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Throwback Thursday: Reviews on CDs from the 90s and 00s

So I recently went on a road trip with my friend and we listened to a few FULL CDs from the 90s mostly and a few from 2000s and some I don't think I've listened to before and I've never listened to the full albums before, so that's good. I thourougly enjoyed pretty much all of them, but some more than others. I will review all of them right here. 

1) Nicki Minaj with Pink Friday (I think the roman reloaded special edition... But I'm not sure)- This isn't much of a throwback, but it was the first thing we listened to, so I figured I'd mention it. I didn't hear the whole album, but it was really good from what I did hear. It's also perfect for long road trips because it's 22 tracks long, so it isn't like you need to keep changing CDs. And all the songs are good. Nicki Minaj is also hot! I want to be friends with her. I might need to buy this cd... 

2) N'Sync with No Strings Attached- this is a pretty damn fantastic cd to say the least. The only thing I didn't like about it is that the first few songs are all really great and then there are some less good ones. It has songs for every stage in a relationship though, my friend Regan and I agreed. There are break up songs, prom/wedding songs, sex songs, phone sex songs... It's seriously amazing. They also have fun songs like "just got paid" and "space cowboy". I think as a kid and as an adult the funnest song is Just Got Paid. I loved listening to this on Friday night when I got my allowance as a kid. And embarrassingly enough, I still think of it on Fridays when I get my paycheck as an adult... #noshame. Lol another funny thing is in the song Space Cowboy the lyrics are: Here it comes, millennium and everybody's talkin' bout Jeruselum. Woahhhh N'Sync! Way to bring up actual current events in your song in order to try to make a political statement. But then after this do they mention Jeruselum at all? No, this song had very little to do with Jeruselum. Also I don't know that that current event checks out as something people would actually talk about in the late 90s... I feel like Bill Clinton's sex scandal may have been a better issue at the time... Although maybe that song was later... Still though. It would have been sexier. Guess it didn't rhyme though. Ohh well. Still good Cd! 

3) Spice Girls with Spice World- This is actually a great cd. The spice girls were just awesome! I did review Spice World last Thursday and I really do still like them... I think they totally hold up! I even liked their solo careers, I had Emma Bunton Aka Baby Spice's cd back in the mid 00s I believe. It was good! This only has 10 tracks though, which was normal for back then I guess, Nicki Minaj has 22 on her cd but they only have 10! Crazy to think of! Lol. It's good. I don't still like Brittney Spears even though I loved her as a kid, but I do still love the Spice Girls. Funny enough! Lol. 

4) Fall Out Boy with Infinity on High- This is probably still my favorite. Fall Out Boy will probably always be my favorite, or one of my favorite bands and this isn't my favorite cd of theirs...but I love them. I was sooo upset when this CD came out because I couldn't get it on iTunes because I didn't really know how to do that back then (plus I wanted the Cd) and both of my parents were sick so I couldn't get it the day that it came out! I got it the next day though at Wall Mart and then I got sick and had to stay home from school... Which wasn't the worst because I listened to this cd the whole time. I got sick a lot after this cd came out I think... Weird. Also this was the first new FOB cd that was released after I became a fan of them, so this was the first time I was anticipating the cd...and it was awesome! I remember waiting for it for so long! But it finally came out in like February I believe. 
It's weird because I hardly pay attention to release dates of things anymore... But as a kid that was my life! Lol. 

5) Goo Goo Dolls with Dizzy Up The Girl- The name of this album and the cover of this cd are both so cool! I was a fan of the Goo Goo Dolls when I was younger and they had cool songs like Iris and a bunch of other great songs and stuff! But then they had a bunch of annoying songs and the radio only played them and I forgot how much I liked them. My friend mentioned that she had this cd though, so I figured she might want to listen to it. And I was pleasantly surprised by how much I loved it. Iris may be one of those songs that would make me cry. I mean I'm not really a cryer... But I would probably cry at this if I was in a bad mood... This is a good future blog post. Songs that make me cry! Anyway I loved this cd, so just pick different things and see if you like them. 

6) Avril Lavine with Let Go- This isn't the greatest cd in the world. I was surprised I still knew the words to a lot of the songs. I thought it was funny that she has a song called "things I'll never say" and one of them is "Marry Me Today" which is ironic since she's been married twice now. And I don't know if it'll be her last marriage. Lol. It's funny that when British people sing they don't have British accents... But Canadian singers sound very Canadian. It's not bad, Neil Young has a voice that's really different and I really like him (another singer that's songs could make me cry) and yeah. Again there are good songs there are meh songs but I didn't hate it at all. She's cray now though! Lol 

7)Nirvana with Nevermind- This I only listened to up to Come as You Are but this is a great cd. Smells Like Teen Spirit and Come as You Are are great songs! I told my friend the Misheard lyrics to Fall Out Boy's This Ain't a Scene, it's an Arms Race ("I'm a little man and I'm also evil and also into cats. Also into cats." Instead of "I'm a leading man and the lies we weave are ohh so intricate. ohhh so intricate.") Anyway she wouldn't let me tell her the Nirvana misheard lyrics cause she didn't want me to ruin nirvana for her... 

But for the record :Peanut Butter MASHED POTATOES! Lol. 

That's about it. I hope you liked this throwback Thursday and I hope it encouraged you to listen to some songs you haven't heard in a while! 



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