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Stuff That Happened This Week-10/5/14-10/11/14

1) Blake Lively expecting first baby with husband Ryan Reynolds- I always like announcing Celebrity Baby news, especially when the celebrities are as attractive as Blake and Ryan. Lol. This is the first child for them both and I'm very happy for them. I liked Ryan and ScarJo together and their divorce was sad, but I'm happy that they've both found happiness and they have their own families now. Good for them! And congrats to Blake and Ryan!

2) Sony in talks to allow Spiderman to appear in Marvel films- Something missing from the Marvel Movies is of corse Spiderman... and since Sony owns Spiderman and Disney owns Marvel, it seemed impossible. But it's not maybe. I'm not sure how I feel about this... I hope they don't make another spiderman movie. They seriously need to wait a while before rebooting franchises from now on because its getting to the point where it just sucks and its sad.

3) Disney to have Animated Guardians of the Galaxy- This is a good move for Disney. Now with Spiderman maybe and then Guardians animated series. It just makes sense. Also I think Guardians was a really fun movie and it seems like it should be a cartoon. I'd think of watching it as an adult!

4) Paul Feig and Katie Dippold in talks to remake Ghostbusters with funny lady cast- This is exciting news. I've always been on board for this since Mindy Kaling mentioned it in her book. Katie and Paul are both two of the funniest people that could pull this off, and I'm really excited to hear who the cast is. I have my predictions that I will share soon...

5) NBC wanted Jon Stewart to host Meet The Press- What a weird world that would be. I don't know if it would be as bad as people are saying it would be, Jon Stewart is a smart guy, he knows politics better than most people. I'd prefer his word to anyone on Meet The Press... but he's a comedian and we need him to do comedy. He has the Daily Show and he's perfect on that, and I'm glad that that is his thing and he stuck with that. Also random: My mom met him and said he's a very nice person. Cool right?

6) JK Rowling tweets cryptic messages that send the twitterverse creating random theories-  JK Rowling is a writer. Writers are clever people that often know that their fans follow their tweets and understand when she makes a reference to a previous book. She made a reference to something about a wand, everyone on twitter was like "THERE IS A NEW HARRY POTTER BOOK OHHH MY GOD!" and there was crazyness happening. That probably won't happen. I think she was referring to Fantastic Beasts, could be wrong. It's not an immediate conclusion I would jump to though. She was just being clever. 

7) Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes name baby girl Esmerelda- Cool I guess? I wonder if Eva's sister was just saying that and she's going to change the baby's name to Holly (super SUPER obscure reference. If you get it 10 points to whatever house you belong to!) Lol again, I like when attractive people have babies and I think for celebrities... Esmerelda is a pretty tame name. But Esmerelda Gosling? The first name is so extravagant and the last name isn't nearly as extravagant... idk. I'm not a fan of the name. I think they should change it to Holly.

8) Sad and Funny Ebola News- The sad news is that the first US patient to have Ebola has died over the weekend. The family blames the hospital for not really knowing what to do. Its sad but I think hospitals know what to do now and hopefully things will improve for future patients with Ebola. Also keep in mind, in other countries this is not news. People die from this more often, so it is lucky that we live in a society where this is news. Also there isn't an Ebola outbreak or anything. It's not an easy disease to catch, the media is just making a big deal out of it so people keep watching the news to find out whats going to kill them this month.

On a much lighter note, there was an Ebola scare on an airplane. One person sneezed and joked saying it was Ebola and the person next to them got all paranoid and said "Oh my god this guy has Ebola" and everyone started freaking out and people in Hazmat suits had to come in and search the plane and this guy and... ugh. It was just a bunch of chaos and basically something that has happened in every movie and every sitcom ever.

9) Twin Peaks getting Showtime remake- I've never actually watched the original Twin Peaks, but I like Kyle McLaughlin and the show is mostly based off of his character which is cool I guess. My sister liked Twin Peaks a lot so she is really happy for this reboot. It isn't a remake its a reboot I think.

10) Archer removes the name Isis from the show- I was sort of wondering what would happen with this. I guess at Comic Con the writers discussed this and said that they would remove the name of the agency that Archer works at from the show. I think on their store they still had merch that said Isis on it... hopefully they've stopped selling that. Some people say it might be funny if they brought it up in the show saying that they were suing the terrorism group for the name... I mean yeah its funny to me that its the same name and it's something they would do on the show that is kind of funny... and they did have the name first... but people died brutal deaths. Not something I really think should be funny.

There was also some sort of phone thing called isis that was on my mom's phone that she saw and was scared of... but they are also changing their name for obvious reasons. Man, what a weird thing that so many things are named? Idk its odd.

So that is everything that has happened this week. I was going to post This Week in TV today, but I didn't get to see Forever yet. For some reason it isn't available in HD on my tv yet and I'm not going to watch it in SD on an HD TV! That's just ridiculous! #firstworldproblems. Lol.



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