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Scribbles About Movies- Horror Movies: Good and Bad

So I haven't seen a whole lot of Horror movies, but I feel like I've seen enough to know what is good and what is bad... so I'll share it with you.

Sleepaway Camp- This is my favorite horror movie ever... if not one of my favorite movies ever. It is insanely bonkers with the best twist ending ever pretty much. It's wayyyy out of left field... I mean there are clues if you watch it a second time... but holy shit. This movie is fantastic and I highly HIGHLY recommend it.

Shutter- This one is a weird one. I saw it so long ago, but it kind of sticks out in my mind. It's definitely worth a watch, Joshua Jackson is really hot but he is incredibly creepy in this movie. And he's kind of not exactly the worse villain in the world.

The Grudge- I like Sarah Michelle Gellar and this wasn't a bad movie... but it didn't scare me all that much. It was a little creepy, but mostly it just dragged on and on and I had no idea what the hell was happening.

The Grudge 2- This one was a little better because I actually knew what was going on and stuff. Plus I think the deaths were a little bit more exciting. I like Amber Tamblyn also. The whole concept of this story isn't the best overall... but I liked this movie. Maybe because I saw it for my 15th birthday party and I have fun memories of that, but I liked this more than the others.

Paranormal Activity Series- The first movie and the third movie were just amazing. The second one was too similar of an ending to the first... and then the fourth one was a Nickelodeon movie with a bunch of weird product placement. I like the series as a whole and I'll continue to see the actual Paranormal Activity movies,  but I had no real interest in "The Marked Ones."

The Ring Series- This series wasn't bad. It isn't scary so much as it is creepy. There were lots of weird creepy moments that were interesting. Also I have no idea how the first one and second one are different. I think I liked the second better cause Naomi Watts was a little badass, but I liked them both.

Orphan- There are a lot of these movies that I've seen where you know who the killer is already and there really aren't any twists... no one too important is killed. Prom Night, Disturbia and The Stepfather are a very similar format... they're all okay but I wouldn't seek them out and see them in theaters or anything.

Carrie (original)- I didn't see the whole movie. I saw the part where her mom calls her breasts "dirty pillows" or "Dirty Mattresses." or something along those lines and then when she's at the prom and she goes up on stage... which takes a half hour I swear... and then she gets the pigs blood dumped on her and all hell breaks loose. I thought it was boring and my friend and I were making fun of the end and the home going in the ground and then Carrie's hand popped up from the grave and scared the crap out of us! I still want to see it all the way through... but meh.

IT- This is actually a really scary movie. It's really good too overall in my opinion. It didn't scare me that much because I watched it in the daytime... actually I think I watched a bunch of movies, it was at a sleepover and I think we watched Spaceballs at night and then this movie and Jaws during the day... and it was good, but really creepy. I'd probably be scared to watch it again... but maybe I should... it is a good movie.

Grave Encounters- Weird psychological thriller. Goodish? Kinda boring but really creepy. Also hard to explain to people. It was also kind of a parody of Ghost Hunters types of shows. OHHHH P.S if you want a good parody of a horror movie for halloween, Jawbreaker is great.

From Hell- Jack the Ripper movie where Johnny Depp is a druggie reporter investigating Jack the Ripper... its good.

One of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Remakes- I don't know which one I saw... but it was bad. I remember a guy had his arms and legs chopped off and he was hanging from something and he was still alive for like a long time! It was pretty funny.

The Sixth Sense- Psychological Thriller. Twist ending that my parents guessed right away. As a kid it was creepy, but its actually almost a feel-good movie. lol.

The Blair Witch Project- This wasn't scary... like not even slightly. I get that at the time it seemed so different and cool... but if you try to watch it today. Meh.

The Forgotten- Another more psychological thriller with a happy ending. I was happy that they tied all the ends so that there would be no sequels. I'm always excited for no sequels!

The Skeleton Key- This was a weird one. I think this is the first horror movie I saw in theaters... no I guess The Village was. I liked this movie a lot though. I don't know that I understand the end and I can't even remember it really... but I liked it.

I Know Who Killed Me- Weirdest Parent Trap Sequel Ever! I actually enjoyed the movie, I watched it at a sleepover, so I was half asleep but it really wasn't bad. It was partially "so bad its good" and if you listen to the How Did This Get Made episode on this and a mini episode where an extra from the movie explained what life on the set was like... just a really memorable movie.

The Exorcist- Meh. I was really scared of the idea of this movie when I was little and the concept of it scares me a lot... but it isn't really the scariest movie I've ever seen... idk what movie I would say is the actual "scariest movie ever." I probably didn't sleep at all the night I saw it... but meh. It was disturbing to see the little kid that way, and it was creepy... but I wasn't really scared.

House on Haunted Hill- Fun Fact: This is the first R-rated movie I ever saw. I saw it at my friends house when I was 9 probably... which is a little too young to see this movie but it wasn't really scary. There was a lot of weird sexual stuff in it though.

Signs- I really like this movie. I like aliens. I feel like if I watched this now I would think its really stupid. I don't remember all that much of it, but its probably kind of stupid... lol.

The Uninvited- This was actually a really good movie. Elizabeth Banks was in it and she was absolutely incredible. She was sort of playing two different parts too cause she was kind of a good guy and a bad guy. There is a good and unexpected twist in this too.

Cabin In The Woods- I love this movie. It is kind of like the ULTIMATE horror movie in my opinion because really it has everything. It's got zombies, conspiracies, end of the world, I think there is just about every horror movie trope ever... and it is sort of a comedy. It's a brilliant movie.

Smiley- This is really good. It has Shane Dawson in it too! I like that guy! I like the use of technology in it. I liked this one. It was scary and creepy and good.

The Shining- I didn't finish this movie... I didn't love it. I thought there was a lot going on and it was just a LOT. I liked that the kid could read minds and stuff, I thought that was cool.

Donnie Darko- I don't think I actually saw all of this either. It was kinda good from what I did see. Definitely different than any other movie I've seen.

Jaws- Pretty much the best movie ever.

That is it. A bad horror movie= a GREAT comedy! So yeah.



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