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Stuff That Happened This Week: (7/27-8/1)

1) Harry Potter dressed as Spider-Man for Comic Con- Last Weekend was San Diego Comic Con, and you know what that means Cosplay galore! That is no exception for the actual stars on the panel as well! Daniel Radcliffe was attending Comic Con to promote his new movie Horns which looks super awesome and I think it's a horror-comedy, which is a genre I am a fan of. He didn't want to miss out on the experience that the fans were having of cosplaying,so he decided to dress as Spider-Man for the event. I think Daniel Radcliffe is an awesome human being and I feel like this further proves that he is. He just seems like an awesome guy to talk to and be friends with and he could probably be in any movie he wants, he's Harry-Freaking-Potter, he could probably never do another movie again and still have a ton of money and be a legend and celebrated actor, but he does cool indie movies now and I kinda respect that. And plays and musicals, also interesting to see Harry Potter in. I like him and I think this is cool! 

2) Guy Fakes an Emergency to get out of getting a ticket- This is so stupid, but people do shit like this all the time. This guy called the cops and told them that a man was holding a gun to his head and that it was an emergency when in reality, there was no one holding a gun to his head, just police officers about to give this idiot a speeding ticket. He really sounded convincing over the phone so the guy must have been a complete sociopath, but yeah... He faked an emergency which ended up getting him in way more trouble than a speeding ticket. This is a grown ass man that we allow to ride around in a car- basically a giant metal death machine. Just crazy. 

3) 1 degree of Kevin Bacon at Comic Con- Kevin Bacon is someone that always seems to have a sense of humor about himself. His band The Bacon Brothers had a tour called the No Food Jokes Tour. His wife Keira Sedgewick is pretty cool. And now he instagramed a video of himself with all the lovely people at comic con so that they could be separated by only 1 degree instead of 6 degrees... Such as the popular game 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon... Which I'm going to do right now...

Danielle Radcliffe was in Harry Potter with Emma Watson. 

Emma Watson was in Noah with Jennifer Connoley 

Jennifer Connoley was in Labyrinth with David Bowie 

David Bowie was in The Prestige with Scarlett Johansen 

Scarlett Johansen was in Girl with The Pearl Earring with Colin Firth 

Colin Firth was in Mamma Mia with Meryl Streep 

Meryl Streep was in Death Becomes Her with Goldie Hawn 

Goldie Hawn was in The Banger Sisters with Susan Sarandon 

Susan Sarandon was in Dead Man Walking with Sean Penn 

Sean Penn was in Mystic River with Kevin Bacon 

(That took longer than it had too... But I wanted to get some ridiculous and serious movies and David Bowie in there. I could have just went with Emma Thompson in Harry potter moves then connected that to Colin firth and finished the same way... But this was more fun.) 

Anyway long story short: if you are connected to someone that was at comic con... You are now connected to Kevin Bacon. 

4) The Bachelorette finale and awkward reunion between finalist- The Bachelorette ended this week and Andi chose... Josh (I had to look this up) over Nick and it got weird. Apparently Nick admitted that he and Andi slept together before she made her final decision. In his words the two did "fiancé type stuff" in their hotel room together... Which I'm guessing means butt stuff? I don't know... I guess that's for everyone's own decision. Some people are saying it's immature of him to be so upset about this and it wasn't very classy for him to admit he and Andi had crazy sex together before she rejected him. Yeah it's always immature to be like "yeah we totally had sex" (a' la Captain Hammer)... But at the same time I would be upset too! If a woman had said that she was upset because she made love to a guy before he rejected her you would say "aww poor girl" and "what a total jerk" about the guy. I think there is a real double standard with the rejected guy being upset and people deeming him immature. I do think it's funny that he refers to whatever they did as "fiancé stuff" because that is just hilarious and awesome! Lol. 

Btw I don't know these peoples last names nor do I really care enough to google that... So if you're wondering who these people are they aren't really famous anyway but you can google it yourself! I'm not doing this work for you! Lol 

5) 3 year old Tiger Woods- There is an adorable 3-year old golf prodigy that is doing just as good as Tiger Woods. I might put this in a Shannon Goes Viral because it is a video and I feel like it would go better if I talk about it in a different post... Not after the fiancé stuff lol. Apparently there was a video of Tiger Woods when he was 3 also doing amazing at golf doing just as well! So this kid could be the next tiger woods! 

Although there was no predicting when Tiger was 3 that he would do Fiancé type stuff with everyone except his wife... But whatever. Moving on lol. 

6) Orlando Bloom vs. Justin Bieber- Okay no other celebrity gossip news or funny fluff type of news matters this week... This is where my post will end! Apparently there was a video that surfaced fairly recently of a fight between Orlando Bloom and The Beibz! This is literally like my Christmas... I can't even believe it! It's wayyy to good to be true. So apparently there are rumors of Teeny Baby Justin Bieber- who is a wimp by the way- with Beautiful model and ex wife of Orlando Bloom Miranda Kerr... Who is also the mother of Bloom's son and should not be around Justin Beiber if she's a mom. And that's not all... Guess who Bloom has been spotted with recently. Freaking Selena Gomez! That's who! 

And while I support anyone who punches Justin Beiber in the face... I have to say it is kind of immature of Orlando Bloom to pick on him. Orlando Bloom is nearly 40 years old Bieber isn't even 21 yet! The kid is dumb anyway just leave him alone! You're too good for that Orlando! Not to mention don't punch him for gettin it on with your sloppy seconds when you're doing the same with him! Damn boy! 

Not that Miranda Kerr is sloppy, she's too good for J-Biebs and Bloom is too good for Selena for that matter! I've always had the feeling that Orlando Bloom never really got over Miranda Kerr and why should he she's gorgeous and seems really sweet and like she's a good mom. Plus that's like the first question every reporter asks him. It's just kind of made him this sad person now that goes around punching 20 year old Canadian pop stars. It's a little sad. 

Anyway that is it. More stuff happened I know... But I mean let's face it... No news is ever more fun than a very public celebrity feud with a love square to boot! It's just too awesome! 



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