So I was cleaning my room last night and I decided to watch Spice World and then I ended up watching more of Spice World than cleaning and I thought "hey, there's a throwback Thursday!" I was going to watch some Robin Williams movies and review them, but there are a lot I haven't seen and want to, so that isn't much of a throwback for me.
Now I must have watched this every day for at least a month when I was a little kid, but somehow I remembered none of the actual storyline. I remembered the bad guy not liking that they were in the paper every day, I remember them singing a lot, I remember the aliens and I remember there being a documentary and the scene at the credits... But I remember like nothing else. I also remember the tour bus,which is absolutely ridiculous because it's huge and it just wouldn't happen. I didn't remember them having a pregnant-non-spice girl storyline. It was weird.
I seemed to think that this movie had some kind of a plot... And it didn't. There was no plot, there may have been some arcs... But it didn't make sense at all. It was still entertaining somehow, I have no idea how but it kept me watching. I could have easily been like "this is dumb I'm done watching this" but I didn't. I still don't know that I remember any of it because I'm listening to the How Did This Get Made episode about the movie... And I don't remember any of these scenes that they're talking about.
It seemed like they wanted to make 3 movies and then just decided to put it in one movie. They were like "let's do an action movie, let's do a documentary, and let's do a fun girl power movie." And I did think the girl power part actually worked. I felt empowered while listening to the music of the movie. I liked that they play "The Lady is a Vamp" at the end of the movie, which is a nice empowering song that I think works. It's probably my favorite.
The best scene that I understand now that I didn't as a kid is when the bus driver, played by Meatloaf talks about having to fix the toilets. The manager or whatever of the spice girls tells him to fix the toilets and says "I love the spice girls and I would do anything for them. But I won't do that." Because of corse he's meat loaf and he says "I would do anything for love, but I won't do that" (p.s. Is it pretty much universally understood that the that he's talking about means butt stuff? Lol). Anyway I though that was super funny.
One thing I thought was weird was that it's just a bunch of little snippets of plots. They have a lot of dream sequences, a boot camp, they hang out with kids, they do a photo shoot where they play different famous women, they play each other, there are some songs.
Ohhh here's one gross scene that I was surprised didn't phase me as a kid. They had a scene where Italian men in their underwear and the girls were offended and then they decided to put them in assless chaps instead...this is a kids movie! Why are assless chaps better than underwear? It's weird. Plus Baby Spice tells one of them that she can't sleep with him because there's no room in her bed with all her stuffed animals and stuff. Creepy lol.
The end of the movie is like someone pitching bad stuff which makes it make zero sense whatsoever. It's the oddest thing ever and I don't see how it made any sense to anyone... But it sort of worked. I guess if you don't take this movie too seriously and just watch it for some fun nostalgia. It works nicely and has a nice soundtrack.
I don't know if I would recommend watching this as an adult if you liked it as a kid... I guess yes I would say watch it because I actually still enjoyed it even though it made no sense. Some movies should just stay in childhood...this seems like if you really thought it was an academy award winning movie as a kid you may be disappointed, but I doubt that happened. Anyway I still like it. I would say watch it. It's on Netflix now, if you're bored and you still like they're music... Watch it and clean your room or something. Lol.
Anyway that's it I think. Let me know what you think!
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