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Stuff that happened this week- 10/12/14-10/18/14

1) The Mortal Instruments to become a tv show- The popular book series about... I have no idea what its about, is set to have a tv show maybe sometime in the future. I'm always skeptical about these things. I believe there was supposed to be a Delerium tv show that didn't end up working out. I think Emma Roberts was even in talks to star, but that didn't happen, there was supposed to be a show based on a book called Swamplandia and that never happened. I wouldn't hold my breath if you are a fan of the series, but I want to read the book and watch the movie, so I'm putting this as noteworthy news this week.

2) American Horror Story renewed for season 5- I was sort of questioning this. I think AHS could easily go on forever, but this year also marks the last season for the leader of the AHS gang, Jessica Lange. I think the show will definitely be hard to recognize without her, but I think it will still be as good... or bad as other seasons. The premier of Freakshow was the highest rated for the series so far, so it isn't all that surprising. I didn't think it was as good as other premiers... but thats just me!

3) Kat Dennings dating Josh Groban- There's a weird couple if I ever heard one... not quite sure why, I think that Groban and Kat are both in the comedy circle for whatever reason and they probably have mutual friends. Groban was a guest star on the Office and he's been in other things with notable comedians. Kat Dennings is a notable comedian I suppose... they are both beautiful people... it just seems unexpected? Maybe because he has the voice of an angel and she tells super dirty jokes on Two Broke Girls... not quite sure, but again I always like attractive couples getting together.

4) TV shows picked up for a full season- So far 3 shows have been ordered for a full season. Two of them are my favorite shows of the season, so I'm not surprised. Gotham and How To Get Away With Murder are both getting full seasons and so is the ABC comedy Blackish starring Anthony Anderson. Good for those shows! I think HTGAWM and Blackish were picked up last week and this week Gotham was announced, but still. All related.

5) Creepy clowns in Wasco California- Apparently there is a creepy clown hanging out by the "welcome to Wasco" sign in California and it is terrifying. Police are looking out for him, technically he isn't doing anything illegal... but I don't think the coppers are happy... so yeahhh. Be careful, I'm glad I live on the East Coast... although this happened in Long Island a few months ago. Aghhh.

6) Rainbow Brite reboot- Yep thats right! My mom just got my sister and I some really cool Rainbow Brite ornaments that were on sale and now they're rebooting the series! I believe the voices are Emily Osment and Molly Ringwald. The animation doesn't look quite as cute as the original, but its still pretty cool. I love Rainbow Brite! I think its just such a cute and colorful cartoon and really its  just girly and fun and cartoonish. I love it and I probably won't watch the reboot because I'm 23 now and that would be weird, but I'm excited for kids today to have Rainbow Brite.

7) Lady Gaga and Taylor Kinney have commitment ceremony- I feel like this is kind of speculation, but it makes sense to me at least. Apparently there has been some ring spotting and sources say that there was a secret commitment ceremony in front of family and friends for Gaga and her boyfriend Taylor Kinney. Reports are claiming that between her Gaga-ing and his Chicago Fire-ing the two are too busy for a real wedding just now... but they wanted to have a ceremony to show their love. The two are unofficially expected to be officially married sometime next year! lol.

8) Bono apologizes for giving everyone with an Iphone a free CD- Do we really need an apology to this? I kind of wish they did this for smaller indie bands like they do with the single of the week. Remember when they had the Feist song on their commercial and everyone wanted to download that song? Wouldn't it have been great if they just put that new cool Canadian band that no one knew about right on our phone? I think that's a great idea! But yeah its a free cd, cds are easy enough to delete on itunes, I don't think Bono should have to apologize. Plus everyone complaining about it probably ruined it for future bands doing this... so thanks Hipsters! You've ruined possibly getting unknown bands that you claim to know before they get famous to get famous. That kinda sucks.

9) Friends Complete series coming to Netflix- I don't know why this is exciting to me, but it is. I mean I love Friends, but I already own all the DVDs obviously and I've seen the entire series about 70 times already, and watch reruns often as well... but I almost understand how Gilmore Girls fans feel now! Sidenote: I don't get the big deal of Gilmore Girls. I watched a few episodes... and nothing happened. There was no drama, there was barely a plot. It's probably one of the worst shows I've ever seen and I understand its a lot of people's favorite show... but I DON'T GET IT! Lol. I had to get that tiny rant out there.

10) Neil Patrick Harris to host the Academy Awards- This is an early announcement for this so who really knows what is going to happen, but NPH is happy, he's done a good job hosting the Emmy's and Tony's and he's kind of amazing so I don't see why he wouldn't host the Oscars. I think he'll do a great job and I'm actually excited for it. Also how creepy was he in Gone Girl? He was amazing!

11) Don't send in the Clowns to Review AHS Freakshow- Apparently clowns are angry at Freakshow's portrayal of Twisty the Clown. I'm not for Angry clowns... but AHS is not the first pop culture reference to a scary clown. In fact I think after IT, everyone just kind of agreed clowns are creepy as hell. Also it isn't so much the clown that is scary, its the murdering part... so I think as long as they don't kidnap and/or murder people... they should be fine. Really murderers should be angry about it.

12) Paul Rudd invites everyone to party at his parent's lake house- Okay, I exaggerated that part... he's not exactly like his Parks and Rec character. But still after the Royal's won, Paul Rudd invited fans to party at his mom's house. That's adorable. Paul Rudd is an American Treasure!


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