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Superbowl Scoop

I'm not much of a sports person... but I watch the superbowl... mostly for the ads... but the ads sucked this year and the game was pretty okay... soooo here's my little review about it.

First off... Marshawn Lynch. He recently did a press conference in which he answered absolutely no questions and had a giant bowl of skittles on the table. It's just so funny that they kept asking questions and he said NOTHING! lol. Plus he had a giant thing of skittles that he was eating at the game. He's just a funny dude that is quite awesome.

Other things we noticed: Number 75 on the Patriots looked like his uniform was a little snug. A few of the patriots looked like they had a bit of a snug uniform too. Maybe they cheated or something like that since that seems to be a thing they do.

And I was "voting" for the Seahawks to win because Marshawn Lynch, plus they have pretty uniforms and as hot as Tom Brady is, he's a cry baby and I don't like him. Plus its Chris Pratt's team. So yeah, Seahawks had my vote and I thought they did good for most of the show.

And the Halftime Show I thought was really good. I really liked all the lights and the sharks and beach balls and the flying. I thought she just did a really cool job and it was cute. It was one of the most family-friendly performances I've seen in a halftime show and that's cute. A lot of kids like Katy Perry's music and its nice that she performed to their liking...

AND MISSY ELLIOT OMG! That was an awesome little comeback. I'm a fan of Missy Elliot from my younger days lol. They played a lot of Missy Elliot at my Middle School dances. I wish Lenny Kravitz was on a little longer. They made a huge deal about him being the special guest, and he was on for like half a second. It was good though. I like him, so yeah.

And the commercials... lets talk about them because there are usually some good ones that make me laugh out loud... there was not one that I thought was super funny. A lot of them were for Apps, which I thought was stupid. I thought the Lindsay Lohan commercial was kind of in poor taste... I liked the Walter White one, but I love Walter White. And of corse I liked the Mindy Kaling one, but only because I love Mindy Kaling... if someone else were in it I don't think I'd like it as much. And they already showed it sooo many times! I hate that they do that now because, I like the surprise of what they're going to say or do on the commercials. I usually try to avoid them, but I follow Mindy Kaling on all social media, several other Mindy insta accounts and those darn facebook ads stalk me, so they know I'm a fan and they advertise her with the big ice cream thing... so yeah. That was annoying.

Also random: The guy that's sitting with Matt Damon is always in a Duplass Brothers production, he's the guy that is Mark Duplass on Togethernes... I always thought that was Jay Duplass, but it isn't lol. He's just an actor that is also a creator or producer of Togetherness I think. Odd.

And the one weird commercial was quite odd and terrible... you probably know which one I'm talking about. The one that said "hey stop watching the superbowl and watch your kid because they're probably going to die."... ummm okay. Don't tell me my kid is going to die! That's just weird. And my family has been involved with some bad luck and even a freak accident lately... and everyone has been fine and things are just things so that's all that matters... but its scary for us. There are no young children in my immediate household, but we have a dog. Something bad could happen. Its a scary thing. So idk if that was a good commercial or a bad one because it did get my awareness... but really during the super bowl? It was just a scare tactic to get people to buy whatever insurance or whatever they were selling and during the super bowl it was just really odd.

Overall, okay game... wish the Patriots didn't work but it was exciting. Commercials were meh and creepy. Ohhh I did like the new Ickey Woods commercial. My dog goes crazy for the original Ickey Woods Geico commercial. Its pretty funny. And yeah. I didn't watch The Blacklist after the show because I don't really watch The Blacklist often... but yeah. That was a cool choice for the After-the-superbowl show.



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