Jessica Biel is pregnant with husband JT's Birthday! I hope he is having a happy birthday and I am sure they will make a beautiful family.

So... that was a lot this week... Hope you liked it!



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