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Stuff that happened this week! (9/28/14-10/4/14)

1) Blogger explains "The Pixar Theory"- This Blogger created a very detailed post, and video about the "pixar theory" that has been speculated on for years. Basically that all Pixar movies take place in one universe, but all in different times. It covers all of Pixar's current movies that you have probably already seen, and even covers some that aren't out yet or that were never released. It ponders what Newt would have been (A Pixar project that was meant to be released but was pushed back because of Brave and later cancelled because of its similarities to Rio.) And it poses questions that may be answered in the upcoming Finding Dory and The Good Dinosaur. It's super detailed and I buy it. Do I think when they started making these Pixar movies they set out for it to become this? No. Do I think these movies are meant to be the Tarinto movies for children? No... but I like this guys theory and I think its solid enough for me to believe.

Another thing that he doesn't mention that I think is interesting are the car movies at the end of Cars... which are the same as other pixar movies. I think these are examples of what the car directors thought could have been in the past. Maybe Boo left the stories of what happened behind? Also Mike Wisowski was swimming in the ocean in Finding Nemo... support of the evolution of the Monster universe!

2) Amanda Bynes Arrested for DUI in California, while on Probation- I was watching Big Fat Liar the night before this story happened! It really makes me sad when I see Amanda Bynes in the news for bad reasons because I didn't think she would end up like this. I thought she would be super normal. She was always funny and seemed to know what to do. I don't know what her problem is, if its drugs, alcohol mental illness or whatever, but I really hope she gets all the help she needs. Amanda, please! (okay bad place for a pun...)

3) Success of Tusk leads to funding for Clerks 3- I don't really know how I feel about this. I feel like I should like Kevin Smith and I don't dislike him... but meh. I would probably like Clerks if I saw it. My dad took my sister to see it when she was little I guess because the guy is from Jersey and she wanted to see it and then he said "Don't ever let your mother see this movie" which is funny! And one time when we were all out and my mom was home alone, she watched Clerks 2 and I think she liked it! I also think she met him one time when she worked at Borders. Idk, he doesn't seem like a jerk, but I've heard from people he kind of is. Well maybe he isn't, but they say that people working in Jay and Silent Bob's comic book store in Red Bank are... I've been there and I think they were taping a podcast or something and they seemed nice... but you know people are usually nice to girls in comic book stores.

Anyway... I sort of want to see Tusk... sort of don't, I'll probably wait till its on Netflix and I'll probably watch the other Clerks movies while I'm at it... That's a lot of stories but I feel like I have this odd connection where I have a bunch of stories about Kevin Smith... that really have nothing to do with this story. Lolz! Maybe if they film in Jersey I can be in it! Hahaha!

4) Modern Family editor/director live tweets a terrible, drunken woman's shenanigans on an airplane- This is too funny! So apparently some rude drunk woman was being a nuisance on a train and bragging about everything... but somewhat humble brags, which are gross. (like my girl in a comic book thing before. Lol.) Anyway she was being loud and obnoxious and telling the passenger next to her her whole life story and then forcing him to watch The Mysteries of Laura and... yeah. She eventually got arrested, I'm not going to explain the story because that link tells it all for you!

5) Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher welcome Baby Girl- And the night before this information was released I had a dream that I was on Two and a Half Men and that Ashton was TOTALLY hitting on me and I was flattered and interested, but then realized he's engaged to Mila Kunis who is hotter than me anyway, so that's not gonna happen. Lol not that I'm interested in Kutcher anyway, and I'm not the type to scam on Mila's man... but Dream Shannon was totally into it. But yeah Mila Kunis had a baby girl, not twins which was a rumor I had heard. And they named her Wyatt and showed a bunch of pics on instagram and said "guess which one is our baby" and TMZ guessed and she's adorable!

6) Adam Sandler to release 4 movies exclusively on Netflix- Not a bad decision. Blended failed pretty badly, but Sandler will be successful on Netflix because he's a Netflix type of guy. Plus Netflix is pretty awesome because they can do big budget shows and actually keep them on, I feel like Netflix is both ruining and saving television. And they'll do that for movies too, which is cool!

7) Nicholas D'Agosto to play Harvey Dent in Gotham- A) I thought Gordon's partner was Harvey Dent... could have sworn they called him Dent and he's so two faced anyway I thought it'd be perfect. 2) This guy looks like he can play both the good guy and the crazy guy. After seeing Gone Girl, I appreciate that range in an actor now.

8) Teresa Giudice gets 15 months in jail and her husband gets 41 months- Yep! Well duh! Do the crime, do the crime! I don't watch Housewives. I think my friend has actually met her and said she's super nice (lot of Jersey stories today) I don't know. Like the show or not, she did a bad thing that no one should do and she's gonna pay for it now in jail.

9)Leonardo DiCaprio to play Steve Jobs in new movie- I thought Ashton Kutcher did a good job as Jobs! Lol it wasn't a great movie, but that wasn't Ashton's fault, they focused on the weirdest time in his life, a computer that wasn't even that popular and nothing about Pixar or the Ipod or Iphone or anything... maybe this movie will be better. Idk. I love Leo and I think he'll probably do an amazing job, but its weird that soon there will probably be as many movies about Steve Jobs as there are about Spiderman.

10) Ben Affleck says "Yes" To Nudity, but "No" to wearing a Yankees Hat!- This is pretty funny. Ben Affleck is a professional actor, he is also a director and he knows David Finchel and knows the problems that directors have... yet he refused to wear a freaking Yankees hat in a brief scene in a movie, but had no opposition to showing his dong! (okay I saw the movie, if there was a dong scene it must have been so brief I didn't even notice it because I was looking... I mean I was with my parents so not looking that much, but I was looking.) Anyway I would probably do the same thing. I wouldn't want to wear a Red Sox hat in a movie! I would probably stand by saying that in the movie.

I think that's it for this week. I didn't post yesterday because I was lazy... lol good enough excuse right? I had some homework to do and I couldn't think of a good post. But here you go! And tomorrow there will be a Gone Girl Movie Review!



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