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Shannon Logic:Symbolic Politics

I've done a ShanLogic on romantical type of advice before. This is my second theory... Don't take anything I say too seriously here, this won't be much of a controversial post, but my opinions are mine, yours are yours. 

I say this like I'm going to explain politics in the most controversial way possible, but the truth is this is the most basic way to explain politics that really makes sense to me. A lot of times politicians give out freebies while trying to get your vote. They probably don't choose the freebies or anything, a comittee probably does... But I feel like they can say a lot about a candidate and maybe it's something that can help you make your decision. 

So I think a reliable candidate would give something like a Chip Clip as a freebie. First off, it's an entirely useful freebie, potato chips don't always close easily and some people (I'm talking to you, dad!) leave the bag open and the chips get soggy or stale. Not only is it a useful item... But it's actually a very good solution to a problem. It just closes the bag and seals it shut. It doesn't give a temporary fix, the chip clip will last for as long as you have the chips. It closes it, seals it shuts and it solves your problem easily and without mess. 

Something I think that would be more unreliable is something like a fly swatter. Sure it's useful, but it isn't all that practical. It's big and hard to store. It's not a guarantee that you will actually swat the fly itself, and it will leave the mess at least of a dead bug, possibly you could break something while swatting as well. It's also sort of a waste of money... It's not like the candidate himself is spending this money on the freebies, he's getting money from fundraisers and whatnot. I'm guessing a fly swatter is more expensive than a chip clip and it isn't so sing anyone needs. You could easily kill a fly with a magazine or newspaper. Plus is that the way you really want your candidate to solve your problems? Just killing them! That's morbid and messy. It's not reliable. It's not someone I would trust as my government elected official... I don't like it! 

So there's my little theory on politics. I've seen other freebies like fans... Those aren't all that practical for long term use... But usually they're just cardboard and they hand them out at fairs. You may think the chip-clip guys would be bad because they encourage unhealthy eating habits, but I mean healthy foods go bad if you don't close them either. Plus I could really not give a damn about that in my candidates. Healthy food is gross and cookies and chips are delicious. I stand by that. Lol. 



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