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This Week In TV! Storybrooke is Frozen,Always Sunny guest stars on Fox Comedies,Selina Kyle origin &more (9/3/14)

Sooo this is a new thing I want to do every week... As you may know, I watch a lot of TV and I've thought of doing OUAT Recaps... but then when AHS comes back on I'm going to want to do that also... so I just thought why not just do a full on recap of all the shows I've watched that week at the end of the week? There will probably be spoilers, there are some shows I don't always watch but I'll try to catch up on.

Also I want to try to write these pretty much right after I watch whatever show I watch, so these will all be reviews I write different times probably.

Once Upon A Time- Ahhhh the long awaited Frozen Once Upon a Time premier! I didn't like the movie Frozen all that much, but I was excited to see what Once Upon a Time would do with it... and overall I was both pleased and slightly disappointed. I liked the addition of Elsa and Anna, I think they're both really fun characters and great actresses and Kristoff too was quite funny. But... I'm afraid that it's going to be too focused on Frozen. Even in this episode, I thought they were focusing wayyyy more on the Frozen storyline than what was going on with Emma and Mr. Gold and all of the characters we already know and love (or love to hate lol.) I kind of thought that would be an issue... but I think in coming weeks it won't be quite as big of an issue. They needed to introduce us to these characters and to this world this week.

Also... I'm kind of afraid this will be almost a kids show... not gonna lie. There used to be a ton of death and some sexytime on the show... and I think they'll try to avoid that now because people will be watching with their kids. I thought the show was going in a much darker direction in season 2 and I thought that was cool and it would continue to go there... but now its a bit too fluffy.

Also they need to stop with the CGI on the show! It's bad! It was bad with August, its bad with the abominable snowman and it was bad with the trolls. I really don't like when they do CGI! Plus it made frozen wayyyyyyy too much like the actual movie and I already saw the movie and I didn't like it... so it wasn't my favorite episode.


Gotham-I'm starting to really like this show. I thought this episode was really good because it kind of highlighted two villains that we're beginning to know. First off, we saw a little more of The Penguin, we met his mom who was AMAZING and that was a good story to begin with because he's becoming more of a villain instead of just a villanous sidekick and I think that's good.

Also the main storyline centered around Catwoman and the missing teens that were being captured. I love the girl that plays Cat! She is just sooo sooo good and funny and tough. She may be one of my favorite catwomen now! Really liked seeing more of her and hope to see even more of her soon cause I'm a little obsessed with that character.


New Girl - Jess's dad is dating Dee from always Sunny!?!?!?! She's a recovering Sex Addict??? Schmidt is selling men sponges? This was overall just a really funny and goofy episode, with all the sweetness and lovable friendship moments that New Girl is known for. I've been liking this season a lot so far. It's good.

The Mindy Project- Dennis from Always Sunny shows up and tries to ruin Danny and Mindy!!!!! This was funny as always and I love Ike Berkawitz and Adam Pally. Good laughs.

Forever-I missed the second episode of this show, but I watched it this week and it was really good. I always like storylines wear people are dying because of things that make them younger... that being said it's been done a LOT! It isn't the first time this has been on TV, its nothing knew. I liked the way that they did it, but I also think they could have taken it a squidge further. I think Henry's son (right thats his son? I need to rewatch the first few eps) should have actually taken the medicine and they would have saved him. The steaks looked so high on the commercial and the episode didn't pull it off that much.


The League- This was too funny! Kevin and Jenny got a hot tub for their Sexiversary. Kevin wore thin pants without underwear and then got a little too close to Ruxim's wife... it was just disaster after disaster and it was just so funny. I like this show.


How To Get Away With Murder- A few of the pieces are coming together and I think by next week we'll have a bit more of a picture of what's happening on the show. I thought this week was a little slower. After a very exciting Pilot and a good episode of Scandal and Greys* it just lost a little bit of momentum. Uhhh yeah. That is about it.

This weeks winner... I think was Gotham for drama and Mindy for comedy. Next week I'll try to watch some more things on DVR, but right now I'll just keep it at these shows. I'll keep watching all of these of corse, but this is just where I stand from this week's episode!


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