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Flashback Friday: Are You Afraid Of The Dark and Goosebumps

Sooo this week I thought I would do a little bit of a Halloween theme and compare some classic Children's Horror shows. I watched 3 episodes of Are You Afraid of the Dark and half an episode of Goosebumps and I thought I would compare. I really wanted to watch So Weird also, but I couldn't find any episodes on youtube. Also this was supposed to be a Throwback Thursday... but I accidentally published my Sharp Objects review before... lol.

So Are You Afraid of The Dark was kinda cool because it is scary for kids and it definitely seems like the stories are stories that kids would tell at sleepovers and camping and stuff like that. One of the episodes I watched was about a girl that went missing and another girl found her trapped inside of a doll house, another where there was a radio station to lead the undead to the afterlife (guest starring Sir Gilbert Gottfried) and another one where there were Golden Fortune Cookies that showed you what you wanted in life and the downfalls of fame and fortune and what it might cost to get there. Side Note: The kid in the Radio Station episode I kept thinking looked familiar. Like a young Ryan Gosling. Turns out it was a young Ryan Gosling. I probably thought he was cute when I was a kid too.

I felt like all of these stories were relatable and all to very different kids. The Doll House one was centered around little girls, the radio for little boys and the Fortune Cookie was more for teenagers. One other one I remember watching and I saw it online recently was a restaurant that served a type of soup that would show you your worst fear or something like that. That still scares me today. I've read about Haunted Houses where you're locked alone in a dark room and scary looking people taunt you and make you do things that you don't want to do... and it reminds me of that room in that episode because it just is scary to lock yourself in a room with your biggest fear. Also I feel like its a pretty obvious nod to 1984, which was kinda cool... even though I sort of hated that book.

For adults... its a little boring, but I think its really clever the way that they told stories that kids would actually tell and I think there are at least a few nods to classic horror stories and even lit. It's pretty cool all around.

And Goosebumps. First I watched The Halloween Mask episode which I saw pretty much every Halloween in my Grammar School.... which I was only at for 3 years but whatever lol. This was the only Goosebumps they had at the library and we would always watch this around halloween and it was scary. I watched like half of an episode a few days ago and I didn't get to finish it and I'm pretty sure that now its been removed from youtube, and the only video I could find had this annoying frame surrounding the picture and the audio was bad... so yeah. I didn't watch that. It was okay. Kind of boring now as an adult. I was thinking of reading a goosebumps book as a grown up cause I don't think I ever actually read one... but I'm good. Lol.

So yeah. Good shows that I can see how this is really scary for a kid, but watching it all grown up... not so much.



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