1) He can be in any type of movie- I mentioned this in my review of Guardians, but really Chris Pratt is in a lot of different types of movies! Oscar Nominees?Check! Funniest show on Television? Yep! Action Hero? Yessire! Animated? You Betcha! And he does a great job in all of these roles because he's really versatile. This I think is his first major role that isn't animated, and he did a wonderful job.
2) People Love Working With Him- When he was filming Guardians of The Galaxy, there was some magazine interview I read where Nick Offerman and Aubrey Plaza talked about how much they missed him. I think I've mentioned that he and Nick Offerman would send each other photos of their poop...I will never understand men but clearly that's a strong bond and that doesn't always happen on tv. It's definitely man-crushable that he is so easy to get along with and everyone loves him.
3) He's modest- He doesn't seem like a big Hollywood asshole to brag about his success. He seems like he's a regular guy that is just having fun being famous. When he tweeted the picture of his awesomely hot Guardians of The Galaxy body, he said he only did it because his brother made him do it and that he just "stopped drinking beer for 6 months" in order to achieve it. I'm sure he had a lot of personal trainers and worked really hard to look that way, but he didn't want to brag about it. He also raps flawlessly, which is pretty awesome in itself. And that just adds to making him seem like he's just having fun with all this.
4) He's married to Anna Faris- I find men more crushworthy when they are married to awesome and hot women. I think Justin Timberlake is hotter now that he's married to Jessica Biels. And I think Anna Faris is totally awesome and seems like a really great and fun person. She's soo soo funny and I love the two of them together. They seem really happy and they were both so excited when Anna had her baby and they are just all around adorable!
5) He Makes Characters Really likable- Andy Dwyer wasn't really a likable character on Parks and Rec because he was such an ass to Ann. He wins us over though and we accept that he is with April and that he's married to her. Pete in Guardians also isn't all that likable, but he becomes such a hero and I don't think it's a super easy thing that any actor could pull off. I don't like a lot of super hero movies because they are lacking a sort of likable human side to their main character. Guardians really pulled that off well and I think it's because Chris Pratt is amazing.
6) He's hot and super funny- You really don't see that too often and you can't beat that! He is just awesome. Absolutely love Chris Pratt. He is hilarious and adorable!
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